Truth may hurt, but it alone helps

nothing but truth…..

Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti – the real face

by Dr Vivek Arya, noted indologist

Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti  is regarded as foremost preacher of Sufism among Sufis of India. the belief of Akbar , the mughal emperor that it was his  blessings which lead him a  son and the heir for the mughal throne started trend among people for fulfilling wishes by offering prayer at his mazar. Though people sings more about his miracles but very few are aware of the fact about real stand of last Hindu ruler of our country Prithviraj Chauhan and Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti. Stories have been exaggerated to show Khwaja as mystic with high spiritual powers but truth is nonthe else. The belief of Khwaja in shariat and support to Muslim invader Muhammad Gori in establishment of Islamic rule in India clearly outlines his inclination towards Islam. We will take few examples from his life which will create doubts in our mind about his so called secular? Stand.
The fawaidu’l –fu’ad says that when Khwaja arrived in Delhi from Lahore seven hundred people (Hindus), besides hamidu’din – din dihlawi, embrace Islam (ref- page 117 vol. 1 a history of Sufism in India –Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi).
Khwaja Ajmer visit is mentioned as full of miracles (exaggerated stories). Since Khwaja arrival in Ajmer caused lot of disputes with prithviraj.

1.    Reaching there he decided to sit under a tree, but camel keepers ordered him away as the area belonged to the raj.
(The truth was that camels keeping area was Prithviraj army area in which locals were not allowed. A story has been propagated that due to Khwaja wished that none of the camels were able to stand on their legs. It was only when raI’s officials came and pleaded for guilty Khwaja made them well.  )

2.     The Khwaja and his followers moved to a place near the Anasagar Lake. His servants killed a cow and cooked kebabs for him. Some members of the khwaja’s party went to anasagar and the others to Pansela Lake for ablutions. There were one thousand temples on the two lakes. The Brahmans stopped the ablutions and the party complained to the Khwaja. He sent his servant to bring water for his ewer. As soon as the ewer touched the Pansela Lake, all the lakes, tanks and wells around became dry. The Khwaja went to the anasagar lake temple and asked the name of the idol. He was told it was called sawi deva. The Khwaja asked whether the idol had talked to them. On receiving a negative reply he made the idol recite kalmia and converted it into a human being, naming it sa’di. This caused a sensation in the town. Prithviraj ordered his Prime Minister Jaipal who was also a magician, to avert the evil influence of the Khwaja. Jaipal proceeded to fight the Khwaja with 700 magical dragons, 1500 magical discs and 700 disciples. The Khwaja drew a circle bringing his party within it under his protection , and succeeded in killing all the dragons and disciples. Pithaura and jaipal begged the Khwaja forgiveness. The Khwaja prayer restored water to the lakes, tanks and wells. A large number of people accepted Islam. Pithaura refused tom accept Islam and the Khwaja prophesied he would be handed over to the Islamic army.(ref- ali asghar chisti- jawahir-I faridi , Lahore 1884, pp.155-160 )

(The truth was that This area was considered as sacred by Hindus and killing cow who is also considered as sacred  was heinous crime. the visit of Khwaja to anasagar lake temple caused many controversies as Hindus were not in favor of cow meat eater. second if Khwaja was so powerful then why Muhammad Gori was defeated in first war against prithviraj chauhan, it was only in second war and that also along with combined forces of king jaichand, father of prithviraj wife sayogita helped Mohammad Gori  prithviraj lost the war. Rest all stories are myths in which no wise person will belief.  )

3.    Sheikh nizamuddin-din auliya believed that when Khwaja muinuddin reached Ajmer, India was ruled by Pithaura raI’s and his capital was Ajmer. Pithaura and his high officials resented the sheik’s presence in their city, but the latter’s eminence and his apparent power to perform miracles, prompted them to refrain from taking action against him. A disciple of the khwaja’s was in the service of prithviraj rajs. After the disciple began o receive hostile treatment from the rajs, the Khwaja sent a message to Pithaura in favor of the Muslim. Pithaura refused to accept the recommendation, thus indicating his resentment of, the khwaja’s alleged claims to understand the secrets of the unseen. When Khwaja mu’inu’d-din heard of this reply he prophesied: “we have seized Pithaura alive and handed him over to the army of Islam.” about the same time sultan Muhammad Gori arrived from ghazna, attacked the forces of Pithaura and defeated them. Pithaura was taken alive and thus the khwaja’s prophesy was fulfilled.
(Ref- amir khwurd, siyaru’l – auliya, delhi,1885,pp.45-47)

(The above reference is by a renowned Sufi nizamuddin auliya for another Sufi clears their stand for Islam. they are considered as preachers of brotherhood and humanity. the above reference exposes their attitude towards Hindus.)

July 4, 2009 - Posted by | Sufi Saints | , , , , , , ,


  1. i just want to know one thing.why prithviraj tolerated this nuisansical scum.he could and should have killed him then and there.

    Comment by ashwani | December 19, 2010 | Reply

    • ye mulle hamesa gaddari karte hai. ab bhi kar rahe hai

      Comment by hemant ahuja | December 4, 2014 | Reply

      • u r right

        Comment by satya | February 1, 2015

      • Sahi pakadhe hai.

        Comment by Mullah | September 4, 2016

    • he had tried to kill him but it was allah who saved him

      Comment by md imran khan | June 29, 2015 | Reply

      • u were eye witness when he tried to kill him and allah saved him

        Comment by kamal | July 27, 2015

      • Bwahahhhaaaa hhjhhaaaaa hhhha

        Comment by anishkhan | September 6, 2015

      • If he seriously tried to kill him, then he never give mercy to Mohammad gauri in first battle. Prithviraj was the kind hearted.

        Comment by Pradeep singh | March 18, 2016

    • being an educated person one expects from all of u guys (who commented and who wrote this piece of untrue and illogical history) that before u write something like this about any historical person u r supposed to verify first the truth about it and not just write anything only on your limited knowledge gathered by listening to some orthodox people or by reading a piece of shit like this. if u have so much of doubts about all such historical incidents u can search for it on Wikipedia which consists all true and correct informations.

      i am not supporting any one here only thing that i am supporting here is why to defame someone who had already made his name in our historical culture be it a muslim or a hindu or a shikh or a christan or of any other religion on this earth.

      those who are educated and capable of understanding things and accept things with open arms only those are expected to take this suggestion for any future reading of this type of articles, rest can go on abusing me and use the language “english” not for showing your intellect but to show how disrespect and impolite can u be……………………..

      one can refer to these links for any verification or for cross checking the truth of this article:

      Comment by a prudent person | August 19, 2015 | Reply

      • कुरान में मुसलमानों को केवल मुसलमानों से मित्रता करने का आदेश है। सुरा ३ की आयत ११८ में लिखा है कि, “अपने (मजहब) के लोगो के अतिरिक्त किन्ही भी लोगो से मित्रता मत करो। ”
        लगभग यही बात सुरा ३ कि आयत २७ में भी कही गई है, “इमां वाले मुसलमानों को छोड़कर किसी भी काफिर से मित्रता न करे। ”
        सन १९८४ में हिंदू महासभा के दो कार्यकर्ताओं ने कुरान की २४ आयातों का एक पत्रक छपवाया । उस पत्रक को छपवाने पर उनको गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। परन्तु तुंरत ही कोर्ट ने उनको रिहा कर दिया। कोर्ट ने फ़ैसला दिया,”कुरान मजीद का आदर करते हुए इन आयतों के सूक्ष्म अध्यन से पता चलता है की ये आयते मुसलमानों को गैर मुसलमानों के प्रति द्वेषभावना भड़काती है………….”उन्ही आयतों में से कुछ आयतें निम्न है…..

        सुरा ९ आयत ५ में लिखा है,…….”फ़िर जब पवित्र महीने बीत जायें तो मुशरिकों (मूर्ती पूजक) को जहाँ कहीं पाओ कत्ल करो और उन्हें pakdo व घेरो और हर घाट की जगह उनकी ताक में बैठो। यदि वे तोबा करले ,नमाज कायम करे,और जकात दे तो उनका रास्ता छोड़ दो। निसंदेह अल्लाह बड़ा छमाशील और दया करने वाला है। ”

        सुरा ९ की आयत २३ में लिखा है कि, “हे इमां वालो अपने पिता व भाइयों को अपना मित्र न बनाओ ,यदि वे इमां कि अपेक्षा कुफ्र को पसंद करें ,और तुमसे जो मित्रता का नाता जोडेगा तो ऐसे ही लोग जालिम होंगे। ”
        इस आयत में नव प्रवेशी मुसलमानों को साफ आदेश है कि,जब कोई व्यक्ति मुस्लमान बने तो वह अपने माता , पिता, भाई सभी से सम्बन्ध समाप्त कर ले।

        सुरा ४ की आयत ………..”जिन लोगो ने हमारी आयतों से इंकार किया उन्हें हम अग्नि में झोंक देगे। जब उनकी खाले पक जाएँगी ,तो हम उन्हें दूसरी खालों से बदल देंगे ताकि वे यातना का रसा-स्वादन कर लें। निसंदेह अल्लाह ने प्रभुत्वशाली तत्व दर्शाया है।”

        सुरा ३२ की आयत २२ में लिखा है “और उनसे बढकर जालिम कोन होगा जिसे उसके रब की आयतों के द्वारा चेताया जाए और फ़िर भी वह उनसे मुँह फेर ले।निश्चय ही ऐसे अप्राधिओं से हमे बदला लेना है। ”

        सुरा ९ ,आयत १२३ में लिखा है की,” हे इमां वालों ,उन काफिरों से लड़ो जो तुम्हारे आस पास है,और चाहिए कि वो तुममे शक्ति पायें।”

        सुरा २ कि आयत १९३ …………”उनके विरूद्ध जब तक लड़ते रहो, जब तक मूर्ती पूजा समाप्त न हो जाए और अल्लाह का मजहब(इस्लाम) सब पर हावी न हो जाए. ”

        सूरा २६ आयत ९४ ……………….”तो वे गुमराह (बुत व बुतपरस्त) औन्धे मुँह दोजख (नरक) की आग में डाल दिए जायंगे.”

        सूरा ९ ,आयत २८ …………………..”हे इमां वालों (मुसलमानों) मुशरिक (मूर्ती पूजक) नापाक है। ”
        गैर मुसलमानों को समाप्त करने के बाद उनकी संपत्ति ,उनकी औरतों ,उनके बच्चों का क्या किया जाए ? उसके बारे में कुरान ,मुसलमानों को उसे अल्लाह का उपहार समझ कर उसका भोग करना चाहिए।
        सूरा ४८ ,आयत २० में कहा गया है ,…..”यह लूट अल्लाह ने दी है। ”
        सूरा ८, आयत ६९………..”उन अच्छी चीजो का जिन्हें तुमने युद्ध करके प्राप्त किया है,पूरा भोग करो। ”
        सूरा १४ ,आयत १३ …………”हम मूर्ती पूजकों को नष्ट कर देंगे और तुम्हे उनके मकानों और जमीनों पर रहने देंगे।”

        सूरा ४ ,आयत २४…………..”विवाहित औरतों के साथ विवाह हराम है , परन्तु युद्ध में माले-गनीमत के रूप में प्राप्त की गई औरतें तो तुम्हारी गुलाम है ,उनके साथ विवाह(बलात्कार) करना जायज है। “

        Comment by raj | August 25, 2015

      • its barbaric and ugly, its degrading and inhumane, its conservative and retarded, its pure bullshit and should be condemned, if it is belief and understanding of Muslims towards others living on this planet, then Mohammedans are most retarded and ugly beasts on earth, they created havoc for others from very beginning and still creating for all human race, and for themselves too, they are real piece of shit if they believe and follow these verses, its purely satanic, no sane and wise human can think this way, they are living in 2500 years before, in tribal mindset and feel, no book on this planet has this kind of ridiculous teachings and suggestions for making life blissful and higher, its totally focusing on killing and humiliation of others by all means ..blood thirsty, disgusting gutter worms…shit shit shit, its totally unfriendly and ugly for humanity.

        Comment by subahu jain | August 31, 2015

      • O Mr prudent person , first of all u should aware of that Wikipedia never claim that what ever they are putting on their site thats would be true. They just try to put those thing which do not put them in controversy and what ever they can get officially .
        You should aware of that muslim ruled 800 years on most of the India and can someone assume they would write anything against him in India History ..
        I challange any one if Mounuddin was too secular then why he didn’t stopped Gori from Killing Thousands of Hindus and Pritviraj who gave new life to Gorri . When Gorri betrayed Prithvi why khwaja was blessing him for his sins.
        And how a secular saint caneat beef when he knew that people all around him worship beef.
        Had he got no sense of humour .
        What about Sanyogita why she been naked if front of all with the nod of Khwaja.
        One more fact is that most of the Hindus worships kwahja because they believe Khawaja is Jal Devta , because Khawaja means water . They are unaware of that Khwaja Mounuddin chisti is a muslim Saint.
        In the end , hinduism believes in Karma . Thats why No one worship Inder dev becsuse his karm were not good and also Bhrama have no temple in india ofher than Pushkar . Because he also made one mistake.
        So if Khawaja karms were not good why some one should worship him.
        There is no shortage of true Saints , Peers, Fakir, Bhram Giani in india , whom we should try to worship.
        Jai Hind

        Comment by Amit | December 17, 2015

      • Dear friend,
        Thet won’t understand because of their own hidden agenda in spreading such lies.

        Comment by Rajendra Singh Shekhawat | March 15, 2016

      • I totally agree you

        Comment by A history lover | March 26, 2016

      • Hii.educated person…
        I think you dont have knowledge about history.So it is suggestion to you to study medieval history seriously.
        Hindus were tortured and outraged by evry Muslim kings and their supporters kajis etc.

        Thank u

        Comment by Arpit | June 29, 2016

      • Sir…may i ask u …wikipedia is really alsways true …because m a science student and i found a hell lots of mistakes in it …besides information on wiki is also provided by a human and he must have also heard it before writing it here …no one frm history directly wrote it on wiki so m point is just to believe what u want bt dont ask others to follow and accept ..and also how do u kno tht info at wiki is 100%true ?? Did u wrote or saw all d happing from ur own eyes

        Comment by unknown | November 7, 2016

      • Which History are you talking about? The one that you and I have been told in schools? Well, our history books glorify “Chacha” Nehru but now we know it should be actually “Chi Chi” Nehru. They glorify Akbar, but he had 5000 sex slaves in his Harem. But all that we read is about Jodha Akbar bullshit. All these Islamic invaders wanted to loot our country, convert people to Islam, and take away our women as sex slaves.

        Comment by Bharani Komandur | December 28, 2016

      • wow what prudent person u r. Wikipedia to verify history, veri intellectual.

        Comment by Varun Bhatt | March 23, 2024

  2. thik hai!

    Comment by harshwardhan arya | December 23, 2010 | Reply

    • Arjun bhi apni bhan sea shadi KI mama KI lakdi subhadra Krishna ne khud kar wai

      Comment by Asgar | August 8, 2016 | Reply

  3. Sir, you should not say anything against muslim because whoever the person says anything about any muslim in India are consider communial(Gunda)and Muslims has right to do anything they are the people who rule us 1000s of year still ruling they are ower owner we should not say anything

    Comment by sonu walmik | June 3, 2011 | Reply

    • put your head between your legs and lick your own ass!

      Comment by ak | January 20, 2016 | Reply

  4. Actully you dont want to accept that allah and krishna are same..krishna ordered khwaja ji to stay in ajmer..AND KHWAJA JI WAS THE GREATEST DIVOTEE I HAVE HEARD ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by manoj kanchan | April 21, 2012 | Reply

    • Bhaag bhosri kae madarchod

      Comment by parambir | September 18, 2016 | Reply

  5. you guys are fuck u dnt know the truth befor khawaja baba prithviraj use to kill muslim children in machines in which flour is made.WE WERE THE LEADers we are the leader and we will remain the leader get lost this site iz wrong and this iz not true aur prithviraj ky marega vo toh khud ek aam admi ke haato mara gaya tha remember mohamad Gauri

    Comment by alia chishty | January 26, 2013 | Reply

    • shut u dumb ass fucking chisti landur khawaza gandu ke followers.

      Comment by sukomal | April 11, 2013 | Reply

      • u shut up u urine drinkers of cow, cow dung eaters.

        Comment by prem | May 13, 2013

      • you deformed minded ill person make apology or you will be in big wrath

        Comment by sarfaraz | May 15, 2013

      • Please don’t say khwaja chisti lies

        Comment by Nasir | July 8, 2016

      • Teri maa ki chut hindu lavde ke jhahil hindu kafir madarchood ram ke lavde laga dunga seeta ko chud dalunga krishna ki maa ka bosda

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

      • do what you say ….lets see what happens

        Comment by The Great Indian | February 22, 2017

      • Machines baap re baap ,,, atta pisne wala machine

        Comment by Gulfam Anand | October 10, 2023

    • Ohhh… Leader I Bow in front of you. Are you going to lead us the way you are leading in Afghanistan, Syria, Jordon or in Ethiopia, Angola, Nigeria. or shall I take some more name of Russian broken states. Where hunger, unrest, Loots Terrorism are at its peaks. I salute ISIS for killing own Muslim brothers and getting fu….up by American forces. One day you all will be attain to Kayamat which you dreamed your survival till last as per the Kohram oh.. sorry Koran. Leader, Aiena dekhana hai to Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia ki halat dekhlo Apani shaqal and Anjam nazar aa jayega, aap to Neharu ka virasat ho, aap hi to lead karoge. (Ref. Gori was beaten 17 times in battle with Prathviraj the real Rajput king who pardon him number of time then how can he kills Muslim children. Think about Hindu’s big heart n you will fall in love with it.

      Comment by Ajay M. | October 10, 2014 | Reply

      • Ajay i personally salute u for ur wisdom, knowledge, ur thinking. I agree and the statement is more than enough for these bugers to realize what the truth is, if they have bit of shame then they should b ashmed of being a muslim. Saale jo apni behan se nikah karte wo kya jane samskriti kya hothi hai.

        Comment by Hindu | April 27, 2015

      • Hahahaha correct nobody will b like Chauhan, Gauri is asshole

        Comment by shiva | May 25, 2015

      • dost apko nahi pata hai islam hai kya agar hota is tarah baate nahi karte……aplog samajhte ho ke hum terrorist hai …..700 saal jab humne india pe raj keya tab hum terrorist nahi the… aur ab jab power humare pass nahi hai to hum terrorist hogai….tab hum nahi gow hatyi karte the kya……soch badlo mere mulk ke bhai

        Comment by md imran khan | June 29, 2015

      • every person and religion is different my friend…dil pe mat le..

        Comment by The Great Indian | February 22, 2017

    • The Fate of Gori : Chand Bardai was not only a court poet but was a member of the inner circle of the king. The poet accompanied the king during wars. In the second battle of Tarain (now Taraori, near Karnal in Haryana state — then Punjab) in 1192, Prithviraj lost and captured by Mohammad Ghori and Chand Bardai accompanied him.After the king was blinded at Ghori’s court it was only with the help of Chand Bardai that Prithiviraj could kill Mohammad Ghori. This event is described by Chand Bardai in the couplet,”Chaar baas, chaubees gaj, angul ashta pramaan, yete pe sultaan hai, mat chukoe chauhan”. Although there are many other forms of this recital, this is the one mentioned in Prithviraj Raso. These events, as written by Bardai and later completed by his son are described in the article on Prithviraj Raso.[

      Comment by Ajay M. | October 10, 2014 | Reply

      • why scientists has not searched about your mother urine.It would also be beneficial

        Comment by Ram | June 28, 2016

    • Drinking urine off cow have numerous health benefits and even have the potential for treating cancer and this have been proved in various scientific researches all over the world. You mother and sister fucker rascals will never get it

      Comment by Manish Sharma | January 26, 2015 | Reply

      • you are geting it then get it why u r abusing us.. see we hadnt abused u…… that it.. it shows
        the character man…

        Comment by md imran khan | June 29, 2015

    • U foolish people, u have any sense? Ur father was sitting to run flour machine, or what? At that time people wer not having equiped machinary. U stupid.

      Comment by Hindu | April 27, 2015 | Reply

    • dont fuck with any one

      Comment by kunwar abhay chohan | June 1, 2015 | Reply

    • बुद्ध से पहल कोई बुद्धिस्ट नहीं था ।जीसस से पहले कोई ईसाई नहीं था ।मुहम्मद से पहले कोई मुसलमान नहीं था ।महावीर से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था ।नानक से पहले कोई सिक्ख नहीं था ।लेकिनकृष्ण से पहले ,राम से पहले ,हरिशचन्द्र से पहले,वशिष्ट से पहले,गौतम, कपिल, कणाद,भरद्वाज, विश्वामित्र,अत्री, द्रोण आदि से भी पहलेसब सनातन वैदिक धर्मी थे |क्योंकि धर्म किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा आरम्भ नहीं होता वो तो ईश्वर के द्वारा सीधा ही वेद के द्वारा मानव मात्र को समान रूप से संविधान दिया गया है ।व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा तो केवल मत, पंथ,सम्प्रदाय, मज़हब,रिलिजन आदि चला करते हैं ।इसलिये अपने सनातनी हिन्दू होने पर गर्व करें।।।।जय हिन्द ।।

      Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015 | Reply

      • Nice wel said

        Comment by krishna | November 4, 2015

      • भाई हरिओमजी,
        आपके जनकारी के लिये भगवान महावीरस्वामीजी जैन धर्मके चौबीसवें (24th) तीर्थंकर है। उनसे पहले तेबीस (23) तीर्थंकर हो कर गए है। जैन धर्म के पहले तीर्थंकर श्री. ऋषभदेव भगवान है।
        इसलिए आपका “महावीर से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था” यह स्टेटमेंट सरासर गलत एवं तथ्यहीन है। कृपा कर के जैन धर्मग्रंथो का सही अध्ययन करें। धन्यवाद्।
        अगर आपका दिल प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से दुखाया हो तो क्षमा चाहता हूँ।…

        Comment by Adv. Rupesh Munot | July 27, 2016

    • Aur hum ek dusre ko maar ke marrr ke marrrr jayenge…u know shia sunnii….then middle east ……blah blah blah…

      Comment by anishkhan | September 6, 2015 | Reply

    • Useless person u were leader? Don’t forget your own existence is because cruels like Muhammad ghoulish who raped n forcibly converted your own ancestors.. You were born out of those ancestors only.. N you people still feel proud of those ghoulish, ghaznvi n Abdalli.

      Comment by Proud indian | September 6, 2015 | Reply

    • U r just shit of d world nd will continue to be…hell ur islam shit

      Comment by Pooja paliwal | March 18, 2016 | Reply

      • pooja randi tu bhi randi hai or teri maa bhi randi hai.tum hari maa ko choodu tum hara shivaji,pratab,pritvi yeh sab gand fatto the muslim se fight karne meh gand fatti thi bosdiwalo hindu kafiro murti ki pooja karne walo cow ki mut pinewalo chutiye salle.rss ke dallo shivaji ka lund chusso hindu kafir tumhari bohat jald gand marne wale hai hum muslim dekh lena.shudar jao kaffiro

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

      • fuck off

        Comment by The Great Indian | February 22, 2017


    Comment by TASLIM | May 18, 2013 | Reply

    • Tero ko galiyan to bahut likh sakta hu,par hindu hamesha shant mizaz ka hai.Ye to Jai Chand gaddari kar gaya,beta tum to yaha hotey bhi nahi.

      Comment by Amit Verma | March 7, 2015 | Reply

      • you all fucking unknowledgeable people are not eligible to speak on any religion unless and until you yourself become able to understand the words given in the holy books. because of the people like you, numerous quarrelled occur.
        again i would say your limited limited thinking can never understand the pious words unless u spit out the hatred……


        Comment by Indian | August 31, 2015

      • True…or jo aapne shanti dikhayi uske liye dhnyawad…ise hi sacha bhartiya kehte hai.

        Comment by DS | April 14, 2016

      • amit verma teri maa ko khutte choode hindu lavde ke kaffir ho tumlog or gand fatto muslim agar apni aukat par aah gaya na toh tumlog ko pani pelane wala bhi naseeb nhi rahenga.sir or dhar kaha gayeeb ho jayenga patabhi nhi chalenga ram ke lavdo.ram ram sathaiya hai sita ke chut sasti hai.

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

    • Its better then Quran and prophet which was responsible for generation of terrorist and retards..

      Comment by Chan | December 1, 2015 | Reply

    • kameene! RAMAYANA & MAHABHARATA agr kahani hote to koi mithila nhi hota… koi ayodhya nhi hota… na rajgir me JARASANDH ka aakhada hota… na hastinapur(Delhi) hoti…
      ye to only places hai… duniya ghumo… ek se ek proof milenge…
      salo 570AD se phle tmhari koi aukat nhi thi. blki sale tm log hi nhi the to aukat kaha se hogi😂😂

      Comment by Raushan | June 18, 2016 | Reply

    • Tum muslimo ki maa ki chut…becd jis jagah se aaye ho na usi jagah me Bhej diye jaoyege.. Katele madarchod…..

      Comment by Shakti keshri | October 26, 2016 | Reply

  7. vivek arya, u should be slapped 1000 times in middle of the road for all this rubbish.

    Comment by naman | September 26, 2013 | Reply

  8. Truth of Printhvi Raj may hurt, but it alone helps 🙂

    The mother of Raja Prithvi Raj, the ruler of India at that time, predicted that a Muslim Dervesh would one day arrive in his kingdom. She warned her son that if he maltreated that Muslim Dervesh, his kingdom would perish. Prithvi Raj was very much astonished to hear such words from her mouth. Twelve years after the prediction was made, Prithvi Raj was informed that a Muslim Dervesh had indeed arrived in his kingdom as predicted by Raja’s mother.

    In spite all of his efforts, plans and tortures perpetrated on Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) Raja Prithvi Raj was unable compel the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) or bring him under his control against the supreme divine will. He could not succeed in arresting or killing the Great Hazrat Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz (ra). Even after such misbehaviour on Raja Prithvi Raj’s part, the Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) several times invited him directly and indirectly to embrace Islam, but he always rejected the proposal.

    Prithvi Raj consulted with the temple priests and his trusted counsellors -Ajai Pal and Shadi Dev. Ajai Pal had a large number of chelas (disciples) in the field of magic, black arts, witchcraft and astrology.

    The Raja told his most worthy magicians to remove and kill this Muslim Faqir along with his followers to save their religion. The Raja also repeated the prophetic words of his mother about the fall of his kingdom. On hearing this Guru Ajai Pal assured the Raja that he should not worry at all, and that the Faqir was only a fake person. He would turn him out of Ajmer and in future no such type of Muslim would dare come here.

    The next day Ajai Pal and a group of disciples arrived at the spot. Ajai Pal, the Guru of the several chelas as well as Raja Prithvi Raj Chowhan, started the maiden attack on Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) who was unarmed. The Great Saint was busy in meditation and contemplation. When Hazrat Khwaja’s Baba’s (ra) disciples informed him of the situation, he got ready to repulse their attacks.

    He drew a circle on the ground around him and his followers for protection against Ajai Pal’s magical attacks. Firstly, Ajai Pal launched a number of Chakras into the air through a whirlwind. The fundamental function of these chakras was that they cut everything it touched or came across into pieces. But these did not harm either the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) or his followers. These chakras, whirling violently in the air went back to Ajai Pal and his chelas. They got furious because their magic proved useless. Thus Ajai Pal’s first attempt failed.

    Hazrat Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz (ra) instructed his followers that nobody should go out of that circle around them. Whatever would come either magical or material would fall outside of that marked circle.

    After this failure, Ajai Pal became very angry and he attacked the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s (ra) little group with a large number of horrible boas, venomous snakes, scorpions poisonous and dreadfully injurious worms. All these sprang up and rushed towards Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) and his party from all directions. But as soon as they proceeded near the Great Saint’s protective circle, they all perished. This dreadful attack also failed and Ajai Pal got even more furious because his second attack was repulsed by the Almighty’s humble servant.

    At last Ajai Pal and his chelas made the last attack by raising a cloudy storm cyclone, with fire, water and stones. All these ran towards the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) causing an intolarable noise. Even this had no effect on the Holy Saint and his companions. Instead it turned back to wreak havoc among Ajai Pal’s followers.

    These failed attacks on the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) and his followers were being watched carefully by the general public and made them think carefully as to which side possesses Allah’s blessings. Ajai Pal and the Raja were faced with a seemingly hopeless and desperate situation. The frustrated Raja threatened Ajai Pal with dire consequences if he did no save the honour and religion of the kingdom. Ajai Pal made the last bid to recover his ruined prestige and honour.

    Ajai Pal brought out a mirgacha, sat on it and flew into the sky. In a few moments he disappeared in the air. Up till now, every feat was judged patiently by the followers of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra). One of them, not being able to tolerate these types of feats of Ajai Pal, invited the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s (ra) attention to the problem. He urged him to intervene and do something against those horrible feats and the Great Saint smiled and ordered his Nalain (wooden Sandals which Muslim faqirs wear like chappals) to go up in the air and bring Ajai Pal down to the ground. As Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) ordered his nalain, both of them went into the air flying and instantaneously brought the flying magician down to the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s (ra) feet by continuously striking Ajai Pal’s head. Ajai Pal was shocked to see the great power of the Holy Saint’s sandals. He totally surrendered himself to the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) after losing his final attack. Ajai Pal was now at the mercy of the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra). He lay there waiting for the Holy Saint’s orders. The Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) then asked him to embrace Islam and accepted his apology. Ajai Pal immediately embraced Islam and became a devoted disciple. The Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) named him Abdullah Bayabani.

    Comment by naughtyboy | December 8, 2013 | Reply

    • I can refute your fairy tale with only one question. How The mother of Raja Prithvi Raj knew a Dervesh would one day arrive in his kingdom?

      If your answer would be Islamic stereo type like mystic, miracles, supernatural power and so on. But you never win against the well educated personalities let alone scientists. So your fairy tale in this modern advanced technological era can not be convinced by any educated person.

      Comment by শান্তির পায়রা | May 26, 2014 | Reply

      • By raising questions against kgn
        U be already shown were you come from
        Kindly contact:-

        Amitab bacchan
        Narendra modi
        Indera Gandhi
        Akshya Kumar etc
        who know exactly what kgn is!

        ” Kgn raised helping hand to every cast, religion n gender. He is generous n kind hearted!”

        His son once scolded a small kid n his mother as d kid did pi in his darbar.
        Kgn ask his son to apologise for his behavioir to d lady n kid n ordered his son to go 60miles away from him.
        His son tomb is 60 miles away from d kgn dargah.

        I’m not a leader nor a scholar like all of u
        But I gently request u to plz
        Mind ur tongue.!

        Comment by Anwar.Iqbal | April 15, 2016

    • Ye samajh nhi aaya ki Raja ne to Mo. GHODI ko harakar bhi nhi mara fir fakeer ko marne ke liye itni takat kyun lagadi..

      Comment by Rana Amreesh | June 28, 2015 | Reply

      • Sabhi kuch samajh rahe ho tum bhi hum bhi……

        Comment by Rana Amreesh | June 28, 2015

    • there bapane tuje bhi magic sikhaya ya WO chisti ke sath magic bhi gayab ho gaya

      Comment by warrior | December 22, 2015 | Reply

      • Tera bap Krishna ne tuja magic she khya KI najej samj KE chordya

        Comment by Pappa | August 8, 2016

  9. Some more truth of Prithviraj 🙂

    The Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) remained settled with his few followers on the bank of Ana Sagar Lake. The followers of the Holy Saint used to draw water from it and sometimes they would catch fish from the Sagar and rarely slaughtered cows. These activities were repugnant to the sentiments and religious feelings of the Raja. Around Ana Sagar there were many temples. The Brahmin priests of these temples complained about such anti-Hindu activities to the Raja. The Raja immediately ordered the removal of all these Muslim derveshes and his companions from the Ana Sagar Hill.

    Prithvi Raj Chauhan’s servants not only demanded the removal of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) and his followers but also arrogantly insisted on their vacating the Ajmer soil. This notice of leaving Ajmer was made in a very indecent and improper tune. In no circumstances could the Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) agree to the withdrawal from Ajmer with his companions because he was there under the instructions and command of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and by the will of Almighty Allah.

    When all these temple Brahmin priests mobbed and attacked the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) with the ultimate aim of murdering him, Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) took some dust in his own hands and threw it upon these cruel Brahmins which made them retreat and some of them lost sense and some of them lost eye sight and a few even ran away in terror.

    When the Raja noticed this he became very perturbed and disheartened. Then he took a very inhuman step against the Muslim Faqir and his companions. The Raja in accordance with the Brahmins request, ordered that the water from Ana Sagar be stopped for the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) and his followers.

    Prithvi Raj Chauhan raised the alarm and posted his army on all sides of Ana Sagar and strictly ordered the soldiers that Muslims should not be allowed to carry water from the Ana Sagar. When Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s (ra) followers came to take water from Ana Sagar, they saw that the Ana Sagar water was totally banned for them and the Military was posted there. The companions became very much frightened. Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s (ra) followers returned with an empty jug to Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) and explained whatever they had seen.

    On hearing the events, Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) felt deeply hurt and he himself took the Kooza (tumbler) and went down towards Ana Sagar. As soon as Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) came across a soldier, he prevented him from taking water from the Ana Sagar tank. Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) looked at his face with his miraculous eyes. The soldier could not tolerate Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s (ra) angry face. He became nervous and fell down on the ground unconscious and dropped the sword from his hand. The Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) absorbed and fetched the whole water of the Ajmer city in the Kooza (tumbler) including the Ana Sagar water. All sources of water for the city mysteriously disappeared. Even the milk in the breasts of nursing mothers and animals dried up.

    This disappearance of water was noted by Prithvi Raj’s people with consternation. This miracle caused a great change in the sentiments and ambitions of the public.

    Consequently, a large number of people embraced Islam at the hand of the Great Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra). The strength of the opposition to him decreased owing to this unprecedented miracle. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was criticised by the public for the disappearance of the water. In spite of his best efforts and tactics water could not be restored. At last Prithvi Raj Chauhan personally went to the Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) and said that in future he would not ban the use of water for any human being or creature, which is a free gift of nature. He apologised to the Saint and the water facility was restored to all instantaneously.

    Comment by naughtyboy | December 8, 2013 | Reply

    • Even your Muslim Boss Muhammed hadn’t possessed such supernatural power. It’s the greatest joke of Islam.

      Comment by শান্তির পায়রা | May 26, 2014 | Reply

      • Look who is talking..Your own religion is filled up with Mythological and imaginative stories..Just tell me one thing why did’nt so called Prithviraj Chauhan the great who was protector of Sanatan Dharm was not able to kill a humble Fakir…You know why because he was scared..Ajmer was a Hindu cirty then why the Dargah was allowed..You moron cant answer this

        Comment by Arslan | January 20, 2016

      • JIe se Krishna ne Sab bhai ko ladway aur pheir EK aurat ko panch pando KE sat son ko kha tu bhagwan bangay to tu bhi apni bhan ko panch ADMI KE sat sone ko bol tu Krishna banjaga

        Comment by Pappa | August 8, 2016

    • Instead of doing all that nonsense, why these miracle men could not save Hussain

      Comment by Satya | February 24, 2016 | Reply

  10. so funny, naughtyboy can i copy and paste it as the biggest joke of indian history , i tell you what this crook chisti must have done, he must surely have had opium or something like that with him to make prithviraj’s courtmen addict and gathered secret information about the king and as usual like other sufi fakirs he was also a namak haraam so he called up ghori and passed him the information

    Comment by satyamev jayte | February 11, 2014 | Reply

  11. I’m a muslim. but I think stories of Khwaja was exagrated by some so called Muslims to make money. in islam we are asked to only worship the creator. not even our prophets has any power over God. then how come khwaja?

    Comment by sameer | April 2, 2014 | Reply

    • Good

      Comment by mukesh | October 1, 2014 | Reply

    • Wallah!!!

      Comment by Noname | January 4, 2015 | Reply

    • In islam we are asked to only worship the creator…
      minor correction – we(human beings) are asked to only worship the creator

      Comment by tempo | August 18, 2015 | Reply

  12. fake things are here. come to me . i’ll tell u the truth and expose khwaja and whole islam.

    Comment by अमित विश्वास | September 29, 2014 | Reply

  13. Every muslim weather he is a saint or what ,. Was a assh***
    rubbish islam

    Comment by Bhagwan | September 30, 2014 | Reply

    • He was a part of Mohammad ghori intelligence.

      Comment by ashwini | April 14, 2015 | Reply

  14. The Muslims of the world are now paying through their bloody nose with compound interest for all the Islamic crimes against humanity. Just one example will suffice .Iran is facing a shortage of radioactive materials for treating Cancer patients and this is due to international sanctions.It is good that the scum of the earth will be cleared in this manner.The muslim commentators who are foaming at the mouth should remember that India was the only country where islam received a check.The Muslims learnt mathematics and astronomy at the feet of Hindu scholars. When babri mosque was demolished these ugly muslims got a taste of their own medicine.Both Islam and Christianity are political ideologies for world domination. Make no mistake.They are NOT religions.Moinuddin chisti and nizamuddin auliya as also other sufis are only glorified rapists and dacoits
    Their graves are fit for urination,not veneration.

    Comment by N.Shiva Ramakrishna | November 8, 2014 | Reply

    • Prithviraj Chauhan was a great Indian king and Moinuddin Chishti was a great saint. These are the two facts we know. The rest of the tales can be grossly untrue. Why create ill feeling among ourselves and in our own hearts over some bitter tales that could have been told by biased historians. Say, maybe British historians who always wanted to divide and rule. Why should we not appreciate and imbibe the good qualities of Chauhan and Chishti rather?

      Comment by Seema Kapoor | November 16, 2014 | Reply

      • Another apologist for islam, the fucking and demonic religion! Please first educate yourself and you will then forget to give such simplistic homilies and niceties on Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

        Comment by rajjhuniRajendar | November 30, 2014

      • I completely agree with u seems kapoor. This is the best way to preach the idea of brotherhood which is the fundamental principle of Hinduism as well as Islam. Wasting the time in fighting in the name of religion is childish. The world is soo beautiful, whoever is the creator the Allah or the ishwar . We are just here for enjoying the nature and staying with love in the heart and compassion for the poor. May god bless u all.!!

        Comment by fylflot | December 28, 2014

    • I hope u r in gud health?!

      Comment by Ark | April 15, 2016 | Reply

  15. I appreciate your thinking. Such should be the words of a real literate and Indian.

    Comment by Shahbaz | November 24, 2014 | Reply

    • The only problem with India that we mix up religion and politics. And further the only problem with Islam that that denies anything and everything except Islam and its beliefs. In this case history is written according to the wishes of the winner. Hence there r so much fairy tales about khwaja. Think practically
      1. If khwaja was so powerful y ghori was defeated in the battles excluding the last one (there is a dispute about the no.s of battles)
      2. If raj had such magicians like ajai pal who could create storms, stone shedding etc. Then y they used to fight with swords and daggers. Their battles must have been like of harry potter.

      Comment by gul | March 23, 2015 | Reply

  16. when come Khwaza Garib Nawaz in india and why?…………………………….. who was come first in india Mohhmad Gori or Khwaza Muinuddin Chisti?…………………. ..!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by sarfraz ansari | December 7, 2014 | Reply

  17. jis thali mein khaya usi mein chhed kiya. This is what their saints do then what can you expect of a general muslim.
    why did their so called saint come to India?

    Comment by Suresh | December 26, 2014 | Reply

    • thali tere baap hte kya…aur kaha chhed ki …..

      Comment by md imran khan | June 29, 2015 | Reply

  18. Look people lets follow our own religion .its better if we dont look into someone else religion .we may follow diffrent religion ,some idiot people say wrong things to god of other religion ,which is not good .basically there is no religion .no islam no hindiism no sikhism ni judaism no christiyatinity expect one religion and that is humanity .lets follow this religion . And whichever religion assist that we come to know after we die .
    so take care .
    plz follow ur own religion and dont interfere in someone else religion.

    Comment by Parvez | January 7, 2015 | Reply

  19. N which ever religion exists that we will vome to know after we die.

    Comment by Parvez | January 7, 2015 | Reply

  20. Agar chisti itna hi bada sant tha toh phir kis muslim granth me likha hai ki kisi aurat ko kisi vidhwa aurat ko islam kabul na karne par jalil karke uske kapde phad kar bina kapdo ke bhare bazar muslim sainiko ke bich phek dena chahiye. waha re teri insaniyat apne aap ko khwaja bul wane wala kabhi koi sant nhi so sakta warna batao koi aisa hindu dharm me puja jane wala sant. aur taslimji ramayan aur mahabharat ko kahani samaj rahe ho toh kanya kumari jakar pani par taiyrta Ramsetu dekh lo ya phir 2007 me natgeo aur indian army ka dhundha gaya ghathokach ka sharir dekho ya batao koi muslim kahani jisme aisa kuch hua ho aur aaj bhi maujud ho aur yaad rakhna ki chahe ghori ne prithviraj chauhan ki aankh phodi hongi lekin usse 16 baar ussi raja ke hatho shikast khani padi thi apne jaan ki bhik mangni padi thi aur woh dhokebaaz maara bhi Rajput raja shresth samrat prithviraj chauhan ji ke hatho hi. aur mai koi bebuniyad baat nhi kar raha dekhlo search karke pata chal jayega ki 1500 saal purane muslim dharm se pahle 5000 saal bada hai hindu dharm.

    Comment by satyajeet singh | January 18, 2015 | Reply

    • बुद्ध से पहल कोई बुद्धिस्ट नहीं था ।जीसस से पहले कोई ईसाई नहीं था ।मुहम्मद से पहले कोई मुसलमान नहीं था ।महावीर से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था ।नानक से पहले कोई सिक्ख नहीं था ।लेकिनकृष्ण से पहले ,राम से पहले ,हरिशचन्द्र से पहले,वशिष्ट से पहले,गौतम, कपिल, कणाद,भरद्वाज, विश्वामित्र,अत्री, द्रोण आदि से भी पहलेसब सनातन वैदिक धर्मी थे |क्योंकि धर्म किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा आरम्भ नहीं होता वो तो ईश्वर के द्वारा सीधा ही वेद के द्वारा मानव मात्र को समान रूप से संविधान दिया गया है ।व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा तो केवल मत, पंथ,सम्प्रदाय, मज़हब,रिलिजन आदि चला करते हैं ।इसलिये अपने सनातनी हिन्दू होने पर गर्व करें।।।।जय हिन्द ।।

      Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015 | Reply

      • ja kar 33crore devi devtao ka puja karte rahna .

        Comment by Ram | June 28, 2016

      • aur ek baat batao ganesh ka sir jab kata gaya to hathi ka sir kaise fit ho gaya .Hona to ye chaiye tha ki kata hua sar khoj kar lagana chaiya tha.Yahi bhagwan ki shakti hai.

        Comment by Ram | June 28, 2016

    • Well said …… Brother…… Islam toh hai hi… Kutta … Muhammad was a rapist.. He raped his own young daughter… Dog like …

      Comment by Prithvi Naik | March 23, 2016 | Reply

      • tumhara ram sita ko chudwane rawan ke pass leh gaya kyu ki ram ka lund khada hi nahi hota tha.ram gudwa tha bosdika sala asshole or yeh ganesh hatthi bosdika abe tum log toh suwar ka sir lagane wale the ganesh ki gand meh.hatthi humhara baap gai cow humhari maa or bandar tumlog ka mama chuva tumhara chacha.tumhari maa ko choodu hindu dallo.krishna chor tha or dhaku ram tha sab ke sab haramkor the kaffir madarchood.tumlog yahi nhi pata ke ram bosdika kaha paida huwa woh haram ki paidaish thi.

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

  21. satyajeet singh aapne sach kaha..islam koi religion nahin hai…yeh madarchodon aur bhenchodon ki fauj hai…dekho inka gujrat mein kya haaal hua..muzzafarnagar mein kya haal hua…saale ek vote bank hain…waise to inki aurtein roz chudti hain randi khano mein…

    Comment by ghori ek..impotent aadmi tha | January 28, 2015 | Reply

  22. plz share this in hindi also. so anyone can understand this clearly

    Comment by vivek singh chauhan | February 12, 2015 | Reply

  23. we will fuck all hindu and hindu girls…but no one can fuck muslim….
    Prithavi raj chuhan chutiya tha…
    Kasam allha ki wo din dooor nhi jab hindustan hamara hoga or tum log hamara kuch nhi kar paoge…
    maa chod denge saare hindu ki

    Comment by Saleem Khan | February 20, 2015 | Reply

    • Tere maa ki chut,sale billi ko khawb main chichdey hi dikhaiye detey hai.Saley tum apni bahan chodhtey ho,hum nahi.Harami ki auladoon,yeh congress na hoti to tumhari mayyat par rone wala koi nahi hota.

      Comment by Amit Verma | March 7, 2015 | Reply

      • Amit verma teri maa ko kitna chooda maine mujhe kya pata ke tu haram ka niklenga.tere baap neh bhi mujhe bola amit muslim ki haram aulad hai. Tere bagwan ko lund meh marta hu ram ke lavde.sita ko choode ravan.tum hindu aurato ko muslim ka lavda pasand hai jabhi toh aaj bhi hindu log hum se choodvate tumlog lund lund nahi rubber hai or khada nhi hota.jai shri lund.har har ram choodu.shiva gudva ram gudva sab bagwan tumhare gud the bosdiwale

        Comment by ram ki sita choodu | July 27, 2016

    • have some shame!!! tumhare jese insan ko koi haq nhi hai khud to musalmaan bole!!! hamare Islam me tumhare jese gatiya logo ki koi jagah nhi hai…agar khud ki izzat ki fikar nhi hai…to Islam ki badnami mat kare!! Agar tum khud kuch karke izzat nhi bana paa rhe Islam ki…to isme galti bhi muslims ki hi h…tumhare jese log h jinki wajah se Islam ko galat nazar se dekha jaata hai!!! Sharam karo…Allah se daro!!! agr tum me Aurat jaat ko respect krne ka dil nhi h…to tum musalmaan nhi keh sakte khud ko!!!

      Comment by person with real heart!!! | August 1, 2015 | Reply

    • Bkl paki Teri lagegi mc haram ke Jane
      Tumhaari jaat nahi dekhane ko milegi

      Comment by Sanatan savior | January 20, 2016 | Reply

    • 2019 Amit shah is home minister, aab aayega maza..

      Comment by Damit | June 2, 2019 | Reply

  24. in hindu ki to gaand maar denge…
    inki maa bhan rooz sali hum se 100-100 me gaand marwati h delhi me.
    baat karte h saale.
    hamare sharkh me gauri jo hindu h se shaddi ki…
    tumhari soniya mirza ko bhi hum chod rhe h.
    aisa koi mard h hindu me jisne muslim ladki se shaddi ki ho…
    maa or bhan chod dale ge hinduo ki….
    mere pados me 2 hindu ladkiya h ….un saaliyo ko hum roz chod te h

    Comment by Saleem Khan | February 20, 2015 | Reply

    • Tere bahan roz chudney aati hai humsey saley.Pata kar.

      Comment by Amit Verma | March 7, 2015 | Reply

      • ek num saleem khan hindu ki gand marni chahiye.amit verma ki maa behen mere se chudvati hai aaj bhi or amit mere lund ki paidaish hai.mere gaon mai bhi maine bohat hindu ko chooda hu or choodta rahunga.

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

    • sirf kahyalo main hi aisa kar sakata ho salo thmahara to lund mai jor to nahi. tabhi to jab dekho tab allaha allaha karata ho aur to aur salo tum muslim kuch nahi to kabra ki pooja karata ho jaisa ki wo sala madarchod Moinuddin Chishti jiski kabra par tum log apana matha patakata ho salo kafiro tum apani maa bahano aur to aur apani beti tak to chod sakata ho, sahi hai kuch aur nahi to yehi kar sakato ho salao bukho nango kutto haramjado jayo apana Moinuddin Chishti ki gaand mai kush jayo nahi to Hum Hindu tum tumahari maa ki chut mai wapas bhiz denga, sala harmajado.

      Comment by vanila | June 3, 2015 | Reply

      • बुद्ध से पहल कोई बुद्धिस्ट नहीं था ।जीसस से पहले कोई ईसाई नहीं था ।मुहम्मद से पहले कोई मुसलमान नहीं था ।महावीर से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था ।नानक से पहले कोई सिक्ख नहीं था ।लेकिनकृष्ण से पहले ,राम से पहले ,हरिशचन्द्र से पहले,वशिष्ट से पहले,गौतम, कपिल, कणाद,भरद्वाज, विश्वामित्र,अत्री, द्रोण आदि से भी पहलेसब सनातन वैदिक धर्मी थे |क्योंकि धर्म किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा आरम्भ नहीं होता वो तो ईश्वर के द्वारा सीधा ही वेद के द्वारा मानव मात्र को समान रूप से संविधान दिया गया है ।व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा तो केवल मत, पंथ,सम्प्रदाय, मज़हब,रिलिजन आदि चला करते हैं ।इसलिये अपने सनातनी हिन्दू होने पर गर्व करें।।।।जय हिन्द ।।

        Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015

    • Sahi hai apni maa behen ki bhi to khud hi le raha hoga nd unki delhi ke sardaro se chdwaake ke pal bhi raha hoga…ha ha sahi dhanda hai tum logon ka!!#

      Comment by Pooja paliwal | March 18, 2016 | Reply

  25. prithavi raj chuhan ki wife sanyogita ko bhi hum logo ne rape kiya tha or wo kuch nhi kar paya…
    tum saale ke baski kuch nhi h…
    khaali fooo fooo karte ho…
    ya alha raham bakash…wo din dor nhi jab in hinduo ka namo nisaan mita denge hum lo…
    or kasam h maulla ki ek din hinstan ko pakistan ka naam nhi diya to

    Comment by Saleem Khan | February 20, 2015 | Reply

    • To saley tune us baat ko yakeen main badal diya ki,Ajmer maim jo kuch kuch hua wo ek saint ke kahney par hua.Sharm kar.

      Comment by Amit Verma | March 7, 2015 | Reply

    • Hamaari yahi soch to hamko kuttey jaisi zindagi jeene pe mazboor karti hai..
      Tum kya sochte ho Pakistan mei hamaare liye zannat hai..
      jo azaadi Hindustan mei hai wo ham logo ko kahin nahi milegi..
      Aur bhaijaan aapne to hadd kar dee kisi Nazneen ka Rape karna aap jayaz bata rahe ho.???

      Rehte Hindustan mei ho aur burai bhi yahi ki karte ho..
      Ham muslims ne jo boya hai wahi kaat rahe hain..
      Ab to baat to samjho..
      Pyar ka paigham failao..
      Islam ko sabki pasand banao..
      Apne mazhab ko accha batao magar dusre ke mazhab ki buraai na karo..
      Khuda haafiz…

      Comment by Sharique Ahmad | April 8, 2015 | Reply

    • koi bhi religion ya koi belief tab tak complete ( sampooran) nai hai jab tak uske follower ko apne religion ki roots aur uski mqin stream ka knowledge na ho. Koi muslim ye nai sochta ki aaj se 2100 saal pehle wo kya the aur kaun the wo . wo wahi the jo ham hain HINDU. Tmse pehle ki 4th generation kya rhi hogi ? Muslim? Sochna bhi mat wo hindu the aur wo kaunse hindu the ? Jinhone kuchh mutthi bhar sanki aur wahiyat logo ke saamne apne ghutne teke aur apna dharm badal diya aur ek naye religion ko panpane diya. Jiski na koi roots hai aur na hi uske aane ka region aur na hi koi itihaas. Sirf hwa hi hwa hai …….khali hwa ……
      Tum log sabko darate ho muslim ban jao nai to jahannum me jaaoge….allah ko mano nai to tmhara ye ho jayega wo ho jayega….. Ek baat btao kya tmhare dada par-dada sare jahannum me baithe hai kya ? Tmhari baki jo generation thi wo sab jahannum me hai kya ? Kyunki eslam to kal parso hi aya hai …jyada purani baat nai hai.
      Jis cheej ko tm mante ho ….yani allah ko …wo hai to sahi …..par kisi aur naam se ….. Agar allah naam ka god koi hai aur muslim jiske followers hai … wo 2500 saal pehle kahan tha ? Tab kya saare log narak me jaate the ? Ya jannat naam ki cheej thi hi nai?
      To totally moral of the story ye hai ki…….
      Beshak eslam achchha ho sakta hai ……par aaj tm jaise chutiyaon ki wajah se saare European countries kisi bhi muslim ko apne desh me ghusane se pehle nanga karke talashi lete hain
      Musalmano ki wajah se saari duniya me dehshat, dukh aur takleefe hai.
      Ab rahi baat mitane ki ….. To minority ka tamga lekar pade rho nai to majority me aane ke chakkar me kahin Red data Book me na aa jana.
      tum jaise chutiye kya mitayenge Hindu ko jo laakho saalo es dharti par raaj karte aaye hain .. Jai Hind ….jai Hindu.

      Comment by Singh | May 20, 2015 | Reply

    • Kya kabhi socha hai ki iswar nee sirf insan ko banaya hai Sankey body ke parts ek jase fit keye hai aur Jo abhi Muslim hai unkey purvaj ya to Hindu thi agar koi Muslim dosre dharma kee logo ko gali deta hai to vho apney purvjo ko bhi gali dee rahe hai rahe baat sahe Galt ki to us parpitha parmashwar ke ghar mai kisi ko baksha nahi jayeghaa chaye who kit a bada saint hi kyo naa ho jisney iswar ka niyem ki virud kaam keya usko to saja melaghi hi

      Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015 | Reply

    • Saleem khan aaj tuje ek bat bata hu ki tere mout gupt rog ki bimari say hogi aur tere mout kee teen din pahley ek moquil tear gala bhi dabaghaa kyo ki tu Islam ke naam par kalik hai tere baatee sunkar upar there pusthani log tadap rahe hai jaldi say unkey leye fatia pad or kherat bat taki there mout thori Arran say ho sake

      Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015 | Reply

      • hariom or teri maut toh kutte se bhi buri hongi.tu jah hawan kara or apni maa behen ko muslim se chooda toh teh ko simple maut milengi..

        Comment by murdabad pritviraj chouhan | July 28, 2016

    • tum logo ki b to gaand maari thi gujrat me. tab gaand fat gayi thi tumhari mulle lawde madarchod saleem khan. Tum kya maroge be hinduo ko. Hindu sher hai aur tum ho kutte.

      Comment by kunal Purohit | September 2, 2015 | Reply

      • abe hindu log suvar hote hai.duniya meh sab ko maloom hai.tum hindu log jaha muslim kam rehte wahi ungli kar sakte ho.gand to tumhari fatti hai humse bhul gaye 1993 bomb blast kaise kutte ki maut marethe tumlog.yaad karo rss ke dallo

        Comment by murdabad prithiviraj chouhan | July 28, 2016

    • ek baap se paida hua hai to yehi baat ek baar khulle me aake bol dena saale teri ma ki bhosadi ko chauda karke wahi ghusa denge

      Comment by raj | October 26, 2015 | Reply

      • Raj teri maa ka bosda madarchood, teri gand meh dum hai toh randi ke bacche samne aah kar bol.teri maa ki chut meh tehre baap ko teri maa ke bosde meh dal diya hu ab teri bari.lawaris ki aulad

        Comment by Murdabad pritviraj chouhan | July 28, 2016

    • Salim khan I respect islam equally as I respect Hinduism I don’t have any problem with Khwaja any saint or any muslim ruler bcoz without knowing real truth only jerks can comment.but I luv my country India every inch of it,which belongs to all citizens of India be they from any caste religion to ab sun madharchod Hindustan ki ek inch jameen v tere najayaj baap Pakistan ko nhi milne wala,harami Bangladesh bhul gaya kya 65/72/98 sab yaad haina??? Aaja lene phir chudega saale insaaniyat ke dushman apne isi chutiyape k karan tere yehan k bacchon ko v apni jaan deni padi sudhar jao waqt hai acche kaam karo development ki taraf dhyaan do,Hindustan ki taraf dekha v to palat k maar lenge bina tel

      Comment by nationalist forces | December 29, 2015 | Reply

  26. khwaja mere khwaza….dil me sama ja.
    Alla ho akber

    Comment by Saleem Khan | February 20, 2015 | Reply

    • Prithviraj mar gaya.
      Khwaza moinuddin bhi mar gaya.
      ab ham logo ko apne aur Mulk k baare mei sochna chahiye.
      ham muslims ko apni studies pe concentrate karna hai..
      Fir bhi ek baat kahunga.. islam mei qatl e aam ko galat kaha hai aur hamaare mazhab k log ye khoob kar rahe hain..
      To kya khaak musalman hain..
      Sala laanat hai aise musalman pe..
      Ham to Darindey ho gaye hain..

      Isse accha hota ki ham log Bauddh dharm ya fir se Hindu ho jaate..
      Kam se kam ye duniya izzat ki nazar se to dekhti..

      Comment by Sharique Ahmad | April 8, 2015 | Reply

      • Tmhari soch ekdam realistic hai . koi bhi religion ya koi belief tab tak complete ( sampooran) nai hai jab tak uske follower ko apne religion ki roots aur uski mqin stream ka knowledge na ho. Koi muslim ye nai sochta ki aaj se 2100 saal pehle wo kya the aur kaun the wo . wo wahi the jo aaj ham hain . to kya fark hai unme aur hamme…??

        Comment by sumer singh | May 20, 2015

      • Kya kabhi socha hai ki iswar nee sirf insan ko banaya hai Sankey body ke parts ek jase fit keye hai aur Jo abhi Muslim hai unkey purvaj ya to Hindu thi agar koi Muslim dosre dharma kee logo ko gali deta hai to vho apney purvjo ko bhi gali dee rahe hai rahe baat sahe Galt ki to us parpitha parmashwar ke ghar mai kisi ko baksha nahi jayeghaa chaye who kit a bada saint hi kyo naa ho jisney iswar ka niyem ki virud kaam keya usko to saja melaghi hi

        Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015

    • Allah o akbar
      Means aaj hum Allah kind kabar khod denge. .

      Comment by Potus | January 4, 2016 | Reply

  27. Saleem.. jis thali me khata hai usi me mut raha.. sale hindustan me rehkar Hindustan ko gali deta.. wasie b sahi hai.. isse jyada tumse expect b kya karna,,

    Comment by Jai Shree Ram | April 2, 2015 | Reply

  28. 🇸🇦🇹🇷🇸🇦🇹🇷🇸🇦🇹🇷🇸🇦🇹🇷🇸🇦🇹🇷🇸🇦जानिए इस्लाम केसे पैदा हुआ..
    👉असल में इस्लाम कोई धर्म नहीं है .एक मजहब है..
    दिनचर्या है..
    👉मजहब का मतलब अपने कबीलों के
    गिरोह को बढ़ाना..
    👉यह बात सब जानते है कि मोहम्मदी मूलरूप से
    अरब वासी है ।
    👉अरब देशो में सिर्फ रेगिस्तान पाया जाता है.
    वहां जंगल
    नहीं है, पेड़ नहीं है. इसीलिए वहां मरने के बाद जलाने
    लिए लकड़ी न होने के कारण ज़मीन में दफ़न कर
    दिया जाता था.
    👉रेगिस्तान में हरीयाली नहीं होती.. एसे में रेगिस्तान
    हरा चटक रंग देखकर इंसान चला आता जो की सूचक
    का काम करता था..
    👉अरब देशो में लोग रेगिस्तान में तेज़ धुप में सफ़र करते थे,
    इसीलिए वहां के लोग सिर को ढकने के लिए
    टोपी 💂पहनते थे.
    जिससे की लोग बीमार न पड़े.
    👉अब रेगिस्तान में खेत तो नहीं थे, न फल, तो खाने के
    लिए वहा अनाज नहीं होता था. इसीलिए वहा के
    🐑🐃🐄🐐🐖जानवरों को काट कर खाते थे. और अपनी भूख मिटाने के
    लिए इसे क़ुर्बानी का नाम दिया गया.
    👉रेगिस्तान में पानी की बहुत कमी रहती थी,💧 इसीलिए
    लिंग (मुत्रमार्ग) साफ़ करने में पानी बर्बाद न
    हो जाये
    इसीलिए लोग खतना (अगला हिस्सा काट देना ) कराते
    👉सब लोग एक ही कबिले के खानाबदोश होते थे इसलिए
    आपस में भाई बहन ही निकाह कर लेते थे|
    👉रेगिस्तान में मिट्टी मिलती नहीं थी मुर्ती बनाने
    को इसलिए मुर्ती पुजा नहीं करते थे|
    खानाबदोश थे ,
    👉 एक जगह से दुसरी जगह
    जाना पड़ता था इसलिए कम बर्तन रखते थे और एक
    थाली नें पांच लोग खाते थे|
    👉दिन भर रेत में चलने से थक जाने पर रात को सुन्दर
    बीवी चाहिए इसलिए पुरा पैक
    बुर्का बनाया ताकी वो धुप
    में काली न हो..
    👉कबीले की अधिक से अधिक संख्या बढ़े इसलिए हर एक
    को चार बीवी रखने की इज़ाजत दि..
    🔥अब समझे इस्लाम कोई धर्म नहीं मात्र एक कबीला है..
    और इसके नियम असल में इनकी दिनचर्या है|
    नोट : पोस्ट पढ़के इसके बारे में सोचो.
    अगर हर हिँदू माँ-बाप अपने बच्चों को बताए कि अजमेर दरगाह वाले ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने किस तरह इस्लाम कबूल ना करने पर पृथ्वीराज चौहान की पत्नी संयोगिता को मुस्लिम सैनिकों के बीच बलात्कार करने के लिए निर्वस्त्र करके फेँक दिया था और फिर किस तरह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की वीर पुत्रियों ने आत्मघाती बनकर मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को 72 हूरों के पास भेजा थातो शायद ही कोई हिँदू उस मुल्ले की कब्र पर माथा पटकने जाए

    “अजमेर के ख्वाजा मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को ९० लाख हिंदुओं को इस्लाम में लाने का गौरव प्राप्त है. मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने ही मोहम्मद गोरी को भारत लूटने के लिए उकसाया और आमंत्रित किया था… (सन्दर्भ – उर्दूअखबार “पाक एक्सप्रेस, न्यूयार्क १४ मई २०१२).

    अधिकांश मुर्दा हिन्दू तो शेयर भी नहीं करेंगे,,धिक्कार है ऐसे हिन्दुओ पर

    Comment by vinay | April 23, 2015 | Reply

    • According to many texts, and esp Muslim texts,
      Sanyogita was raped after Ghori captured Delhi.
      But I wanted to mention these few facts after
      the defeat of Prithvi at the hands of Ghori in the
      Second battle of Terrain in 1192 AD
      He did not run away from the battlefield.
      He did not take Samyogita with him to the
      battlefield, and the brave Rajput lady took
      charge of the fort after her husband went to
      fight the barbaric Muslim invaders.
      Prithviraj Chauhan was not killed by Sutlan or
      his ministers.–Instead, Pritviraj and Chand than
      killed each other as they did not want to be left
      at the hands of those barbaric animals (sultan’s
      –thus, Prithviraj raso was completed by one of
      Chand’s son who also accompanied his father
      to Ghazni (Afghanistan) were Prithvi died,
      somehow he managed to escape and come
      back to India where Prithviraj raso was
      Every one knew that sultan wanted the beautiful
      Sanyogita and especially came to capture her.
      He was a beast and had committed many
      atrocities on the way.
      Many Pakistani websites and books say that
      Mohammad ghori was successful in capturing
      sanyogita and he along with his ministers
      physically abused her ,and than forcefully
      converted her to Islam renaming her as some
      But that’s not true.
      The movement Sanyogita heard about Prithviraj
      captivity and the news of his defeat, followed by
      the Sultan army proceeding to Delhi to capture
      Pithorgard (Prithviaj Palace), Sanyogita had her
      acts right. She was aware of Mohammad Ghori
      intentions and heard about his barbaric acts.
      Sanyogita realized that return of Prithviraj
      chauhan was impossible and Sultan was
      headed straight towards her , she willingly
      ended her life instead of falling in the hands of
      that butcher (sultan).
      Thus Mohammad Ghori cruel intentions were
      not successful.
      Forget abusing her, he could not even touch
      her either alive of dead.
      Sanyogita deeply loved only Prithviraj Chauhan.
      and vice versa.
      Sanyogita could not think of anyone else but
      prithvi as her soul mate , her becoming the
      Queen of Mohammad Ghori after Prihviraj
      captivity is absolute nonsense
      Prithviraj Chauhan and Sanyogita’s love was
      characterized by loyalty, Purity and a strong
      never ending bond between them, because of
      which their love story is immortalized, and
      know as one of the most celebrated love stories
      in the world, as it grew strong in spite of all
      odds they faced in life
      No one could separate the lovers ,not even

      Comment by Ayush | October 22, 2015 | Reply

  29. apni apni astha evam vishwas ki baat hai. isme na to prithviraj aur na hi chisti aa kar appko batate evem bargalate hain yadin aapk astha nahin hai to gaali to mat dijiye. yeh gujarish shabhi musalman bhaiyiyon se bhi hai ki hindustan mein rah kar pakistan ki gaana band karein bhalai isi mein hain kyonki aane wala samay ( modi era ) sabhi ka hai khas kar jo apne ko hindustani samajhte hain na ki pakistani( isme sabhi dharmo ke log samil hain ), yadi kisi hindu ya musalman ko ya kisi bhi dharm ke manane wale ko hindustan nahi pasand hai yahan se chale kyon nahin jate hain. jahan jaana ho wahan jayen jo karna ho wo kare hindustan me rah kar hindustan ke khilap bolne ka adhikar kisne diya hai unhe. kripa karke aiysee behuda batein is desh mein band honi chahiye. saleem jaise musalmano nein apni hi kaum ko barbad kar rakha hai. koyee bhi majhab(dharm) kisi ko dusre majhab(dharm) ki burayee karna nahin sikhata hai. jo hindua mo ish(ishwar) hai wahi christiano me ish(ishu) hai. wahi musalmano me isha-ale-salam hai. ek noor te sab jag upaja kaun bhale kaun mande. hindustan me rah kar hindustan ki burayee karni band karo aisa na ho yahan se to bhaga diye jao aur dusri jagah panaah bhi na mile.
    jai hind.

    Comment by naresh kumar srivastava(bhartiya) | May 12, 2015 | Reply

  30. |

    अजमेर बद्तमीज़ V/S पुष्कर

    अजमेर रेलवे स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर इतनी भीड़ थी कि वहाँ की कोई बैंच खाली नहीं थी। एक बैंच पर एक परिवार, जो पहनावे से हिन्दू लग रहा था, के साथ बुर्के में एक अधेड़ सुसभ्य महिला बैठी थी। उसने सभ्यता से पान की पीक थूक-2 कर प्लेटफार्म पर अपने आस-पास कई चित्र बना दिये थे।

    बहुत देर चुपचाप बैठने के बाद जब उससे चुप्पी बर्दाश्त न हुई तो उसने बगल में बैठे युवक से पूछा, “अजमेर के रहनेवाले हैँ या फिर यहाँ घूमने आये हैं?”

    युवक ने बताया, “जी अपने माता पिता के साथ पुष्कर में ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर के दर्शन करने आया था।”

    महिला ने बुरा मुँह बनाते हुए फिर पूछा,”आप लोग अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह पर नहीं गये?”

    युवक ने उस महिला से प्रतिउत्तर कर दिया, “क्या आप ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर गयी थीं?”

    महिला अपने मुँह को और बुरा बनाते हुये बोली, “लाहौल विला कुव्वत। इस्लाम में
    बुतपरस्ती हराम है और आप पूछ रहे हैं कि ब्रह्मा के मंदिर में गयी थी।”

    युवक झल्लाकर बोला, “जब आप ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर में जाना हराम मानती हैं तो हम क्यों अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह पर जाकर अपना माथा फोड़ें।”

    महिला युवक की माँ से शिकायती लहजे में बोली, “देखिये बहन जी। आपका लड़का तो बड़ा बदतमीज है। ऐसी मजहबी कट्टरता की वजह से ही तो हमारी कौमी एकता में फूट पड़ती है।”

    युवक की माँ मुस्काते हुये बोली, “ठीक कहा बहन जी। कौमी एकता का ठेका तो हम हिन्दुओं ने ही ले रखा है।
    अगर हर हिँदू माँ-बाप अपने बच्चों को बताए
    कि अजमेर दरगाह वाले ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन
    चिश्ती ने किस तरह इस्लाम कबूल ना करने पर
    पृथ्वीराज चौहान की पत्नी संयोगिता को मुस्लिम
    सैनिकों के बीच बलात्कार करने के लिए
    निर्वस्त्र करके फेँक दिया था और फिर किस
    तरह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की वीर पुत्रियों ने
    आत्मघाती बनकर मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को 72
    हूरों के पास भेजा थातो शायद ही कोई हिँदू उस
    मुल्ले की कब्र पर माथा पटकने जाए
    “अजमेर के ख्वाजा मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को ९०
    लाख हिंदुओं को इस्लाम में लाने का गौरव प्राप्त
    है. मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने ही मोहम्मद
    गोरी को भारत लूटने के लिए उकसाया और
    आमंत्रित किया था… (सन्दर्भ – उर्दू अखबार
    “पाक एक्सप्रेस, न्यूयार्क १४ मई २०१२).
    अधिकांश मुर्दा हिन्दू तो शेयर/कॉपी-पेस्ट
    भी नहीं करेंगे,,धिक्कार है ऐसे हिन्दुओ पर
    गर्व से कहो हम हिन्दू है

    Comment by vikas Singh | May 13, 2015 | Reply

    • Abe sale Hindu tu to yahi jalay jate ho Allah ke yaha jalna parega

      Comment by raja | August 9, 2015 | Reply

    • Sir Please define who is a hindu

      Comment by Digant Chadha | September 4, 2015 | Reply

    • According to many texts, and esp Muslim texts,
      Sanyogita was raped after Ghori captured Delhi.
      But I wanted to mention these few facts after
      the defeat of Prithvi at the hands of Ghori in the
      Second battle of Terrain in 1192 AD
      He did not run away from the battlefield.
      He did not take Samyogita with him to the
      battlefield, and the brave Rajput lady took
      charge of the fort after her husband went to
      fight the barbaric Muslim invaders.
      Prithviraj Chauhan was not killed by Sutlan or
      his ministers.–Instead, Pritviraj and Chand than
      killed each other as they did not want to be left
      at the hands of those barbaric animals (sultan’s
      –thus, Prithviraj raso was completed by one of
      Chand’s son who also accompanied his father
      to Ghazni (Afghanistan) were Prithvi died,
      somehow he managed to escape and come
      back to India where Prithviraj raso was
      Every one knew that sultan wanted the beautiful
      Sanyogita and especially came to capture her.
      He was a beast and had committed many
      atrocities on the way.
      Many Pakistani websites and books say that
      Mohammad ghori was successful in capturing
      sanyogita and he along with his ministers
      physically abused her ,and than forcefully
      converted her to Islam renaming her as some
      But that’s not true.
      The movement Sanyogita heard about Prithviraj
      captivity and the news of his defeat, followed by
      the Sultan army proceeding to Delhi to capture
      Pithorgard (Prithviaj Palace), Sanyogita had her
      acts right. She was aware of Mohammad Ghori
      intentions and heard about his barbaric acts.
      Sanyogita realized that return of Prithviraj
      chauhan was impossible and Sultan was
      headed straight towards her , she willingly
      ended her life instead of falling in the hands of
      that butcher (sultan).
      Thus Mohammad Ghori cruel intentions were
      not successful.
      Forget abusing her, he could not even touch
      her either alive of dead.
      Sanyogita deeply loved only Prithviraj Chauhan.
      and vice versa.
      Sanyogita could not think of anyone else but
      prithvi as her soul mate , her becoming the
      Queen of Mohammad Ghori after Prihviraj
      captivity is absolute nonsense
      Prithviraj Chauhan and Sanyogita’s love was
      characterized by loyalty, Purity and a strong
      never ending bond between them, because of
      which their love story is immortalized, and
      know as one of the most celebrated love stories
      in the world, as it grew strong in spite of all
      odds they faced in life
      No one could separate the lovers ,not even

      Comment by Ayush | October 22, 2015 | Reply

  31. yes you are right Moinuddin Chishti and Gauri both are fucking fellow they are kafirs in reality.

    Comment by vanila | June 3, 2015 | Reply

    • do you even know what is the meaning of kaafir..

      Comment by Digant Chadha | September 4, 2015 | Reply

  32. This absolute wrong that someone who don’t know about history saying wrong about khawaja Graeeb Nawaz.
    Whoever think wrong and say wrong, he will get punishment. U will see very soon. Whoever did this.

    Comment by Bilal | June 3, 2015 | Reply

    • Stop commenting on each other’s religions, and saleem khan shame on you, chee,, never imagined people like you ever existed,,you scounderal be ashamed of yourself giving vulgar comments on the nation you are existing, and to the people who are dead not alive!!!!!!!!! Shame on you, tum khaak sacche musalman banoge. :-\, people like you should be put in jail for use of unparliamentary languages, useless perverted creature. !

      Comment by Arya krishna | June 16, 2015 | Reply

      • By the way for your correct information saiyogita was never raped by any one, she committed jauhar, tumko to jauhar ka matlab bhi nahi pata hoga, go to wikipedia you shall get all the informations, and think two times before posting anything bullshit in a social networking site and exploiting and angering people, uncivilized filthy slout

        Comment by Arya krishna | June 16, 2015

      • Kya kabhi socha hai ki iswar nee sirf insan ko banaya hai Sankey body ke parts ek jase fit keye hai aur Jo abhi Muslim hai unkey purvaj ya to Hindu thi agar koi Muslim dosre dharma kee logo ko gali deta hai to vho apney purvjo ko bhi gali dee rahe hai rahe baat sahe Galt ki to us parpitha parmashwar ke ghar mai kisi ko baksha nahi jayeghaa chaye who kit a bada saint hi kyo naa ho jisney iswar ka niyem ki virud kaam keya usko to saja melaghi hi

        Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015

  33. बुद्ध से पहल कोई बुद्धिस्ट नहीं था ।जीसस से पहले कोई ईसाई नहीं था ।मुहम्मद से पहले कोई मुसलमान नहीं था ।महावीर से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था ।नानक से पहले कोई सिक्ख नहीं था ।लेकिनकृष्ण से पहले ,राम से पहले ,हरिशचन्द्र से पहले,वशिष्ट से पहले,गौतम, कपिल, कणाद,भरद्वाज, विश्वामित्र,अत्री, द्रोण आदि से भी पहलेसब सनातन वैदिक धर्मी थे |क्योंकि धर्म किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा आरम्भ नहीं होता वो तो ईश्वर के द्वारा सीधा ही वेद के द्वारा मानव मात्र को समान रूप से संविधान दिया गया है ।व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा तो केवल मत, पंथ,सम्प्रदाय, मज़हब,रिलिजन आदि चला करते हैं ।इसलिये अपने सनातनी हिन्दू होने पर गर्व करें।।।।जय हिन्द ।।

    Comment by hariom | June 28, 2015 | Reply

    • According to islamic scholar Mr Jakir Naik ” non muslim has no human rights”
      Accordind to Kuran” non islamic person cant be friend of islamic person although they can be treated like cattle (like a pet animal)”.
      So all non muslim ppl can u answer my 1 question ” will u give respect other persons mother or him who want to rape your mother”
      Open your eyes shuturmurgon.
      Inki kitaab aur yeh to dusron ko insaan hi nahi samajhte.
      Blah blah blah band karo.
      Aap kya kar sakte ho? Socho
      Yeh insaano ki ek nayi nasl hai killer homo sepians (Horka).
      Use & spread this word of Horka (like killer whale orka) as their alternate name of muslim.

      Comment by ansh | July 1, 2015 | Reply

    • Bhai Santana Sharma ka matlb hota h Islam

      Comment by Ahmad raza | August 9, 2015 | Reply

    • sir hindu khud apney sanatan dharm se vanchit hain.
      90% janta jo apne aap ko hindu kehti hai wo mandiro me murti pooja karti hai
      main bhi karta hu
      jabki sanatan dharm iskey bilkul khilaaf hai.
      to asal me hindu ka matlab kya hai?
      jaise aap ek muslim se puchein ke muslim kaun hota hai to wo seedha jawab dega ke islam aur SAW PRophet Muhammad ko maan ney waal muslim hai.
      jab mujhse koi puchta hai ke hindu kaun hota hai, tab mere paas koi jawaab nahi hota.

      Please help me

      Comment by Digant Chadha | September 4, 2015 | Reply

  34. Salo madar chood Haram ke Pillo Godhara bhul gaye. Ab tera Baap delhi main hai.Ab tera Baap Pakistan Ko keh de Hindustan se war kare fir pata chalega.

    Comment by SAHDEV | July 3, 2015 | Reply

  35. Rajput ko kya bigaad liya ek 1 mar 100 aayge.Pehle tu histoty chek karle. Aur dusri baat tera Akbaruddin Owaisi jo Speech Hedrabad main deta hai. Ek baar keh de Gujarat ya Rajsthan main speech de to manu

    Comment by SAHDEV | July 3, 2015 | Reply

  36. Tshri baat ye makka madina main niche tak hindu ko kyu nahi jane dete. kyu ki gajni ne jab somnath link todi tab aakashwani hue thi aur kaha gaya tha ki tumhare dharm ka aant Hidnu se ho ga ushi dar she gajni somnath ling Saud Arebiya le gay Aur mkka madina main rakha di aur waha hindu ko jane nahi dete. aur jo jana chaahta hai go (cow) maash dete hai taki dharm Parivartan ho jaaye. Saud Arebiya Makk- Madina main high tide Security hoti hai.

    Ek tum apne dharm pe etra rahe ho vah dharm hi naabud ho jaayega jake puchh aape baap she.Hindu dharm aaj tak koe naabud nahi kar payega.

    Last & Final Tere muslim ke Country 70 hai. Hindu ka ek hi Country hai Tere Pakistan ko keh 70Country leke Yuddh (war) kare.

    Comment by SAHDEV | July 3, 2015 | Reply

    • I’m not taking side of any religion…..
      But may I know… K yeh muslim religion kab se start hua tha???
      Our agar muslim yeh kehte hai k Hindu o ke mahabharat our ramayan jutthe hai to ram mandir todd k masjid kyo banaya tha???,

      Comment by massage from a neutral human | July 29, 2015 | Reply

    • please sir get ur facts clear first that black stone was placed by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ishmael. this was done thousands of years from today even hundreds of years before the birth of Prophet Ibrahim and Birth of Islam….later on Islam was formed or reformed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and made kaaba a direction to pray.

      and jahaan tak facts ki baat hai
      there is no tradition of eating cow’s flesh during hajj and moreover there are vegetarian muslims also so nobody can force them to eat non veg there.

      please dont let ur lack of knowledge be the reason of your hatred.
      thanku god bless

      Comment by Digant Chadha | September 4, 2015 | Reply

  37. Islam taught me…never try to explain your faith, knowledge and truth to the ones who will always disrespect you and your beliefs.So no comments to all the people filled with hatred. Just to request…have some Shame!!!!
    i am gonna find a way report this website though!!

    Comment by person with real heart!!! | August 1, 2015 | Reply

    • Allah hu fuckbar!
      LA illaha illah allah, fuck you allah!

      Comment by Swarnadeep Sen | March 15, 2016 | Reply

      • ram ram mere lund ka bal sita ko choodne meh bohat mazaa aaya.ram saitan tha ram bosdika tha ram toh gudva bhi tha.ram ka lund otha hi nahi tha jabhi to ram madarchood apni rakhel sita ko ravan se chudva tha.krishna bhi gudva tha jitne bhi tumlog ke bagwan hai woh hum muslim ke lund se hum tumhare ram ko lund pe marte hai..ram bosdika tha hai or rahenga bagwan lund ka bal jabhi toh nikal ram

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

  38. Story should be improved by his childhood and sacrifices his most of the moment in life

    Comment by Ahmad raza | August 9, 2015 | Reply

    • Jin logon ne yahan per islamic rule failaya wo arab the aur tum indian ho. Agar abhi bhi apne aap ko arbon k barabar samajhte ho to middle east main ja ker job ker lena. Pata chal jayega ki wo tumhe apne saamne neech samjhte the ,hain aur rahenge. Tum log apne aap ko unka nakal kar k cartoon ki tarah mat bano.(bina mooch ki dadhi rakhna,payjaama ooncha pehnna etc.) Tum indian (hindu) the,ho aur rahoge.jabtak ye kaynaat behave like hindu,speak like hindu ,live like a will get respect for being an indian not for mimicking an arab

      Comment by Bhartiya | August 10, 2015 | Reply

      • khwaja ki maa ki “chut”

        Comment by luckyrajsinh chauhan | September 9, 2015

  39. he betrayed Maharajah Pritiviraj. Fuck the dickhead. Demolish that piece of shit and pour pigs blood and put pig fat and a pigs head in that shithole. apostate

    Comment by Hussein Alkaff | August 16, 2015 | Reply

  40. Ye musalman ka jhanth hai chisti madherchod ka tarif kar raha hai randi ka aulad

    Comment by Vijay | August 26, 2015 | Reply

  41. Bahan se shadi kar chodte ho sale kattu

    Comment by Vijay | August 26, 2015 | Reply

  42. Vijay g kya arjun or Krishna ka koi rishta tha tha to mama or bua ka or sale bhenoi ka..jb Krishna or arjun mama bua ke bete h to sale bhenoi kyo bane .
    .apni history ko read kro .plz

    Comment by gauhar | August 30, 2015 | Reply

    • Kya WO bhen she shadi nhi thi

      Comment by gauhar | August 30, 2015 | Reply

  43. failed to understand what is wrong with khwaja.

    Comment by Nandini Mukhopadhyay | September 3, 2015 | Reply

  44. there is a little correction.
    muslims are asked to only worship the creator…thats true
    but the person who was human who introduced them to ALLAH was Prophet Muhammad (SAW) peace be upon him
    and people who spreaded the message of islam throughout the world should always be remembered.
    So First thing nobody ever worships Khwaja, its just like giving ur respect to ur Guru or teachers
    Chishti Order was framed by Ali ibn abi talib peace be upon him and was spreaded by various successors
    khwaja moinuddin Chshti was the 16th successor of this chishti order and the first person to introduce thid order in India
    Chsishti order aimed harmonising with muslims as well as non muslims.
    moreover i read a question above, that who are muslims?
    here is an answer,
    SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM (Prophet Muhammad) (NABI) said that muslim is not by birth but by belief.
    whosoever believed in one god is a muslim.

    i strongly believe that Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (Hasani as well as Hussaini)(Descendant of the Prophet) was a good human and shall always stay in my heart.

    And i am a Hindu by birth and still looking for the answer what does hindu mean?
    God Bless

    Comment by Digant Chadha | September 4, 2015 | Reply

  45. mera maan na yeh hai
    Ke jo insaan kisi dusrey ke dharm ko gaali dey sakta hai, uska vishwaas apne dharm me kamzor hai.
    warna uska dharm ussey nafrat karna nahi sikhaa sakta.
    Aaney waali nasalo ko is bhed bhaav se bachao, aur har bachey ko bass yahi gyaan padhao
    Tu naa HINDU banega, naa Musalmaan banega
    Insaan ki aulaad hai Insaan banega

    Comment by Digant Chadha | September 4, 2015 | Reply

    • After 100 year muslim will be the largest population on earth . That’s true . Because Hindu don’t have ability to produce much children They are the asshole Kafka kafir ( feenare jahannama khaledin) till the earth end they will rule the dictatorship in india and all over the world

      Comment by shahnawaz | September 29, 2015 | Reply

      • Correct yr thinking. The main pronlem with muslim is that they are very narrow minded. They can nit think kore than Religion. The whole planet is going to end one day by Islam their policy of Increasing population.

        Comment by Bikas | January 8, 2016

  46. Reading comments of my hindu brothers i am really ashamed …i am a hindu and have read many hindu and sufi litrature …Khawaja moinuddin was a great saint just like kabir,nanak ,jesus etc…..just because you are fanatic hindu doesnt make sense to criticise sufi saints….moreover sufism is different from islam thats why isis and taliban has agenda to destroy their shrines……the problem with religious person is he try to boost his ego in name of his religion by condemning other…..sufi saints ,bhakti saints, and other saints their religion may be different but their object has always been same I.e to elevate spiritual state of disciples…….please for sake of God atleast listen your own heart before speaking ill of such a great saint…..

    Comment by Apurav | October 6, 2015 | Reply

  47. The fact is their are billions of Muslims and billions of Hindus who follow their religion …the author of this post may have been following Hinduism but have you ever thought that out of these billions of so called religious people why very few-infact countable on fingers, reach to the goal of religion I e self realisation and God? Here is the answer because unless a man becomes spiritual no one can reach the Creator….the Sufis and other saints followed tariqat I.e personal way to God or the way given by guru….If you want to know God risk above the religion….I am born Hindu but I am not Hindu….because I don’t know who am I….that’s the core teaching of Upanishads to know who am I ?🏻 bulleshah said bulla ki Jaana Mai kaun?
    Khawaja moinudin had Same spiritual status as of Krishna and Buddha…but you guys wont see it because It need awaken eyes…not the sleepy state of being supressed by egos of belonging to a religion……rest God help you !

    Comment by Apurav | October 6, 2015 | Reply

  48. I am a meditator since many years and my guru is complete one and it will not be relevant to tell you about my spiritual staus cuz you will not believe and neither I am interested ….but those who can believe I can share this much that I feel same energy in dargahs ,specially of ajmer that I feel in jagrit Hindu temple….Sufism is a beautiful way to enter your being….pLz rise above religious dogmas.e.unless you do nothing for your soul sake no religion can let you meet Creator….

    Comment by Apurav | October 6, 2015 | Reply


    Comment by INDIAN | October 31, 2015 | Reply

  50. Bakwas article.. Reference do apne research ka..

    Comment by tyana | November 13, 2015 | Reply

  51. राम दुबारा मत आना, अब यहाँ लखन हनुमान
    90 करोड़ इन मुर्दों मे, अब बची किसी के जान
    भाई भाई के चक्कर मे अब, अपनी बहनो का ज्ञान
    हम कैसे कह दें कि हिंदू अब, तुर्कों की संतान
    इतिहास भी रो कर शांत हो गया, भगवा पर
    अब याद इन्हे बस अकबर है, राणा का बलिदान
    हल्दी घाटी सुनसान हो गयी, चेतक का तूफान
    हिंदू भी होने लगे दफ़न, अब जलने को शमशान
    बहनो की चीखें गूँज रही, सनातन का सम्मान
    गैर धर्म ही इनके सब कुछ हैं, अब महादेव
    हे राम दुबारा मत आना, अब यहाँ लखन हनुमान Nahi.
    जनहित का ये message सिर्फ आप सब के पढने के लिए नहीं है…. आगे क्या करना है इस message का, मुगलों, चंगेजों, तुर्कों आदि ने हमारे हिंदू
    पूर्वजो पर किये
    1- मैं नहीं भूला उस कामपिपासु अलाउद्दिन को, जिससे
    अपने सतित्तव को बचाने के लिये रानी पद्ममिनी ने 14000
    स्त्रियो के साथ जलते हुए अग्निकुंड में कूद गयी थीं।
    2- मैं नहीं भूला उस जालिम औरंगजेब को, जिसने संभाजी
    महाराज को इस्लाम स्वीकारने से मना करने पर तडपा तडपा
    कर मारा था।
    3- मैं नहीं भूला उस जिहादी टीपु सुल्तान को, जिसने एक
    एक दिन में लाखो हिंदुओ का नरसंहार किया था।
    4- मैं नहीं भूला उस जल्लाद शाहजहाँ को, जिसने 14 बर्ष
    की एक ब्राह्मण बालिका के साथ अपने महल में जबरन
    बलात्कार किया था।
    5- मैं नहीं भूला उस बर्बर बाबर को, जिसने मेरे श्री राम प्रभु
    का मंदिर तोडा और लाखों निर्दोष हिंदुओ का कत्ल
    किया था।
    6- मैं नहीं भूला उस शैतान सिकन्दर लोदी को, जिसने
    नगरकोट के ज्वालामुखि मंदिर की माँ दुर्गा की मूर्ति के
    टुकडे कर उन्हे कसाइयो को मांस तोलने के लिये दे दिया था।

    Comment by Sharad | December 6, 2015 | Reply

  52. Behavior of moidden against sayogita in Hindi

    Comment by Vikram Kumar | December 12, 2015 | Reply

  53. If chisti miracles are not believable how can believe the book stories of Mahabharata Ramayan and that persons in that book .there is chisti tomb we can see it still now but there is no sign of any person who are mentioned in the above books so dont make contrrvercy and don’t hurt other religions beliefs

    Comment by Tiger | December 17, 2015 | Reply

  54. Hard baat ki condition hoti h
    Shiv nhi powerful they…to q nhi man ki neck laga do?? Q elephant ki zarurat pdi….
    Plz explain…if u can….
    Dusre k andar kami nikalna bahut easy h…..

    Comment by victorious | January 5, 2016 | Reply

  55. U All will no one day what is islam and followers of islam and Prophet……we believe in islam….

    Comment by shaheed bagwan | January 14, 2016 | Reply

  56. U All will no one day what is islam and followers of islam and Prophet……we believe in islam….and u all should no in who’s favour this world is made and listen to ur heart beat what he tells every second…..

    Comment by shaheed bagwan | January 14, 2016 | Reply

  57. kya jhand macha rakhi h ye Sab…..Abe kitna kheechoge yar tum log ….kitna manipulate kroge history ko apne according…… itni nafrat leke kahan jaoge……Abe padho likho kuchh kam dham karo bandhuon …..jamana bohot aage ja rha h khud aage badho aur desh ko badhao….pakte ni tum log in Sab se

    Comment by Astha Pandey | January 18, 2016 | Reply

  58. following a religion makes people loving n caring n lead to a progressive life…..this is all bullshit …..every one cn follow whatever the path…..but it must contains humanity at its very core…..fortunately all religion have this doctrine…. listen to it

    Comment by Astha Pandey | January 18, 2016 | Reply

  59. Hindi m jankari hona h English kem samaz m aati h

    Comment by md aftoz | January 22, 2016 | Reply

  60. please give reference about aforesaid topic where it is clearly stated that sanyogita was raped it is clearly stated in prithviraj raso that she had choosen jauhar with all other ranis.

    Comment by nirbhay | February 5, 2016 | Reply

  61. Harami ki dargah ke darshan kara bhi pap hai

    Comment by bharat | March 6, 2016 | Reply

  62. Eye opening article about suffism.I often use to wonder if suffism believes everyone is same and brotherhood etc. Why they use to convert.

    Comment by Himanshu | March 8, 2016 | Reply

  63. also writed in sanatan (hindu dharma ) in garud purana that muslims as a called devils killed all muslims and other religions mythes devils and getting paradise

    Comment by vikramadtiya singh chauhan | March 10, 2016 | Reply


    Why you ill hearted people want to make my india a place where only hate can grow for others! Why samyukta’s jauhar is changed to rape and why you people want it to be done by KHAWAJA SAHAB!! ! Why cant you live and let live us with peace and brotherhood??? When you dont have abality to think loving each other, how could you talk bout the man who is beyond your thinking lavel, dont spread massage like this, let people live peacfuly, Please let us live with our belives.

    Comment by Sahil | March 13, 2016 | Reply

    • Yeah u dumb believers…ur islam is d core of evry problem on ds earth.. Ur philosophy is to kill e’1 who belongs to other religion..nd we mst let u live u in peace…lolzz hell ur stupid religion wch is not actually a religion only nd nvr existed in history. Only few shrwed people startef to practice few rules fr d heck of dere own interest…nd made it…don wry dere end is near…nd only goodness will prevail without ne religion.

      Comment by Pooja paliwal | March 18, 2016 | Reply

  65. You know what the real problem is? The real problem is there is a section of people who use history as a tool for their own hidden agenda. What is pathetic is for their agenda they want to mould history in their own way. Beware of these people as they are the most dangerous ones.

    Comment by Rajendra Singh Shekhawat | March 15, 2016 | Reply

    • Seriously I support you

      Comment by Secular.Ekagra Nigam | March 26, 2016 | Reply

  66. hi dosht

    Comment by mainuddin dovi | March 17, 2016 | Reply

  67. Sach hi hoga..yeh mulle aaj bhi hindustan main rehke hamaare hi khilaaf bolte hain..saale jis thaali main khaate hain usi main ched karte hain..jihaad ke naam pe apne maa baap tak ka khoon karne waale kiske sage ho sakte hain..till now i nvr hated dem but wid d thngs goin around i hate dem to the core of my heart. Hv visited d dargaah twice..nvr evr wll go again

    Comment by Pooja paliwal | March 18, 2016 | Reply

    • Aap ki baat ek dum sahi hai pooja ji hum bhi yahi sochte hai kyun ki hum prithviraj chauhan k vanshaj hai or aaj bhi itni taakat or himmat rakhte hain ki firse is bharat ko Hindustan banadey . HAR HAR MAHADEV

      Comment by vishal thakur | May 5, 2016 | Reply

    • pooja chinal randi hindu ke lund ki paidaish nhi hai tu teri maa muslim se chudvati hai.jakar puch tere baap bhai ko.or mujhe bhi tum kaffiro se nafrat hai.aisa lagta hai jaha tumlog milo wahi mardalu.bye pooja randi i will fuck ur mother and u very badly with pressure of pain u bitch of hindu.

      Comment by Ram ki maa ki chut | July 27, 2016 | Reply

  68. This Khawaja was a rapist, he ordered to kidnap a raja’s girl in Ajmer and later raped her.
    all Muslimas re like him, cheats , liars and rapists.
    That’s why Burma Buddhists are killing them like stray dogs.

    Comment by The Mindset | March 21, 2016 | Reply

    • Garib nawaz is garib nawaz he naver hated any one he just bless ppl till now he is blassing he is a sufi simple great

      Comment by Nasiruddin CHISTY | April 9, 2016 | Reply

  69. Gita ya Quran nhi sikhte aps me bayr rakhna..
    itna hi guroor h agr apne mazhab pe to jao padho gita aur Quraan dono me kahi nhi h aps me ladna jhagdana

    Comment by Nazim Shehzade | March 26, 2016 | Reply

  70. Please
    all my brothers don’t fight and start a Hindu Muslim debate we should respect all the religions I don’t know why you are criticizing and abusing each others religion …..?

    And in the case of Muinuddin Chisti and pritviraj chauhan no body can claim it bcoz nobody between us was there.But I don’t support this doctor who has written this.And these Hindu Muslim arguements only cause riots….u should never abuse someone’s religious feelings and i support the prudent person AND PLEASE YOU raj on I CHECKED ALL THE SURAHS YOU MENTIONED AND EVERY THING YOU WROTE IS FALSE……!

    Comment by Secular.Ekagra Nigam | March 26, 2016 | Reply

    • Hind k Raja hamare Khwaja,
      The greatness of Hazrat khwaja Garib nawaz cannot be explained he was the one who took care of all the poor people including Hindus, helped everyone and till date people from all a cross the India and other parts of the world come to visit him.
      Do not just post anything bad here, do not just show your family status by speaking bad for him, truth will prevail over everything and go and find why so many people including people of different faith come to see Hazrat Garib nawaz. Because the high status of him is given by God.
      May Allah give you all hidayah to see and follow the truth.

      Comment by Shanu | March 26, 2016 | Reply

  71. Our indian brothers r …frustrate..bcoz unki koi chalti nahi…chalti hai sirf….politics…jahan mile wahan aajate hai…hhaha..bheek mangne

    Comment by ismail | March 26, 2016 | Reply

  72. What rubbish! You are all unsecular. Spreading false information. Garib nawaj was a messenger of love. One sufi saint said,’tear down the temples and mosque, but don’t break heart of a person, where god resides’. How such sufi saints can be unsecular. Also prithviraj chauhan was a kind person. He forgave ghori manz times. How can such hearted person kill muslim children. Don’t reinterprete the history. In kuran, it is said against non-believers. ‘muslim’ in kuran means persons who are god believers. If a christian or hindu worships god and is honest, then he is also a mohammedan. If a shudra does good deeds, then he is a brahmin according to gita. All religions were established for truth and love. And reach to one god.

    Comment by Nitin | March 30, 2016 | Reply

  73. If what you are saying is so true, then why does soo much of hindu, seek and many other people from different religions come to the holy shrine of kwaja saab to seek blessing,you can try to bring shame on this beautiful saint but you can never snatch away the love people have for him through out the world, its impossible.

    Comment by Zhara | April 19, 2016 | Reply

  74. Now it makes sense to me why you posted such rubbish!!! You want to start a war between muslims , hindus and christians! Thats your aim isnt??? Who do you think you are??? You can say what ever you want but you can never change anything about kwaja saab, your opinions doesnt matter!!! You are the foolish one!!! You are the shaytaan!!!

    Comment by Zhara | April 19, 2016 | Reply

  75. I received this message in what’s app, just want to know, is it true??

    अजमेर शरीफ के दरगाह की सच्चाई:-

    अजमेर रेलवे स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर इतनी भीड़ थी कि वहाँ की कोई बैंच खाली नहीं थी। एक बैंच पर एक परिवार, जो पहनावे से हिन्दू लग रहा था, के साथ बुर्के में एक अधेड़ सुसभ्य महिला बैठी थी।

    बहुत देर चुपचाप बैठने के बाद बुर्खे में बैठी महिला ने बगल में बैठे युवक से पूछा, “अजमेर के रहनेवाले हैँ या फिर यहाँ घूमने आये हैं?”

    युवक ने बताया, “जी अपने माता पिता के साथ पुष्कर में ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर के दर्शन करने आया था।”

    महिला ने बुरा मुँह बनाते हुए फिर पूछा,”आप लोग अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह पर नहीं गये?”

    युवक ने उस महिला से प्रतिउत्तर कर दिया, “क्या आप ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर गयी थीं?”

    महिला अपने मुँह को और बुरा बनाते हुये बोली, “लाहौल विला कुव्वत। इस्लाम में बुतपरस्ती हराम है और आप पूछ रहे हैं कि ब्रह्मा के मंदिर में गयी थी।”

    युवक झल्लाकर बोला, “जब आप ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर में जाना हराम मानती हैं तो हम क्यों अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह पर जाकर अपना माथा फोड़ें।”

    महिला युवक की माँ से शिकायती लहजे में बोली, “देखिये बहन जी। आपका लड़का तो बड़ा बदतमीज है। ऐसी मजहबी कट्टरता की वजह से ही तो हमारी कौमी एकता में फूट पड़ती है।”

    युवक की माँ मुस्काते हुये बोली, “ठीक कहा बहन जी। कौमी एकता का ठेका तो हम हिन्दुओं ने ही ले रखा है।

    अगर हर हिँदू माँ-बाप अपने बच्चों को बताए कि अजमेर दरगाह वाले ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने किस तरह इस्लाम कबूल ना करने पर पृथ्वीराज चौहान की पत्नी संयोगिता को मुस्लिम सैनिकों के बीच बलात्कार करने के लिए निर्वस्त्र करके फेँक दिया था और फिर किस तरह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की वीर पुत्रियों ने आत्मघाती बनकर मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को 72 हूरों के पास भेजा था तो शायद ही कोई हिँदू उस मुल्ले की कब्र पर माथा पटकने जाए।

    पृथ्वीराज चौहान गोरी को १७ बार युद्ध में हराने के बाद भी उसे छोड़ देता है जबकि एक बार उस से हारने पर चौहान के आँख फोड़ के बेरहमी से मार कर उसके शव को घसीटते हुए अफ़ग़ानिस्तान ले गया और दफ़्न किया।

    आज भी चौहान के क़ब्र पर जो भी मुसलमान वहॉ जाता है प्रचलन के अनुसार उनके क़ब्र को वहॉ पे रखे जूते से मारता है। ऐसी बर्बरता कहीं नहीं देखी होगी। फिरभी हम हैं कि ……,

    “अजमेर के ख्वाजा मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को ९० लाख हिंदुओं को इस्लाम में लाने का गौरव प्राप्त है. मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने ही मोहम्मद गोरी को भारत लूटने के लिए उकसाया और आमंत्रित किया था…

    (सन्दर्भ – उर्दू अखबार
    “पाक एक्सप्रेस, न्यूयार्क १४ मई २०१२).

    अधिकांश हिन्दू तो शेयर भी नहीं करेंगे,,दुख है ऐसे हिन्दुओ पर

    Comment by Prabha | April 19, 2016 | Reply

  76. Dear
    How u know all this…

    Comment by Tajdar Siddiqui | April 21, 2016 | Reply

  77. First , Prithviraj killed mohd. ghori with his shabdhbhedi baan, in second battle of tarain 1192. mohd. ghori cowardly attacked prithviraj Chauhan army in mid-night when they were sleeping & took prithviraj Chauhan as a prisoner to ghor ( place in afghanisthan) . There he started insulting him and his ministers also laughed at prithviraj , he became angry and started looking eye to eye toward md. ghori . Md.ghori said lower your eyes , prithvi replied that Rajput lower there eyes only when they die, that angers ghori and he ordered his soldier to put hot iron rods in the eyes of prithvi thus made him blind. After few days chandbardai best friend and minister poet in prithviraj darbar joined him and in prison they started planning to kill mohd. ghori. And as per the plan chandbardai met mohd. ghori and inform about prithvi skills of hitting the target whithout seeing it. Ghori got surprised and got excited , thus permitting him to show his skills in front of his ministers as well as in front of citizens of ghor. So on one fixed date all joined to see the competition, Prithvi was unchained for the moment and given his own weapons to show his skill , gori soldier order prithviraj to hit the target ,prithvi didn’t hit the target and ask ghori to give the order has today also he is the king of delhi and can’t obey the order of his soldier this satisfied the ego and ghori confirm to give the order for hitting the target. At the same time chandbardai sung the poem in order to guide prithvi the exact location where mohd.ghori was sitting. The peom is as follows ” Chaar baans chaubis gaj angul asth praman , tau par bhaitha sutan, mat chuko Chauhan “. thereafter ghori order prithvi to hit the target as ” Chalao teer ” Prithvi move in the direction and released the arrow , where sultan was sitting, the arrow went straight in ghori’s thorat thus killing mohd. ghori on the spot. Thereafter chandbardai shouted ” Har har mahadev ” thus prithvi understood, that he successfully killed mohd.ghori . till the time everybody were shocked that what happened exactly. and instead of dying with the hands of those barbarians Prithvi and chandbardai killed each other and committed suicide.

    Second, no king or emperor use to take their wives along with them in battle field. And its the common practice that war use to fought miles away from their city or town, this battle of tarain is in Haryana and delhi is miles away from it. and it use to take days and weeks to reach their hometown from the battle field. Ghori took prithvi straightaway as a prisoner from tarain battle field to ghor (afghanisthan) and not even came back to delhi for conquering it. So the questions doesn’t arise at all about sanyogita to fall in the hands of mohd.ghori.

    Third, when sanyogita learn about his captivity in the hands of ghori and his husband been took as a prisoner to ghor (afghanisthan) she stopped eating food and drinking water as she was in deep shock. And thus, that spoiled her health and finally she died ( because of not having food and water continuously till the time of death).

    Fourth, have you ever heared about mohd. ghori coming back to delhi ?after kiiling prithviraj ? and ruled the india from delhi ? in history and thereafter ruled india from delhi and died here only ? and the answer is no….Delhi was ruled by qutubbuddin aibak the slave dynasty of mohd. ghori from Afghanistan after 16 years from the second battle of tarain. 1192. that is in 1208.

    Fifth, Muslim have ruled delhi for 650 years till the time of british .It is not correct to say that they have ruled whole india for that much of period. India and the parts of the country was ruled by Hindus, Marathas, nizams . afghans and Mughals. Before Akbar also india was ruled by Rajput and other hindu kings except delhi and other parts of the country. Muslim never enjoyed india rule in a peace they were always challenged by some or the other hindu kings like Maharana Kumbha who never got defeated in battle field & the proof is Victory tower (Vijay stambh) at chittaurgarh, Maharana Sangram singh (rana sanga), Maharana Pratap, Durgadas rathore, Maldeo rathore, Chatrapati Shivaji, Peshwa Bajirao etc. If these warrior would not had oppose their attacks, india would had also became Islamic country. Akbar has ruled most of the india and that to with the help of Rajput kings in partnership. At the time of Aurangzeb Mughal rule started falling and hindu king started freeding their land and territories from Mughals.

    Comment by Ajay | April 22, 2016 | Reply

    • Completely agree with your point brother…those so called “Pandits/Maulvi or you can say high priest-knowledgeable person” are creating chaos between peace..because they are not human by nature,they have lost their humanity by messing around or providing falsified theory just to pour more n more poison in dumb/deaf/stupid/illiterate people of our country.
      Look around there is more beauty in friendship and love rather than to spread hatred amongst all.
      Please do not follow such fake self proclaimed god/god’s messenger….
      Follow your heart rather be driven by insane minds’.
      -Prashant Sharma.

      Comment by Prashant Sharma | June 22, 2016 | Reply

    • Yeh jo bhi kahani hai woh sab tumlog ne banai hai pritviraj andhe lavde ka tha.bosdika kutte ki maut maragaya mohammad ghori ke hatho.tum hindu log apni gand lal karunge.sab jhoothi india ki bate hai.mughal har kisi par bhari tha tumlog hindu gand fatto the shivaji pritvi or pratap ki tarah or aaj bhi tumlog ki gand fatti hai humse.ek din tum sab kaffiro ki maachoodenge hum dekh lena bohat jald. Sudhar jao waqt hai.tum sab bolo Ram ki maa ka bosda ram gandu gudva.jai shri lund.har har ram bosdika.

      Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016 | Reply

  78. Prithviraj Raso , written by chandar bardai is absolutely correct, and “History of Rajasthan” by karnal James todd for more details just watch the last episode of ” Dharti ka veer yodha Prithviraj Chauhan ” all your doubts will get clear.

    Comment by Ajay | April 22, 2016 | Reply

  79. Have you heard about ” Bappa Rawal ” the great hindu Rajput legend united the kings of jaisalmer and ajmer to fight against the arab invader mohd. Bin Qasim . Bappa Rawal defeated mohd. bin Qasim in battle of Rajasthan and turn the tide for a while on muslim invaders. Muslim invaders after the few decades from the birth of Islam started invading india . Bappa Rawal not only defeated them but also went ahead and invaded them in their own countries executed them in their own land. Bappa Rawal invaded Afghanistan, Arab countries , Turkey, Iran , Persia and celebrated victory by marrying their princess. He married more than 100 Princess and became after of more than 100 childrens and for ruling for 20 years over there he became Shiv Upasak. Maharana Kumbha, Rana sanga, Maharana Pratap are from his dynasty that is sisodia can of Rajput.

    Comment by Ajay | April 22, 2016 | Reply

  80. 80.Have you heard about ” Bappa Rawal ” the great hindu Rajput legend united the kings of jaisalmer and ajmer to fight against the arab invader mohd. Bin Qasim . Bappa Rawal defeated mohd. bin Qasim in battle of Rajasthan and turn the tide for a while on muslim invaders. Muslim invaders after the few decades from the birth of Islam started invading india . Bappa Rawal not only defeated them but also went ahead and invaded them in their own countries executed them in their own land. Bappa Rawal invaded Afghanistan, Arab countries , Turkey, Iran , Persia and celebrated victory by marrying their princess. He married more than 100 Princess and became father of more than 100 childrens and for ruling for 20 years over there he became Shiv Upasak. Maharana Kumbha, Rana sanga, Maharana Pratap are from his dynasty that is sisodia clan of Rajput.

    Comment by Ajay | April 22, 2016 | Reply

  81. Hum hindu hai or prithviraj chauhan ka vanshaj hone k naste yeh kasam khata hun ki firse is desh ko Hindustan banakar hi marunga

    Comment by vishal thakur | May 5, 2016 | Reply

  82. This chisti was a spy of gori and he added poison to the lake and well of great prithvi raj, where hiz camels and horses drink water resulting weakness of his army during wa.

    Comment by jagdish | May 18, 2016 | Reply

    • Right… toa plz ajmer jaana ban kro Hindu logo… aur muslim aaj b hindustaan me aakar kaam dhundhta hai saalo ko yaha kaam b mil jaata hai.. toa kisi b pak k actor aur singers k songs b ban kr do…

      Comment by Pm | June 20, 2016 | Reply

  83. Dr. Arya – the noted Indologist….was it Moinuddin or Salim where Akbar went for praying?

    Comment by WARIS WARSI | May 25, 2016 | Reply

    • Abe bhadawon jis tarah se tum dusron ke maa beheno ke bare me Bol rahe ho…mauka milta hi apne maa beheno ko vi chodd dete hoge…itni gandi niyat…ye bhadwa kwaja Koi vi ho, ban Ka loda..rapists Tum sab ho saalo…Duniya me Jahan vi ho bhassad machaya hua h..chutiye h wo log jo sale mulle maulavi, panditon ke chakkar me padte h..
      Mai apne behen ki shaadi ek chamaar se kar dun but ek mulle Ka naam vi liya to kaat dunga wahin..
      Mulla mean balatkari..

      Saari Duniya thukti h en saalon pe.lekin ye madharchod h or rahenge…

      Comment by rk | May 30, 2016 | Reply

      • rk teri maa ko ram chood.ram suvar tha hanuman bandar bosdika ,sita randi ,shiva chinalka.ganesh ki gand meh hathi ka lund tum bagwan ki maa ki chut.ek jalegi tel meh hindu gandu jail meh,jail meh aaya bohat ram ki maa ki chut.kashmir meh giri thandi,sita chinal randi.jai shri lund.har har kata huwa ram ka lund,

        Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016

  84. If muinuddin did so many wrong works in his life so why people so Ajmer and prey there ,really it’s fake saints

    Comment by neha | July 2, 2016 | Reply

  85. It’s completely fake

    Comment by Areez | July 3, 2016 | Reply

  86. Don’t make a difference between Hindu and Muslims and wash your brain and respect saints like Hazrat khwaza .

    Comment by SyedSiddhantAli | July 3, 2016 | Reply

  87. Our Muslims Brothers & Sisters are not happy. I actually feel very sad for this as a human being.

    They’re not happy in Gaza
    They’re not happy in Egypt
    They’re not happy in Libya
    They’re not happy in Morocco
    They’re not happy in Iran
    They’re not happy in Iraq
    They’re not happy in Yemen
    They’re not happy in Afghanistan
    They’re not happy in Pakistan
    They’re not happy in Syria
    They’re not happy in Lebanon
    Lets Find The reason Why..
    So, where are they happy?
    They’re happy in Australia
    They’re happy in England
    They’re happy in France
    They’re happy in Italy
    They’re happy in Germany
    They’re happy in Sweden
    They’re happy in the USA & Canada
    They’re happy in INDIA

    They’re happy in almost every country that is not
    Islamic! And who do they blame?
    Not Islam..
    Not their leadership..
    Not themselves..


    And they want to change the countries they’re happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy.
    Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
    Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
    Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
    Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
    Confusians living with Bahai’s = No Problem
    Bahai’s living with Jews = No Problem
    Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
    Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
    Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
    Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
    Hindus living with Bahai’s = No Problem
    Bahai’s living with Christians = No Problem
    Christians living with Jews = No Problem
    Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
    Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
    Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
    Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
    Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem


    Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
    Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
    Muslims living with Christians = Problem
    Muslims living with Jews = Problem
    Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
    Muslims living with Bahai’s = Problem
    Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
    Muslims living with Atheists = Problem


    Mind You ! :

    Worth thinking upon…A very dear muslim friend of mine has sent me this!!!!!!!
    Until today no one has told you the truth that ????

    There are 3 lakh mosques in India.

    No other country in the world has these many mosques.

    There are only 24 Churches in Washington.

    71 Churches in London.

    There are 68 Churches in the city of Milan in Italy.

    While in Delhi alone there are 271 churches.

    And you call a Hindu communal.

    Further I have not come across an Indian Muslim opposing ISIS.

    But we have millions of Hindus who are opposing views of RSS.

    I have not seen any Muslim holding party on Holi or Diwali festivals for Hindus, but have seen Hindus holding iftar for Muslims during Ramadan.

    I saw Indian flags being burnt in Kashmir by Indian Muslims.

    But never saw an Indian Muslim burning a Pakistan flag.

    I have seen Hindus wearing topis and visiting Mazars.

    But I have neither seen nor heard an Indian Muslim applying tilak on his forehead and visiting temples.

    This is called Hindu tolerance and respect for other religious community.

    It’s my humble request to share this message with your friends & near and dear. One of my whatsapp friend sent this message which I submit as it is.👆🙏🏻

    Comment by Pankaj | July 18, 2016 | Reply

  88. RSS ke dallo tumhari maa ko choodu kaffiro ek din tumlog ki aisi gand marenge humlog,hindustan chod kar bhaoenge.ram ka lund chusso jake.gudva hai tumlog ke bhagwan.

    Comment by hussain | July 27, 2016 | Reply

    • अजमेर शरीफ के दरगाह की सच्चाई:

      अजमेर रेलवे स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्म पर इतनी भीड़ थी कि वहाँ की कोई बैंच खाली नहीं थी। एक बैंच पर एक परिवार, जो पहनावे से हिन्दू लग रहा था, के साथ बुर्के में एक अधेड़ सुसभ्य महिला बैठी थी।

      बहुत देर चुपचाप बैठने के बाद बुर्खे में बैठी महिला ने बगल में बैठे युवक से पूछा, “अजमेर के रहनेवाले हैँ या फिर यहाँ घूमने आये हैं?”

      युवक ने बताया, “जी अपने माता पिता के साथ पुष्कर में ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर के दर्शन करने आया था।”

      महिला ने बुरा मुँह बनाते हुए फिर पूछा, “आप लोग अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह पर नहीं गये?”

      युवक ने उस महिला से प्रतिउत्तर कर दिया, “क्या आप ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर गयी थीं?”

      महिला अपने मुँह को और बुरा बनाते हुये बोली, “लाहौल विला कुव्वत। इस्लाम में बुतपरस्ती हराम है और आप पूछ रहे हैं कि ब्रह्मा के मंदिर में गयी थी।”

      युवक झल्लाकर बोला, “जब आप ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर में जाना हराम मानती हैं तो हम क्यों अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह पर जाकर अपना माथा फोड़ें।”

      महिला युवक की माँ से शिकायती लहजे में बोली, “देखिये बहन जी। आपका लड़का तो बड़ा बदतमीज है। ऐसी मजहबी कट्टरता की वजह से ही तो हमारी कौमी एकता में फूट पड़ती है।”

      युवक की माँ मुस्काते हुये बोली, “ठीक कहा बहन जी। कौमी एकता का ठेका तो हम हिन्दुओं ने ही ले रखा है।

      अगर हर हिँदू माँ-बाप अपने बच्चों को बताए कि अजमेर दरगाह वाले ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने किस तरह इस्लाम कबूल ना करने पर पृथ्वीराज चौहान की पत्नी संयोगिता को मुस्लिम सैनिकों के बीच बलात्कार करने के लिए निर्वस्त्र करके फेँक दिया था और फिर किस तरह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की वीर पुत्रियों ने आत्मघाती बनकर मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को 72 हूरों के पास भेजा था तो, शायद ही कोई हिँदू उस मुल्ले की कब्र पर माथा पटकने जाए।

      पृथ्वीराज चौहान गोरी को १७ बार युद्ध में हराने के बाद भी उसे छोड़ देता है जबकि एक बार उस से हारने पर चौहान के आँख फोड़ के बेरहमी से मार कर उसके शव को घसीटते हुए अफ़ग़ानिस्तान ले गया और दफ़्न किया।

      आज भी चौहान के क़ब्र पर जो भी मुसलमान वहॉ जाता है प्रचलन के अनुसार उनके क़ब्र को वहॉ पे रखे जूते से मारता है। ऐसी बर्बरता कहीं नहीं देखी होगी। फिरभी हम हैं कि…बेवकुफ secular बने फिर रहे है…!

      “अजमेर के ख्वाजा मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को ९० लाख हिंदुओं को इस्लाम में लाने का गौरव प्राप्त है. मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने ही मोहम्मद गोरी को भारत लूटने के लिए उकसाया और आमंत्रित किया था…”

      (सन्दर्भ – उर्दू अखबार
      “पाक एक्सप्रेस, न्यूयार्क १४ मई २०१२).

      अधिकांश हिन्दू तो शेयर भी नहीं करेंगे…

      दुख है ऐसे हिन्दुओ पर…!

      Comment by Akash kumar | August 12, 2016 | Reply

  89. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti is regarded as foremost preacher of Sufism in India. Though Muslims sing more about his miracles but very are few are aware of the fact about real stand of last Hindu Emperor of our country Prithviraj Chauhan against wicked Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti. Stories have been exaggerated to show Khwaja as mystic with high spiritual powers but truth is nonetheless. The belief of Khwaja in shariah and support to Muslim invader Muhammad Ghori in establishment of Islamic rule in India clearly outlines his inclination towards Islam. We will take few examples from his life which creates doubts in our mind about his so called secular stand?. The fawaidu’l –fu’ad says that when Khwaja arrived in Delhi from Lahore seven hundred people (low-caste Hindus), besides hamidu’din dihlawi, embrace Islam (ref- page 117 vol. 1 a history of Sufism in India –Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi). Khwaja Ajmer visit is mentioned as full of miracles (exaggerated stories). Since old Khwaja’s arrival in Ajmer caused lot of disputes with handsome Prithviraj.

    Reaching Ajmer, Khwaja decided to sit under a tree, but camel keepers ordered him away as the area belonged to the Prithviraj. (The truth was that camels keeping area was Prithviraj army area in which locals were not allowed. A story has been propagated that due to Khwaja wished that none of the camels were able to stand on their legs. It was only when Prithviraj’s officials came and pleaded for guilty Khwaja made them well.)

    The Khwaja and his followers moved to a place near the Anasagar Lake. His servants killed cows and cooked kebabs for Khwaja and Muslims daily. Some followers of the Khwaja went to Anasagar and the others to Pansela Lake for defecation and ablutions. There were one thousand temples on the banks of two lakes. The Brahmins complained to Maharaj Prithviraj. Prithviraj sent his soldiers to kill Khwaja, but he escaped. Angered Khwaja went to Anasagar and Pansela Lakes. As soon as the Khwaja touched the Anasagar and Pansela Lakes, all the lakes, tanks and wells around became dry. Then Khwaja went to the big Anasagar lake temple and asked the name of the idol. People told it was called Kama-deva. The Khwaja asked whether the idol had talked to them. On receiving a negative reply he made the idol recite kalma. This caused a sensation in the town. Prithviraj ordered his Minister Jaipal who was also a magician, to avert the evil influence of the Khwaja. Jaipal proceeded to fight the Khwaja with 700 magical dragons, 1400 magical discs and 700 disciples. The Khwaja drew a circle bringing Muslims within it under his protection, and succeeded in killing all the dragons and disciples. Jaipal begged the Khwaja for forgiveness and converted to Islam. Then Khwaja restored water to the lakes, tanks and wells. A large number of people accepted Islam. But Prithviraj refused to accept Islam and ordered his Hindu soldiers to kill Khwaja as soon as possible. Amorous Prithviraj never came out of his golden harem and was always enjoying carnal pleasures with his sensuous wife Sanyogita. So Khwaja prophesied that kafir Prithviraj would be soon killed by the Great Muslim warrior Muhammad Ghori. Khwaja also prophesied that Prithviraj’s beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita would be raped by Muhammad Ghori in front of her haughty Hindu husband Prithviraj. (ref- ali asghar chisti- jawahir-I faridi , Lahore 1884, pp.155-160 )

    (The truth was that Ajmer was considered as sacred by Hindus and killing cows which is considered as sacred was a heinous crime. The visit of Khwaja to Anasagar lake temple caused many controversies as Hindus were not in favor of beef-eater. Second, if Khwaja was so powerful then why Muhammad Ghori was defeated in first battle against Prithviraj Chauhan. It was only in second battle and that also along with the treachery of Khwaja, Mohammad Ghori killed Prithviraj in cold blood. Rest all stories are myths in which no wise person will belief.)

    When Khwaja Moinuddin reached Ajmer, India was ruled by Pithaura Rai (known as Prithvi Raj) and his capital was Ajmer. Prithviraj resented Khwaja’s presence in his capital city, but the latter’s apparent power to perform black-magic, prompted Prithviraj to refrain from taking strict actions against him. A low-caste Hindu was one of the disciples of Khwaja and he was in the service of Prithviraj. After the disciple embraced Islam, he received hostile treatment from the Prithviraj and he was dismissed from the royal service. Khwaja sent a message to Prithviraj in favor of that neo-convert Muslim. Prithviraj promptly refused to accept the recommendation, thus indicating his resentment of the Khwaja’s alleged claims to understand the secrets of the unseen. When Khwaja heard of this harsh reply from Prithviraj, he prophesied: “Hindu Raja Prithviraj would be killed by Musalman Muhammad Ghori. Arrogant Prithviraj’s beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita would be raped by Muhammad Ghori in front of her haughty husband Prithviraj.” Soon Muhammad Ghori butchered and defeated fatty Prithviraj in the second battle. Ugly Ghori repeatedly raped beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita in front of her handsome Hindu husband Prithviraj. Then sturdy Ghori killed fatty Prithviraj in front of his bootylicious bride Sanyogita proving the prophecy of Khwaja. (Ref- amir khwurd, siyaru’l – auliya, delhi,1885,pp.45-47)

    (The above reference is by a renowned Sufi Nizamuddin Auliya for Khwaja Moinuddin clears their stand for Islam. They are considered as preachers of brotherhood and humanity. But the above reference exposes their hatred towards Hindus.)

    The dargah of Khwaja Moinudeen Chisti at Ajmer was once a grand Hindu temple. The temple was demolished by Muhammad Ghori after killing Prithviraj Chauhan. Khwaja was later buried there itself, as is the case with Islamic invaders who destroyed temples and later converted them into mausoleums. Maybe Hindus kept visiting the place of the grand Hindu temple for its special location and continue to visit the dargah in ignorance now. About 14 years before Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti came to India, Prithviraj Chauhan’s mother had a dream, and she warned her young son not to allow the Sufi Muslim into his Kingdom who would come in as a spy for a Muslim invader from the north and that Muslim invader would kill Prithviraj and rape his beloved pregnant wife. See how dreams become true, for Khwaja Chisti was a spy of Muhammed Ghori who raped Prithviraj’s pregnant wife Sanyogita and killed Prithviraj in cold blood.

    Muhammad Ghori had Gorilla-like face which was disfigured with the small-pox to a degree that was a constant source of mortification to him, until it stimulated him to exertion, from a desire that the bad impression made by his appearance might be effaced by repeatedly raping beautiful Hindu wives publicly after castrating their beloved Hindu husbands. Ghori, besides being marked by small-pox, had an ill-favoured countenance, & knew it. He himself is said to have observed, after looking in the mirror, that he saw so many faults in himself, so he was always ready to kill Hindu men & rape their lovely wives. Ghori was tall, lean, athletic & his arms reaching down to his calves. Prithviraj court poet Vajishwara was at hand to witness ugly Ghori.

    Vajishwara writes of Muhammad Ghori: “His face was like Gorilla and he had steel-like strong body. His eyes were so narrow and piercing that they might have bored a hole in a brazen vessel, and his stench was more horrible than his dark color. His head was completely bald and his cheeks resembled leather bottles full of wrinkles and knots. His nose was too long and his nostrils resembled rotting graves. His beard was of extravagant length, but he had no mustache. His chest was covered with lice which looked like sesame growing on a bad soil. His sturdy body, indeed, were covered with these insects, and his skin was as rough-grained as shagreen leather, fit only to be converted into shoes.”

    In 1191 AD Muhammad Ghori attacked the kingdom of Prithviraj and captured the frontier fort of Sarhind. While he was busy garrisoning the fort and arranging for his return to Ghazni, Muhammad learnt to his consternation that Prithviraj with his vast army was already marching against him. Though his Muslim army was small, Muhammad Ghori resolved to strike the first blow and marched south to intercept the Chauhan army. At Tarain, near modern Thanesar, the two armies met in 1191. The Hindu elephants and cavalry came up to the contest—a javelin struck Muhammad Ghori in the shoulder, when he tried to kill Prithviraj and a Khalji soldier carried the swooning Sultan away to safety. When their commander fled the Muslim army broke down and fled after him. The combined arms (elephants, cavalry, infantry) force of Prithviraj chased after the enemy but the Turkish cavalry easily outpaced them. Sensing that the Muslims had escaped from the clutches of the Hindu army, Prithviraj stopped his futile chase. Hurriedly Prithviraj rushed back to Kannouj to marry its peerless princess, the gorgeous beauty Sanyogita. Victorious Prithviraj returned to his capital with his buxom bride Sanyogita, while his other generals returned to their forts and towns to rest their army and replenish their equipment, elephants, and horses.

    According to Historian Prof. Lane Pool “As for the battle of Tarain II, history squarely puts the blame of the defeat on fatty Prithviraj, the hot-headed, sensuous, amorous and arrogant commander of Hindu forces at Tarain — it was he who disregarded the advice given by his aged minister, that of keeping the women, away from the battlefield. The huge Hindu forces on the battlefield were massively hampered by the need to protect their beautiful womenfolk from Islamic rapes, and were consequently not able to fight effectively against the small Muslim army led by ruthless Muhammad Ghori”.

    In this second battle of Tarain 1192 AD, Prithviraj had a huge Hindu army of 3,00,000 cavalry, 7,00,000 archers, 3000 elephants and 20,00,000 infantry along with 10,00,000 beautiful concubines and prostitutes. Whereas Mohammed Ghori had a small but sturdy Muslim army of 40,000 cavalry. The soldiers in the Hindu army of Prithviraj were protected with steel armour. Whereas the warriors in the Muslim army of Ghori were protected with leather armour.

    It is said and is available in the literature that in the second battle of tarain, as is said on the advice of Moiuddin Chisti, Muhammad Ghori sneaked back & cornered Prithviraj’s beautiful buxom wife Queen Sanyogita. Ghori manhandled Sanyogita as he knew his small Muslim army would never defeat Prithviraj directly in the battle as his Hindu army was very vast & huge. Hindu Queen Sanyogita was sexually abused by Muhammed Ghori. Prithviraj Chauhan was dejected when he saw this happen & rushed out of his defensive position to fight Ghori. Prithviraj fought bravely with Ghori. Physically, fat handsome Prithviraj was no match for sturdy hard Ghori. Ghori repeatedly kicked Prithviraj at his scrotum. So Prithviraj fell down in agony of pain & panic. Finally, Ghori butchered & defeated Prithviraj. Ghori repeatedly raped bootylicious Sanyogita in front of her Hindu husband Prithviraj. Prithviraj begged Ghori to stop ravaging & raping his ravishing wife Sanyogita. Ghori asked Prithviraj to convert to Islam. But Prithviraj promptly refused to accept Islam. Irritated Ghori asked Khwaja Moinuddin to do circumcision for Prithviraj. Khwaja forcibly did circumcision on Prithviraj’s big fat penis. Then Khwaja forcibly placed beef into Prithviraj’s mouth. Prithviraj spat the beef out in disgust on Khwaja’s face. Prithviraj Chauhan refused to accept Islam even after all these tortures & haughtily spat on Ghori. In rage, Ghori gouged out Prithviraj’s eyes. Still Prithviraj refused to accept Islam & spat on Quran bravely. Angered Ghori butchered, beheaded & killed potent Prithviraj.

    When Prithviraj ’s severed head was presented to Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, he said: “We have conquered Hindusthan after enormous trouble and the Hindus are now brittle like eggs. Betrayed is Prithviraj Chauhan by Muhammad Ghori’s masterly strategy of jihad rape. Prithviraj’s bootylicious buxom bride Sanyogita who is like musk deer is now asleep in Ghori’s Islamic harem.” This is how the last Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated, castrated, tortured, butchered, beheaded & killed by ugly Musalman Muhammad Ghori.

    In the second battle of Tarain, Ghori & his small Muslim army massacred the huge Hindu army of doomed Prithviraj. Panic & confusion spread through the ranks of the Hindus, & “this prodigious Hindu army, once shaken, like a great building tottered to its fall and was lost in its own ruins.” Fortune frowned on Prithviraj and Ghori carried death and destruction so desperately on Prithviraj’s vast Hindu army that by sunset there was complete collapse in his Hindu army. “For many miles the stricken field was covered with the Hindu flags, spears & shields, heaped metal-bows, jewelled steel-swords, gemmed helmets, exquisitely damascened gauntlets, chiselled greaves, golden breastplates, and saffron scarves, intermingled with the countless dead Hindus & got soaking wet in their cold blood.” After killing Prithviraj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarain, Muhammad Ghori used to line up thousands of Hindu men to get circumcised—stretch out the foreskin, slice with a knife and out—next guy! Then they had to eat beef. Many Hindus refused Islamic circumcision and the Muslims castrated them immediately & beheaded them later.

    It is said Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti played a crucial role in this disastrous defeat of Prithviraj, as Khwaja:

    (i) Invited Muhammad Ghori by sending the portrait of beauteous Hindu Queen Sanyogita

    (ii) He advised Ghori to attack the Hindu army in late night when the Hindus were enjoying conjugal love with their wives and concubines.

    (iii) He advised Ghori to corner and rape busty Hindu Queen Sanyogita, so that Prithviraj had to come out of his defensive position for her rescue and thus the Hindu army got defeated.

    (iv) After Ghori presented captured Hindu Queen Sanyogita to Chisti, he advised Ghori to rape her publicly to break her conceit and arrogance.

    (The above study is based on the following great works: Prthviraja-vijaya of Jayanka; Hammira Mahakavya of Nayachandra Suri; Prabandha-cintamani of Merutunga, Viruddhavidhi-viddhavamsa of Laksmidhar; Kharataragaccha-pattavali of Jinapala; Tabaqat-i-Nasiri by Minhaj-i-Siraj; Tarikh-i-Rashidi by Mirza Haider; Tarikh-i-Firishta by Ferishta, Gulshan-i-Ibrahim by Muhammad Qasim)

    Comment by Raj Kumar | August 18, 2016 | Reply

  90. did smayukta loved mohamad ghori and was pritviraj impotent?, did samyukta wanted ghori to take her

    Comment by avik | August 22, 2016 | Reply

    • avik, if you want more details about prithviraj-sanyogita and ghori, please contact me through my facebook id: “Sanyogita Chauhan” living at Trivandrum, Kerala.

      Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | August 27, 2016 | Reply

      • reply here let everyone know the truth

        Comment by avik | September 13, 2016

  91. Hahahahahahahahaha
    Kuch bhi

    Comment by prince | August 24, 2016 | Reply

  92. no never, avik your are totally wrong!

    as per authentic history,

    samyukta hated muhammad ghori from her heart!

    it was muhammad ghori who was poor potent and not prithviraj. prithviraj was highly potent hindu emperor.

    ghori never had any children neither through samyukta nor through his muslim wife!

    prithviraj made samyukta pregnant twice in a period of 14 months of their marriage life fathering a male infant and samyukta was again carrying four months during the second battle of tarain!

    prithviraj was fair, handsome, fertile and potent and his body was big, fat, smooth, glowing, non-hairy, dense curly head-hair, big-mustache and his penis was big, fat, thick, firm, rubbery, uncut and long!

    ghori was dark-black, ugly, bald-headed and tall and his body was strong like steel, rough, lean, muscular, hard, hairy, big-beard, no mustache and his penis was medium but hard like an iron rod!

    prithviraj chauhan was a great fucker and ghori was no match for prithviraj in fucking skills!

    prithviraj was fatty and physically soft while ghori was physically hard like a rock!

    muhammad ghori was a ruthless warrior and prithviraj was no match for ghori in fighting skills!

    ghori disastrously defeated prithviraj in the second battle of tarain. ghori raped samyukta again and again in front of her fatty handsome husband prithviraj! then ghori brutally butchered prithviraj and killed him in cold blood in front of his buxom bootylicious bride samyukta!

    samyukta decided to kill herself as ghori repeatedly raped her daily against her will! but ghori threatened samyukta that he will kill her little infant if she killed herself! also ghori allowed samyukta to nurse her infant only after she tolerated ghori’s repeated constant rapes on her!

    no one can change history because history was nothing but facts!

    Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | August 27, 2016 | Reply

  93. Yes Sir. I agree. He was illusion master. He was purely anti hindu. Killed hindu. Had very great disrespect to females of hindu

    Comment by Prafulla Tamaskar | September 18, 2016 | Reply

  94. Actually KGN is chicken center in my home town & in few places.

    Comment by Bharatiyan | October 7, 2016 | Reply

  95. Have no truck with devils and pray that sinners and goondaism and goondas go back to their sinful abode . The evil must leave India

    Comment by surender | October 30, 2016 | Reply

  96. dr vivek arya tu ek kutta hai

    Comment by an india | November 25, 2016 | Reply

  97. मुसलमान कहते हैं कि कुराण ईश्वरीय वाणी है तथा यह धर्म अनादि काल से चली आ रही है,परंतु इनकी एक-एक बात आधारहीन तथा तर्कहीन हैं-सबसे पहले तो ये पृथ्वी पर मानव की उत्पत्ति का जो सिद्धान्त देते हैं वो हिंदु धर्म-सिद्धान्त का ही छाया प्रति है.हमारे ग्रंथ के अनुसार ईश्वर ने मनु तथा सतरूपा को पृथ्वी पर सर्व-प्रथम भेजा था..इसी सिद्धान्त के अनुसार ये भी कहते हैं कि अल्लाह ने सबसे पहले आदम और हौआ को भेजा.ठीक है…पर आदम शब्द संस्कृत शब्द “आदि” से बना है जिसका अर्थ होता है-सबसे पहले.यनि पृथ्वी पर सर्वप्रथम संस्कृत भाषा अस्तित्व में थी..सब भाषाओं की जननी संस्कृत है ये बात तो कट्टर मुस्लिम भी स्वीकार करते हैं..इस प्रकार आदि धर्म-ग्रंथ संस्कृत में होनी चाहिए अरबी या फारसी में नहीं.
    इनका अल्लाह शब्द भी संस्कृत शब्द अल्ला से बना है जिसका अर्थ देवी होता है.एक उपनिषद भी है “अल्लोपनिषद”. चण्डी,भवानी,दुर्गा,अम्बा,पार्वती आदि देवी को आल्ला से सम्बोधित किया जाता है.जिस प्रकार हमलोग मंत्रों में “या” शब्द का प्रयोग करते हैं देवियों को पुकारने में जैसे “या देवी सर्वभूतेषु….”, “या वीणा वर ….” वैसे ही मुसलमान भी पुकारते हैं “या अल्लाह”..इससे सिद्ध होता है कि ये अल्लाह शब्द भी ज्यों का त्यों वही रह गया बस अर्थ बदल दिया गया.
    चूँकि सर्वप्रथम विश्व में सिर्फ संस्कृत ही बोली जाती थी इसलिए धर्म भी एक ही था-वैदिक धर्म.बाद में लोगों ने अपना अलग मत और पंथ बनाना शुरु कर दिया और अपने धर्म(जो वास्तव में सिर्फ मत हैं) को आदि धर्म सिद्ध करने के लिए अपने सिद्धान्त को वैदिक सिद्धान्तों से बिल्कुल भिन्न कर लिया ताकि लोगों को ये शक ना हो कि ये वैदिक धर्म से ही निकला नया धर्म है और लोग वैदिक धर्म के बजाय उस नए धर्म को ही अदि धर्म मान ले..चूँकि मुस्लिम धर्म के प्रवर्त्तक बहुत ज्यादा गम्भीर थे अपने धर्म को फैलाने के लिए और ज्यादा डरे हुए थे इसलिए उसने हरेक सिद्धान्त को ही हिंदु धर्म से अलग कर लिया ताकि सब यही समझें कि मुसलमान धर्म ही आदि धर्म है,हिंदु धर्म नहीं..पर एक पुत्र कितना भी अपनेआप को अपने पिता से अलग करना चाहे वो अलग नहीं कर सकता..अगर उसका डी.एन.ए. टेस्ट किया जाएगा तो पकड़ा ही जाएगा..इतने ज्यादा दिनों तक अरबियों का वैदिक संस्कृति के प्रभाव में रहने के कारण लाख कोशिशों के बाद भी वे सारे प्रमाण नहीं मिटा पाए और मिटा भी नही सकते….
    भाषा की दृष्टि से तो अनगिणत प्रमाण हैं यह सिद्ध करने के लिए कि अरब इस्लाम से पहले वैदिक संस्कृति के प्रभाव में थे.जैसे कुछ उदाहरण-मक्का-मदीना,मक्का संस्कृत शब्द मखः से बना है जिसका अर्थ अग्नि है तथा मदीना मेदिनी से बना है जिसका अर्थ भूमि है..मक्का मदीना का तात्पर्य यज्य की भूमि है.,ईद संस्कृत शब्द ईड से बना है जिसका अर्थ पूजा होता है.नबी जो नभ से बना है..नभी अर्थात आकाशी व्यक्ति.पैगम्बर “प्र-गत-अम्बर” का अपभ्रंश है जिसका अर्थ है आकाश से चल पड़ा व्यक्ति..
    चलिए अब शब्दों को छोड़कर इनके कुछ रीति-रिवाजों पर ध्यान देते हैं जो वैदिक संस्कृति के हैं–
    ये बकरीद(बकर+ईद) मनाते हैं..बकर को अरबी में गाय कहते हैं यनि बकरीद गाय-पूजा का दिन है.भले ही मुसलमान इसे गाय को काटकर और खाकर मनाने लगे..
    जिस तरह हिंदु अपने पितरों को श्रद्धा-पूर्वक उन्हें अन्न-जल चढ़ाते हैं वो परम्परा अब तक मुसलमानों में है जिसे वो ईद-उल-फितर कहते हैं..फितर शब्द पितर से बना है.वैदिक समाज एकादशी को शुभ दिन मानते हैं तथा बहुत से लोग उस दिन उपवास भी रखते हैं,ये प्रथा अब भी है इनलोगों में.ये इस दिन को ग्यारहवीं शरीफ(पवित्र ग्यारहवाँ दिन) कहते हैं,शिव-व्रत जो आगे चलकर शेबे-बरात बन गया,रामध्यान जो रमझान बन गया…इस तरह से अनेक प्रमाण मिल जाएँगे..आइए अब कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं पर नजर डालते हैं…
    अरब हमेशा से रेगिस्तानी भूमि नहीं रहा है..कभी वहाँ भी हरे-भरे पेड़-पौधे लहलाते थे,लेकिन इस्लाम की ऐसी आँधी चली कि इसने हरे-भरे रेगिस्तान को मरुस्थल में बदल दिया.इस बात का सबूत ये है कि अरबी घोड़े प्राचीन काल में बहुत प्रसिद्ध थेीय इसी देश से घोड़े खरीद कर भारत लाया करते थे और भारतीयों का इतना प्रभाव था इस देश पर कि उन्होंने इसका नामकरण भी कर दिया था-अर्ब-स्थान अर्थात घोड़े का देश.अर्ब संस्कृत शब्द है जिसका अर्थ घोड़ा होता है. {वैसे ज्यादातर देशों का नामकरण भारतीयों ने ही किया है जैसे सिंगापुर,क्वालालामपुर,मलेशिया,ईरान,ईराक,कजाकिस्थान,तजाकिस्थान,आदि..} घोड़े हरे-भरे स्थानों पर ही पल-बढ़कर हृष्ट-पुष्ट हो सकते हैं बालू वाले जगहों पर नहीं..
    इस्लाम की आँधी चलनी शुरु हुई और मुहम्मद के अनुयायियों ने धर्म परिवर्त्तन ना करने वाले हिंदुओं का निर्दयता-पूर्वक काटना शुरु कर दिया..पर उन हिंदुओं की परोपकारिता और अपनों के प्रति प्यार तो देखिए कि मरने के बाद भी पेट्रोलियम पदार्थों में रुपांतरित होकर इनका अबतक भरण-पोषण कर रहे हैं वर्ना ना जाने क्या होता इनका..!अल्लाह जाने..!
    चूँकि पूरे अरब में सिर्फ हिंदु संस्कृति ही थी इसलिए पूरा अरब मंदिरों से भरा पड़ा था जिसे बाद में लूट-लूट कर मस्जिद बना लिया गया जिसमें मुख्य मंदिर काबा है.इस बात का ये एक प्रमाण है कि दुनिया में जितने भी मस्जिद हैं उन सबका द्वार काबा की तरफ खुलना चाहिए पर ऐसा नहीं है.ये इस बात का सबूत है कि सारे मंदिर लूटे हुए हैं..इन मंदिरों में सबसे प्रमुख मंदिर काबा का है क्योंकि ये बहुत बड़ा मंदिर था.ये वही जगह है जहाँ भगवान विष्णु का एक पग पड़ा था तीन पग जमीन नापते समय..चूँकि ये मंदिर बहुत बड़ा आस्था का केंद्र था जहाँ भारत से भी काफी मात्रा में लोग जाया करते थे..इसलिए इसमें मुहम्मद जी का धनार्जन का स्वार्थ था या भगवान शिव का प्रभाव कि अभी भी उस मंदिर में सारे हिंदु-रीति रिवाजों का पालन होता है तथा शिवलिंग अभी तक विराजमान है वहाँ..यहाँ आने वाले मुसलमान हिंदु ब्राह्मण की तरह सिर के बाल मुड़वाकर बिना सिलाई किया हुआ एक कपड़ा को शरीर पर लपेट कर काबा के प्रांगण में प्रवेश करते हैं और इसकी सात परिक्रमा करते हैं.यहाँ थोड़ा सा भिन्नता दिखाने के लिए ये लोग वैदिक संस्कृति के विपरीत दिशा में परिक्रमा करते हैं अर्थात हिंदु अगर घड़ी की दिशा में करते हैं तो ये उसके उल्टी दिशा में..पर वैदिक संस्कृति के अनुसार सात ही क्यों.? और ये सब नियम-कानून सिर्फ इसी मस्जिद में क्यों?ना तो सर का मुण्डन करवाना इनके संस्कार में है और ना ही बिना सिलाई के कपड़े पहनना पर ये दोनो नियम हिंदु के अनिवार्य नियम जरुर हैं.
    चूँकि ये मस्जिद हिंदुओं से लूटकर बनाई गई है इसलिए इनके मन में हमेशा ये डर बना रहता है कि कहीं ये सच्चाई प्रकट ना हो जाय और ये मंदिर उनके हाथ से निकल ना जाय इस कारण आवश्यकता से अधिक गुप्तता रखी जाती है इस मस्जिद को लेकर..अगर देखा जाय तो मुसलमान हर जगह हमेशा डर-डर कर ही जीते हैं और ये स्वभाविक भी है क्योंकि इतने ज्यादा गलत काम करने के बाद डर तो मन में आएगा ही…अगर देखा जाय तो मुसलमान धर्म का अधार ही डर पर टिका होता है.हमेशा इन्हें छोटी-छोटी बातों के लिए भयानक नर्क की यातनाओं से डराया जाता है..अगर कुरान की बातों को ईश्वरीय बातें ना माने तो नरक,अगर तर्क-वितर्क किए तो नर्क अगर श्रद्धा और आदरपूर्वक किसी के सामने सर झुका दिए तो नर्क.पल-पल इन्हें डरा कर रखा जाता है क्योंकि इस धर्म को बनाने वाला खुद डरा हुआ था कि लोग इसे अपनायेंगे या नहीं और अपना भी लेंगे तो टिकेंगे या नहीं इसलिए लोगों को डरा-डरा कर इस धर्म में लाया जाता है और डरा-डरा कर टिकाकर रखा जाता है..जैसे अगर आप मुसलमान नहीं हो तो नर्क जाओगे,अगर मूर्त्ति-पूजा कर लिया तो नर्क चल जाओगे,मुहम्मद को पैगम्बर ना माने तो नर्क;इन सब बातों से डराकर ये लोगों को अपने धर्म में खींचने का प्रयत्न करते हैं.पहली बार मैंने जब कुरान के सिद्धान्तों को और स्वर्ग-नरक की बातों को सुना था तो मेरी आत्मा काँप गई थी..उस समय मैं दसवीं कक्षा में था और अपनी स्वेच्छा से ही अपने एक विज्यान के शिक्षक से कुरान के बारे में जानने की इच्छा व्यक्त की थी..उस दिन तक मैं इस धर्म को हिंदु धर्म के समान या थोड़ा उपर ही समझता था पर वो सब सुनने के बाद मेरी सारी भ्रांति दूर हुई और भगवान को लाख-लाख धन्यवाद दिया कि मुझे उन्होंने हिंदु परिवार में जन्म दिया है नहीं पता नहीं मेरे जैसे हरेक बात पर तर्क-वितर्क करने वालों की क्या गति होती…!
    एक तो इस मंदिर को बाहर से एक गिलाफ से पूरी तरह ढककर रखा जाता है ही(बालू की आँधी से बचाने के लिए) दूसरा अंदर में भी पर्दा लगा दिया गया है.मुसलमान में पर्दा प्रथा किस हद तक हावी है ये देख लिजिए.औरतों को तो पर्दे में रखते ही हैं एकमात्र प्रमुख और विशाल मस्जिद को भी पर्दे में रखते हैं.क्या आप कल्पना कर सकते हैं कि अगर ये मस्जिद मंदिर के रुप में इस जगह पर होता जहाँ हिंदु पूजा करते तो उसे इस तरह से काले-बुर्के में ढक कर रखा जाता रेत की आँधी से बचाने के लिए..!! अंदर के दीवार तो ढके हैं ही उपर छत भी कीमती वस्त्रों से ढके हुए हैं.स्पष्ट है सारे गलत कार्य पर्दे के आढ़ में ही होते हैं क्योंकि खुले में नहीं हो सकते..अब इनके डरने की सीमा देखिए कि काबा के ३५ मील के घेरे में गैर-मुसलमान को प्रवेश नहीं करने दिया जाता है,हरेक हज यात्री को ये सौगन्ध दिलवाई जाती है कि वो हज यात्रा में देखी गई बातों का किसी से उल्लेख नहीं करेगा.वैसे तो सारे यात्रियों को चारदीवारी के बाहर से ही शिवलिंग को छूना तथा चूमना पड़ता है पर अगर किसी कारणवश कुछ गिने-चुने मुसलमानों को अंदर जाने की अनुमति मिल भी जाती है तो उसे सौगन्ध दिलवाई जाती है कि अंदर वो जो कुछ भी देखेंगे उसकी जानकारी अन्य को नहीं देंगे..
    कुछ लोग जो जानकारी प्राप्त करने के उद्देश्य से किसी प्रकार अंदर चले गए हैं,उनके अनुसार काबा के प्रवेश-द्वार पर काँच का एक भव्य द्वीपसमूह लगा है जिसके उपर भगवत गीता के श्लोक अंकित हैं.अंदर दीवार पर एक बहुत बड़ा यशोदा तथा बाल-कृष्ण का चित्र बना हुआ है जिसे वे ईसा और उसकी माता समझते हैं.अंदर गाय के घी का एक पवित्र दीप सदा जलता रहता है.ये दोनों मुसलमान धर्म के विपरीत कार्य(चित्र और गाय के घी का दिया) यहाँ होते हैं..एक अष्टधातु से बना दिया का चित्र में यहाँ लगा रहा हूँ जो ब्रिटिश संग्रहालय में अब तक रखी हुई है..ये दीप अरब से प्राप्त हुआ है जो इस्लाम-पूर्व है.इसी तरह का दीप काबा के अंदर भी अखण्ड दीप्तमान रहता है .
    ये सारे प्रमाण ये बताने के लिए हैं कि क्यों मुस्लिम इतना डरे रहते हैं इस मंदिर को लेकर..इस मस्जिद के रहस्य को जानने के लिए कुछ हिंदुओं ने प्रयास किया तो वे क्रूर मुसलमानों के हाथों मार डाले गए और जो कुछ बच कर लौट आए वे भी पर्दे के कारण ज्यादा जानकारी प्राप्त नहीं कर पाए.अंदर के अगर शिलालेख पढ़ने में सफलता मिल जाती तो ज्यादा स्पष्ट हो जाता.इसकी दीवारें हमेशा ढकी रहने के कारण पता नहीं चल पाता है कि ये किस पत्थर का बना हुआ है पर प्रांगण में जो कुछ इस्लाम-पूर्व अवशेष रहे हैं वो बादामी या केसरिया रंग के हैं..संभव है काबा भी केसरिया रंग के पत्थर से बना हो..एक बात और ध्यान देने वाली है कि पत्थर से मंदिर बनते हैं मस्जिद नहीं में पत्थर के बने हुए प्राचीन-कालीन हजारों मंदिर मिल जाएँगे…
    ये तो सिर्फ मस्जिद की बात है पर मुहम्मद साहब खुद एक जन्मजात हिंदु थे ये किसी भी तरह मेरे पल्ले नहीं पड़ रहा है कि अगर वो पैगम्बर अर्थात अल्लाह के भेजे हुए दूत थे तो किसी मुसलमान परिवार में जन्म लेते एक काफिर हिंदु परिवार में क्यों जन्मे वो..?जो अल्लाह मूर्त्ति-पूजक हिंदुओं को अपना दुश्मन समझकर खुले आम कत्ल करने की धमकी देता है वो अपने सबसे प्यारे पुत्र को किसी मुसलमान घर में जन्म देने के बजाय एक बड़े शिवभक्त के परिवार में कैसे भेज दिए..? इस काबा मंदिर के पुजारी के घर में ही मुहम्मद का जन्म हुआ था..इसी थोड़े से जन्मजात अधिकार और शक्ति का प्रयोग कर इन्होंने इतना बड़ा काम कर दिया.मुहम्मद के माता-पिता तो इसे जन्म देते ही चल बसे थे(इतना बड़ा पाप कर लेने के बाद वो जीवित भी कैसे रहते)..मुहम्मद के चाचा ने उसे पाल-पोषकर बड़ा किया परंतु उस चाचा को मार दिया इन्होंने अपना धर्म-परिवर्त्तन ना करने के कारण..अगर इनके माता-पिता जिंदा होते तो उनका भी यही हश्र हुआ होता..मुहम्मद के चाचा का नाम उमर-बिन-ए-ह्ज्जाम था.ये एक विद्वान कवि तो थे ही साथ ही साथ बहुत बड़े शिवभक्त भी थे.इनकी कविता सैर-उल-ओकुल ग्रंथ में है.इस ग्रंथ में इस्लाम पूर्व कवियों की महत्त्वपूर्ण तथा पुरस्कृत रचनाएँ संकलित हैं.ये कविता दिल्ली में दिल्ली मार्ग पर बने विशाल लक्ष्मी-नारायण मंदिर की पिछली उद्यानवाटिका में यज्यशाला की दीवारों पर उत्त्कीर्ण हैं.ये कविता मूलतः अरबी में है.इस कविता से कवि का भारत के प्रति श्रद्धा तथा शिव के प्रति भक्ति का पता चलता है.इस कविता में वे कहते हैं कोई व्यक्ति कितना भी पापी हो अगर वो अपना प्रायश्चित कर ले और शिवभक्ति में तल्लीन हो जाय तो उसका उद्धार हो जाएगा और भगवान शिव से वो अपने सारे जीवन के बदले सिर्फ एक दिन भारत में निवास करने का अवसर माँग रहे हैं जिससे उन्हें मुक्ति प्राप्त हो सके क्योंकि भारत ही एकमात्र जगह है जहाँ की यात्रा करने से पुण्य की प्राप्ति होती है तथा संतों से मिलने का अवसर प्राप्त होता है..
    देखिए प्राचीन काल में कितनी श्रद्धा थी विदेशियों के मन में भारत के प्रति और आज भारत के मुसलमान भारत से नफरत करते हैं.उन्हें तो ये बात सुनकर भी चिढ़ हो जाएगी कि आदम स्वर्ग से भारत में ही उतरा था और यहीं पर उसे परमात्मा का दिव्य संदेश मिला था तथा आदम का ज्येष्ठ पुत्र “शिथ” भी भारत में अयोध्या में दफनाया हुआ है.ये सब बातें मुसलमानों के द्वारा ही कही गई है,मैं नहीं कह रहा हूँ..
    और ये “लबी बिन-ए-अख्तब-बिन-ए-तुर्फा” इस तरह का लम्बा-लम्बा नाम भी वैदिक संस्कृति ही है जो दक्षिणी भारत में अभी भी प्रचलित है जिसमें अपने पिता और पितामह का नाम जोड़ा जाता है..
    कुछ और प्राचीन-कालीन वैदिक अवशेष देखिए… ये हंसवाहिनी सरस्वती माँ की मूर्त्ति है जो अभी लंदन संग्रहालय में है.यह सऊदी अर्बस्थान से ही प्राप्त हुआ था..
    प्रमाण तो और भी हैं बस लेख को बड़ा होने से बचाने के लिए और सब का उल्लेख नहीं कर रहा हूँ..पर क्या इतने सारे प्रमाण पर्याप्त नहीं हैं यह सिद्ध करने के लिए कि अभी जो भी मुसलमान हैं वो सब हिंदु ही थे जो जबरन या स्वार्थवश मुसलमान बन गए..कुरान में इस बात का वर्णन होना कि “मूर्त्तिपूजक काफिर हैं उनका कत्ल करो” ये ही सिद्ध करता है कि हिंदु धर्म मुसलमान से पहले अस्तित्व में थे..हिंदु धर्म में आध्यात्मिक उन्नति के लिए पूजा का कोई महत्त्व नहीं है,ईश्वर के सामने झुकना तो बहुत छोटी सी बात है..प्रभु-भक्ति की शुरुआत भर है ये..पर मुसलमान धर्म में अल्लाह के सामने झुक जाना ही ईश्वर की अराधना का अंत है..यही सबसे बड़ी बात है.इसलिए ये लोग अल्लाह के अलावे किसी और के आगे झुकते ही नहीं,अगर झुक गए तो नरक जाना पड़ेगा..क्या इतनी निम्न स्तर की बातें ईश्वरीय वाणी हो सकती है..!.? इनके मुहम्मद साहब मूर्ख थे जिन्हें लिखना-पढ़ना भी नहीं आता था..अगर अल्लाह ने इन्हें धर्म की स्थापना के लिए भेजा था तो इसे इतनी कम शक्ति के साथ क्यों भेजा जिसे लिखना-पढ़ना भी नहीं आता था..या अगर भेज भी दिए थे तो समय आने पर रातों-रात ज्यानी बना देते जैसे हमारे काली दास जी रातों-रात विद्वान बन गए थे(यहाँ तो सिद्ध हो गया कि हमारी काली माँ इनके अल्लाह से ज्यादा शक्तिशाली हैं)..एक बात और कि अल्लाह और इनके बीच भी जिब्राइल नाम का फरिश्ता सम्पर्क-सूत्र के रुप में था.इतने शर्मीले हैं इनके अल्लाह या फिर इनकी तरह ही डरे हुए.!.? वो कोई ईश्वर थे या भूत-पिशाच.?? सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण बात ये कि अगर अल्लाह को मानव के हित के लिए कोई पैगाम देना ही था तो सीधे एक ग्रंथ ही भिजवा देते जिब्राइल के हाथों जैसे हमें हमारे वेद प्राप्त हुए थे..!ये रुक-रुक कर सोच-सोच कर एक-एक आयत भेजने का क्या अर्थ है..!.? अल्लाह को पता है कि उनके इस मंदबुद्धि के कारण कितना घोटाला हो गया..! आने वाले कट्टर मुस्लिम शासक अपने स्वार्थ के लिए एक-से-एक कट्टर बात डालते चले गए कुरान में..एक समानता देखिए हमारे चार वेद की तरह ही इनके भी कुरान में चार धर्म-ग्रंथों का वर्णन है जो अल्लाह ने इनके रसूलों को दिए हैं..कभी ये कहते हैं कि धर्म अपरिवर्तनीय है वो बदल ही नहीं सकता तो फिर ये समय-समय पर धर्मग्रंथ भेजने का क्या मतलब है??अगर उन सब में एक जैसी ही बातें लिखी हैं तो वे धर्मग्रंथ हो ही नहीं सकते…जरा विचार करिए कि पहले मनुष्यों की आयु हजारों साल हुआ करती थी वो वर्त्तमान मनुष्य से हर चीज में बढ़कर थे,युग बदलता गया और लोगों के विचार,परिस्थिति,शक्ति-सामर्थ्य सब कुछ बदलता गया तो ऐसे में भक्ति का तरीका भी बदलना स्वभाविक ही है..राम के युग में लोग राम को जपना शुरु कर दिए,द्वापर युग में
    कृष्ण जी के आने के बाद कृष्ण-भक्ति भी शुरु हो गई.अब कलयुग में चूँकि लोगों की आयु तथा शक्ति कम है तो ईश्वर भी जो पहले हजारों वर्ष की तपस्या से खुश होते थे अब कुछ वर्षों की तपस्या में ही दर्शन देने लगे..
    धर्म में बदलाव संभव है अगर कोई ये कहे कि ये संभव नहीं है तो वो धर्म हो ही नहीं सकता..
    यहाँ मैं यही कहूँगा कि अगर हिंदु धर्म सजीव है जो हर परिस्थिति में सामंजस्य स्थापित कर सकता है(पलंग पर पाँव फैलाकर लेट भी सकता है और जमीन पर पाल्थी मारकर बैठ भी सकता है) तो मुस्लिम धर्म उस अकड़े हुए मुर्दे की तरह जिसका शरीर हिल-डुल भी नहीं सकता…हिंदु धर्म संस्कृति में छोटी से छोटी पूजा में भी विश्व-शांति की कमना की जाती है तो दूसरी तरफ मुसलमान ये कामना करते हैं कि पूरी दुनिया में मार-काट मचाकर अशांति फैलानी है और पूरी दुनिया को मुसलमान बनाना है…
    हिंदु अगर विष में भी अमृत निकालकर उसका उपयोग कर लेते हैं तो मुसलमान अमृत को भी विष बना देते हैं..
    मैं लेख का अंत कर रहा हूँ और इन सब बातों को पढ़ने के बाद बताइए कि क्या कुरान ईश्वरीय वाणी हो सकती है और क्या इस्लाम धर्म आदि धर्म हो सकता है…?? ये अफसोस की बात है कि कट्टर मुसलमान भी इस बात को जानते तथा मानते हैं कि मुहम्मद के चाचा हिंदु थे फिर भी वो बाँकी बातों से इन्कार करते हैं..
    इस लेख में मैंने अपना सारा ध्यान अरब पर ही केंद्रित रखा इसलिए सिर्फ अरब में वैदिक संस्कृति के प्रमाण दिए यथार्थतः वैदिक संस्कृति पूरे विश्व में ही फैली हुई थी..इसके प्रमाण के लिए कुछ चित्र जोड़ रहा हूँ…
    -ये राम-सीता और लक्षमण के चित्र हैं जो इटली से मिले हैं.इसमें इन्हें वन जाते हुए दिखाया जा रहा है.सीता माँ के हाथ में शायद तुलसी का पौधा है क्योंकि हिंदु इस पौधे को अपने घर में लगाना बहुत ही शुभ मानते हैं…..
    यह चित्र ग्रीस देश के कारिंथ नगर के संग्रहालय में प्रदर्शित है.कारिंथ नगर एथेंस से ६० कि.मी. दूर है.प्राचीनकाल से ही कारिंथ कृष्ण-भक्ति का केंद्र रहा है.यह भव्य भित्तिचित्र उसी नगर के एक मंदिर से प्राप्त हुआ है .इस नगर का नाम कारिंथ भी कृष्ण का अपभ्रंश शब्द ही लग रहा है..अफसोस की बात ये कि इस चित्र को एक देहाती दृश्य का नाम दिया है यूरोपिय इतिहासकारों ने..ऐसे अनेक प्रमाण अभी भी बिखरे पड़े हैं संसार में जो यूरोपीय इतिहासकारों की मूर्खता,द्वेशभावपूर्ण नीति और हमारे हुक्मरानों की लापरवाही के कारण नष्ट हो रहे हैं.जरुरत है हमें जगने की और पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति को पुनर्स्थापित करने की..

    Comment by Akshay Tyagi | January 6, 2017 | Reply

  98. Ummmmmmmm how come you are a noted Indologist? Provide some references of your work which I highly doubt.

    Comment by Jitender. | January 21, 2017 | Reply

  99. I truely don’t understand why the fucking indian muslims are proud of the muslim invaders. saale mullo, kaise aur kab samjhoge ki tumhre ancestors were hindus and when the muslim bastards invaded, they fucked your mothers and produced converted offspring like you.
    Be proud of your country and what this country has given you. Achha hoga ghar wapsi kar lo aur the only real religion in this world (sanatan dharm) ko follow karo.

    Comment by True Indian | March 25, 2017 | Reply

  100. Khwaja Moinuddin (Garib Nawaz): Ustad (Guru) of Barbarian Muhammad Ghori

    If the narrative of the preachings and acts of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer are taken as indication of his religious philosophy and deeds, he emerges as a Sufi Muslim who nursed a deep hatred against the infidel Hindus and showed utter contempt for their religious beliefs.

    As elaborated by S.S.A. Rizvi in ‘A History of Sufism in India, Vol. 1 (Munshiram Manoharlal, 1978, p. 117), there is a reference in the book, Jawahar-i- Faridi, to the fact that when Moinuddin Chishti reached near the Annasagar Lake at Ajmer, where a number of holy shrines of Hindus were located, he slaughtered cows and cooked beef kebab daily at the sacred place surrounded by many temples. It is further claimed in Jawahar-i-Faridi that the Khwaja had dried milk from the big breasts of nursing Hindu women and also dried semen from the heavy nuts of Hindu men by the magical heat of Islamic power for eight days. This Khwaja had a burning desire to rape the most beautiful Hindu Queen Sanyogita, wife of the Rajput Hindu king, Prithviraj Chauhan, and to destroy his rule. He once raped the beautiful Hindu Queen Sanyogita, when she came to worship at a temple on the banks of Annasagar, after her long Suhagrath (which extended more than a fortnight) with king Prithviraj Chauhan. This enraged Prithviraj and he send his Hindu soldiers to kill Khwaja. But Khwaja killed those Hindu soldiers and escaped to Lahore. He ascribed the victory of Muhammad Ghori in the second battle of Tarain as Prithviraj was honeymooning endlessly with his busty booty bride Sanyogita. In the second battle of Tarain, Muhammad Ghori crushed and castrated Prithviraj Chauhan. The huge Hindu army of Prithviraj was completely destroyed by the small Muslim army of Ghori. In this second battle, Muslims massacred more than a million Hindu men mercilessly. Ghori repeatedly raped Prithviraj’s beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita again and again in front of her handsome Hindu husband for more than a fortnight. After that Ghori butchered and killed Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita. In the mean time, Khwaja declared that he had seized Prithviraj’s heavenly harem, captured all his charming concubines alive and handed them over to the army of Islam. Muslims repeatedly raped all the charming concubines of Prithviraj again and again publicly.

    The Khwaja used to force the Rajput Rajas to marry their lovely wives to him so that they would become out-caste in their own community. And the endgame of the Khwaja could as well be that perhaps some of the out-caste Rajputs might then opt to become Muslims. [Source: Siyar’l Auliya, cited by Rizvi on page 116 of ‘A History of Sufism in India’]

    Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | April 22, 2017 | Reply

    • Madarchod apni maa kee gandh maar lai taireh allah ne tujhe hak diyah hai

      Comment by Anonymous | April 27, 2017 | Reply

  101. wahh me to apka bht bda fan bn gya hun………..

    Comment by Shishpal | June 15, 2017 | Reply

  102. Latest Seminar by Prof.Habib @ Kolkata University: Muhammad Ghori was a brave barbaric Muslim warrior. In the first battle of Tarain 1191 A.D, Ghori was defeated by the Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan. Ugly Ghori was so humiliated by this defeat at the hands of handsome Hindu hero Prithviraj that he never went to his harem nor touched his wife. Ghori took an oath and said, “Until I crush and castrate kafir king Prithviraj, I will not touch any woman”

    But on the other side, Prithviraj was altogether in a different mood and the renowned and revered professor of History Arnold J. Toynbee said, “After winning the first battle of Tarain, Prithviraj promptly eloped with gorgeous Hindu princess Sanyogita and married her with great pomp and much pride. Between the two Great Battles of Tarain, Prithviraj gave himself to excessive conjugal indulgence in the company of his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita. His nights were spent in erotic revelries and amorous enjoyment of carnal pleasures with his newly-wedded wife Sanyogita. Prithviraj felt more sensuous even in the day time and so he was honeymooning endlessly with his sexy seductive bride Sanyogita. Prithviraja-Vijaya and Prabandha-Chintamani attribute his defeat on the fateful day at Tarain to his excessive enjoyment of sexual pleasures with his booty busty bride Sanyogita.”

    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 A.D, ugly Muhammad Ghori defeated and killed handsome Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan. In this second battle, Prithviraj’s huge Hindu army had more than a million Hindu men while Ghori’s barbaric Muslim army had only 40,000 Muslim men. In spite of having enormous advantages in both men and weapons, Prithviraj grievously lost this second battle to Ghori. This clearly proves that Ghori was much braver than Prithviraj. Ghori was an excellent swordsman whom Prithviraj could never match with his swordsmanship skills. Gory Ghori killed potent Prithviraj in cold blood only after humiliating Prithviraj for more than a fortnight by raping his young youthful wife Sanyogita again and again in front of him.

    Prof. Arnold J. Toynbee aptly calls Sanyogita “Hindu Helen of Troy”. Every professional historian concludes that charming queen Sanyogita is the indirect cause and erotic Emperor Prithviraj is the direct cause for the destruction of Hindu India forever!

    Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | June 21, 2017 | Reply

  103. today on the eve of eid, prof. habib gave a lecture to the students of history @ university of calcutta and i’m lucky to be there. he began by telling, “today, let us tell the truth. the last hindu emperor prithviraj chauhan was a pseudo-hero. fatty prithviraj was a fanatic hindu emperor who killed every muslim who entered his huge hindu empire and he tried to kill khwaja moinuddin chisty and insulted him many times. prithviraj did nothing to the welfare of his hindus except screwing the honey-pot of young youthful hindu women. prithviraj chauhan defeated brave muslim warrior muhammad ghori in the first battle of tarain through treachery but he could not kill ghori as he was saved by his slave aibak. soon prithviraj eloped with buxom beautiful bride sanyogita against her father’s wish and pompously married her. after that prithviraj never came out from bewitching sanyogita’s golden bedroom. prithviraj was honeymooning endlessly with his busty booty bride sanyogita day and night much to her delight. prithviraj’s extended honeymoon of 14 months with sanyogita was marred by ghori’s second invasion. prithviraj could no longer hide his proud face under the butts of busty sanyogita as ghori was baying for his blood. proud prithviraj took his sensuous wife sanyogita along with him and went to fight ghori. even in the battlefield, inside his royal golden tent, potent prithviraj kept on screwing the honey-pot of sexy sanyogita deeply. in the second battle of tarain, ghori and his muslims fought with religious zeal and killed hundreds of thousands of hindus. even though the hindu army of prithviraj was 100 times bigger than ghori’s small muslim army, ghori and his muslims created havoc among the hindu ranks by mercilessly massacring over a million hindus and this created panic in the heart of prithviraj. towards the end of the battle, fatty prithviraj met sturdy ghori in personal combat. in that decisive fight, ghori butchered and killed prithviraj and held prithviraj’s haughty hindu head at the tip of his spear signalling the victory of islam. later, ghori married prithviraj’s young youthful widow sanyogita and generously made her his begum. ghori even made sanyogita’s infant child govinda-raja (born through her hindu husband prithviraj) as the heir of ajmer and allowed sanyogita to rule her husband’s huge hindu kingdom as the vassal of ghori. the real hero was ghori while prithviraj was a pseudo-hero and this is the truth!”

    Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | June 26, 2017 | Reply

  104. As per Real Authenticated History:

    Prithviraj Chauhan & Muhammad Ghori fought only two battles know as the battles of Tarain.

    In the first battle of Tarain 1191 CE, Prithviraj defeated Ghori. But Ghori escaped from the clutches of Prithviraj partly because of the bravery of his slave general Aibak and partly because of Prithviraj himself who was in a hurry to marry his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita.

    Immediately after his victory in the first battle, Prithviraj eloped with his lover Sanyogita (the peerless princess of Kannauj) and duly married her with great pomp and pride. Youthful Prithviraj lost himself in the beauty of his young new wife Sanyogita and he ceased to come out of her golden bedroom. The amorous royal Hindu couple were honeymooning endlessly not knowing if it was day or night. Their extended non-stop honeymoon continued deliciously & delightfully for 14 months after which they had a rude halt due to Ghori’s second invasion.

    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 CE, Prithviraj’s Hindu army was atleast 10 times bigger than Ghori’s Muslim army. Ghori sent a letter to Prithviraj ordering him to submit his gorgeous wife Sanyogita and embrace Islam. Prithviraj sent back a letter to Ghori indicating the immense size of his Hindu army and mocked Ghori to rethink about risking the lives of his Muslim soldiers. Proud Prithviraj proposed a truce and guile Ghori promised that there will be no attack in night till next morning. Believing Ghori’s wily words, Prithviraj was busy all-night honeymooning with his young youthful wife Sanyogita inside his royal golden tent. Devious Ghori attacked cocksure Prithviraj suddenly in the early morning. Potent Prithviraj was literally with his pants down poking & screwing the aromatic honey-pot of his busty booty bride Sanyogita. Ugly Ghori butchered fatty Prithviraj & captured his bosomy wife Sanyogita. Musalman Ghori repeatedly raped voluptuous Sanyogita again and again in front of her handsome Hindu husband Prithviraj. Then gory Ghori crushed, castrated, butchered and killed pusillanimous Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita. This incident took place in 1192 CE.

    Muhammad Ghori was killed when he was doing his night Namaz by a group of Shia-Ismaili assassins sent by Khwarezm Shah. This incident took place at Dhamiak on the banks of river Jhelum in 1206 CE. Muhammad Ghori was buried at Dhamiak where a tomb was built by his slave generals in his memory.

    The tomb of Muhammad Ghori is situated at Dhamiak village, near Sohawa town, near Jhelum City on the banks of Jhelum river in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Ghori’s tomb has been made as a national heritage by Pakistan.

    The tale of sher singh rana bringing back the ashes of Prithviraj Chauhan from Ghazni in Afghanistan is a fake useless cooked-up idiotic story. Barbaric Ghori never allowed anyone to conduct a funeral pyre to Prithviraj’s body and he mutilated the fat body of Prithviraj inch by inch. so no chance for Prithviraj’s ashes. The Tomb of Muhammad Ghori is in Jhelum district of Pakistan and not at Ghazni in Afghanistan as per the claims of Sher Singh Rana. Thus the tale of bringing back the relics of Prithviraj Chauhan by sher singh rana is nothing but a load of crap.

    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 CE, Ghori crushed & castrated Prithviraj. Then Ghori humiliated Prithviraj daily by repeatedly raping his beloved bride Sanyogita again and again in front of him. Ghori tortured charming Sanyogita daily by butchering her beloved hindu husband Prithviraj inch by inch. This agony continued for nearly five months after which Ghori beheaded and killed Prithviraj in cold blood in front of his raped wife Sanyogita. Ghori hung the head of Prithviraj in the entrance of Ajmer fort. Ghori butchered the fat body of Prithviraj into pieces and thrown them in the dusts. Ghori made a cup using Prithviraj’s skull-top and he used to drink wine in that cup. Thus all the mortal remains of Prithviraj were completely decimated & destroyed. The so called tomb or grave of Prithviraj never ever existed. Later Ghori forcibly married Prithviraj’s young youthful widow Sanyogita against her wish. Sanyogita unwillingly married Ghori to save the life of her infant child Govinda-Raja born through her beloved Hindu husband Prithviraj.

    The tale of Prithviraj defeating Ghori many times & blind Prithviraj killing Ghori are all mere folklores made by later Rajput poets to mask the humiliating death of their handsome Hero Prithviraj & rape of their beautiful Queen Sanyogita.

    Muhammad Ghori lived for 14 years after killing Prithviraj Chauhan brutally.

    No one can change the History because History is nothing but Facts.

    Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | June 27, 2017 | Reply

  105. maharani sanyogita’s tragic fate:

    after defeating prithviraj in 1192 CE, ghori captured his lovely wife sanyogita and raped her in front of prithviraj repeatedly every night for nearly five months and humiliated prithviraj! ghori threatened sanyogita that he will kill her handsome hubby prithviraj if she kills herself! so sanyogita didn’t kill herself! prithviraj accepted ghori as his lord to save his dear life! in day time ghori went to battle to kill other small hindu rajas who came to rescue prithviraj! in that day time, prithviraj and sanyogita secretly made conjugal love again and again! one day ghori came back early as he killed some hindu rajas quickly. ghori got irritated on seeing prithviraj-sanyogita who were making conjugal love and were in complete union! ghori at once crushed and castrated potent prithviraj as he bled heavily and fell down! then ghori chopped of prithviraj’s big head from his fat body and hung it in the gates of ajmer fort! then ghori butchered prithviraj’s body into pieces and thrown them in the dust! seeing the disastrous fate of her beloved husband, sanyogita tried to kill herself. but now ghori threatened her that he will kill her infant son govinda-raja, born through her beloved husband prithviraj, if she kills herself. ghori after that raped sanyogita daily for nearly 14 years. then ghori was killed by a group of ismaili-shia assassins while he was doing night namaz.

    ghori raped sanyogita brutally and her second pregnancy by prithviraj got aborted. ghori raped sanyogita daily for nearly 14 years. but ghori could never make sanyogita pregnant. after ghori’s death in 1206 CE, ugly aibak forcibly married sanyogita and he raped her against her wish for 4 years. but aibak also failed to make sanyogita pregnant. then aibak died while playing polo in 1210 CE. and iltutmish became the king. iltutmish is not as ugly as aibak and ghori. but iltutmish is not handsome either like prithviraj. and iltutmish also forcibly married sanyogita. and for her bad luck, sanyogita was made pregnant by iltutmish this time after a year of daily rapes. as a true mother, she never aborted her pregnancy and she gave birth to a female child this time. she nursed her baby for one year and by that time her male child govinda-raja born through her hindu husband prithviraj become a major aging nearly 20 and captured the ranthambore fort. so sanyogita hoped that hindus will rule again and she killed herself by taking poison. but later, govinda-raja got defeated badly by iltutmish and he became a vassal of iltutmish. the female child born to sanyogita through iltutmish was none other than the famous raziya begum!

    Comment by Sanyogita Chauhan | June 28, 2017 | Reply

    • There might be difference of opinion among historians, but how come sooooo many versions of one incident by one person..?
      Ur stories are confusing because these are different at many portions.

      Comment by Gks | July 6, 2017 | Reply

  106. Prithviraj was defeated by the help of jaichand and his army was 3 times larger than the ghori. He knew all the rajput tactics of war. I’ve never seen any war in the history where any Muslim ruler defeated any Hindu king on his own without help of another hindu. Hindu history is nothing but a series of betrayals by own people. Unfortunately we’ve learnt nothing from it.

    Comment by Gks | July 6, 2017 | Reply

  107. Please elaborate on what happened to the wives of Prithviraj Chauhan after the war. There are many other distasteful stories making round on internet about them.

    Please let the truth prevail.

    Comment by Varun Goyal | July 30, 2017 | Reply

  108. Chutia Husain agar gand me dam hai to kar ke dikha.
    Kya bola be madher chod Shivaji ,Maharana Pratap ka tum log se phatta tha .Are bhonsdi wala tera Akbar ke gand me dum rahta tavi to ladta .Are madharchod tu hi dekh Maharana Pratap ka height 7.5 feet aur kutta sala Akbar ka just ulta 5.7 feet to kiska gand phatta hoga chutia .Ek tera Akbar Jo apne baap saman Bairam Khan ko haj pe marva diya air dusri or hamare MaharanaPratap hamesa aapne bade ka aadar karte the yahan take ki khud Enemy Biram Khan ko bachane me lia yudh lade ,to tum log kya barabri ham hinduon ka karoge .phele apna purkhon ko dekh .Madherchod Sala .
    Agar ek bap ka aulad hoga to mujhe gali mat dena .

    Comment by Aryan | February 10, 2018 | Reply

  109. vo mulla bsdk tha agar itni power thi to pahli baar me jeeta deta madarchod uski bahan ka lund

    Comment by andleebkhan | March 30, 2018 | Reply

  110. Prithviraj Chauhan was the most lusty & arrogant person ever in Indian History. He was neither a great warrior nor a better swordsman. He had huge hindu army under his command. His huge mammoth army had more than one million hindu soldiers which included 3000 elephants, 3 lakhs horsemen, 2 lakhs archers & 5 lakhs foot soldiers. His army also included one lakh sexy prostitutes who cooked food & entertained the soldiers in nights. Thus in total, prithviraj had an army of more than one million hindu soldiers and one lakh sexy prostitutes under his command in the second battle of tarain 1192 AD.

    Md. Ghori was a great warrior & best swordsman ever. He had an army of 1,20,000 muslim soldiers. Among them 50,000 were horsemen and 70,000 were infantry. When md. ghori planned to attack prithviraj for the second time, his elder brother was attacked by khwarizm shah at ghor. So md.ghori sent all his 70,000 infantry to ghor to defend their capital fort. Undaunted md.ghori took the remaining 50,000 horsemen with him and came to fight with prithviraj in the second battle of tarain. Md. Ghori also had a special team of 2000 battle hardened hardcore ruthless warriors with him. Md. Ghori himself trained those 2000 strong muslim warriors with all the skills of battle day and night for more than one year personally. In total md.ghori had 52,000 muslim soldiers under his command in the second battle of tarain 1192 CE.

    Every learned person in Afghanistan adviced md.ghori not to take such high risk when their own capital is under risk of khwarizm shah’s invasion. But md.ghori told that the divine power of Khwaja is guiding him in his dreams to attack licentious fat prithviraj chauhan. Md. Ghori’s spies also reported to him that prithviraj chauhan never came out of his golden harem for more than one year after unethically marrying his buxom bride sanyogita. Also as per prithviraj’s order his troops destroyed many mosques built in the borders and killed many persons who converted to Islam. Md.ghori have to save the muslim converts in hindusthan and also he need funds to stop the invasions of khwarizm shah. Analysing the situations, md.ghori decided to kill prithviraj and rape his buxom bride sanyogita.

    Thus began the great second battle of Tarain.

    Comment by Rupmati | August 8, 2018 | Reply

  111. Khwaja along with his muslim disciples often raided the banks of anna sagar lake suddenly & manhandled young youthful hindu wives bathing there by slapping their swaying buttocks severely & pressing their big boobs hardly. Prithviraj advised the hindu wives not to fear about khwaja. But still the hindu wives felt panic to bath in the banks of anna sagar. Prithviraj became tensed and to prove his might, prithviraj himself with his beautiful wife sanyogita came to the eastern banks of anna sagar lake and took a royal bath. Khwaja swam deeply from the western banks of anna sagar alone and suddenly reached the spot where prithviraj-sanyogita were smooching each other tightly & kissing each other passionately while bathing. To humiliate prithviraj, khwaja severely slapped the beautiful swaying golden buttocks of sanyogita again & again. Enraged prithviraj tried to cut khwaja’s head with his golden sword. But weird khwaja gave a sudden hard kick to potent prithviraj’s heavy nuts. As prithviraj fell down in agony, khwaja pressed the big milky boobs of sanyogita hardly & kissed her soft pinky lips with his beef eating mouth completely. Prithviraj-sanyogita cried for help & many hindu soldiers rushed to kill khwaja. But khwaja went deep into the lake & swam back to the western banks of anna sagar & escaped with his life. After this incident, the hindu wives lost faith in prithviraj’s bravery & avoided to bath in the banks of anna sagar due to khwaja’s atrocities. Ugly Khwaja along with his muslim disciples came daily to the banks of anna sagar to perform their ablutions. Weird Khwaja along with his muslim disciples killed cow daily & cooked beef in the banks of anna sagar. Prithviraj became angry, increased the security in the banks of anna sagar & ordered his hindu soldiers to kill khwaja & his disciples then & there if they found them. Khwaja became dejected as he couldn’t use the water of anna sagar for his ablutions & cooking beef. So khwaja wrote letters to ghori mentioning about the beauty of prithviraj’s buxom busty booty bride sanyogita & prithviraj’s never ending lust for his young youthful sexy wife. This kindled ghori’s lust for lovely sanyogita & so ghori started preparing for the second battle with prithviraj. Ugly ghori promised wicked khwaja that he will kill big fat prithviraj brutally in cold blood & rape his beautiful buxom wife sanyogita repeatedly in public.

    Comment by Rupmati | August 8, 2018 | Reply

  112. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti: Spy of Barbarian Muhammad Ghori

    If the narrative of the preachings and acts of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer are taken as indication of his religious philosophy and deeds, he emerges as a Sufi Muslim who nursed a deep hatred against the infidel Hindus and showed utter contempt for their religious beliefs.

    In the first battle of tarain, Prithviraj Chauhan with his huge Hindu army defeated Muhammad Ghori’s small Muslim army. The Muslims ran away from the battlefield. Md.Ghori rode his horse towards the huge royal elephant of Prithviraj & tried to kill Prithviraj with his spear. Prithviraj shot several poisonous arrows on Md.Ghori & severely injured him. Md.Ghori bled heavily & fell down from his horse. At that time, Md.Ghori’s slave general Aibak came there suddenly, carried his bleeding master on his horse & swiftly ran away from the battlefield. Prithviraj & his huge Hindu army chased the Muslims for more than forty miles till the borders & killed many Muslims. Prithviraj could not capture Md.Ghori as Aibak crossed the borders like hurricane & hurried towards Lahore. Prithviraj’s generals advised not to chase the Muslims beyond the borders. Prithviraj’s ministers advised him not to enter into the hostile Muslim territory as it would lead to his death trap fighting against the gruelling guerilla warriors of Ghori. At that time, Prithviraj got the news of his lady-love Sanyogita’s sudden swayamvar at Kannouj. So Prithviraj stopped his futile chase & rushed back to Kannouj to marry beauteous Sanyogita.

    Qutub Aibak reached Lahore with his bleeding master. Md.Ghori became conscious only after a fortnight. Md.Ghori was so humiliated by this defeat at the hands of handsome Hindu hero Prithviraj that he never went to his harem nor touched his wife. Md.Ghori took an oath & declared, “Until I crush & castrate KAFIR Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan, I will not touch any woman”. Md.Ghori summoned his Islamic Mullah Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti & sent him as a spy to Prithviraj’s golden capital Ajmer to create panic & unrest among his Hindu populace.
    But on the other side, Prithviraj was altogether in a different mood. After winning the first battle of Tarain, Prithviraj promptly eloped with gorgeous Hindu princess Sanyogita & married her with great pomp & much pride. Between the two Great Battles of Tarain, Prithviraj gave himself to excessive conjugal indulgence in the company of his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita. His nights were spent in erotic revelries and amorous enjoyment of carnal pleasures with his newly-wedded wife Sanyogita. Prithviraj felt more sensuous even in the day time and so he was honeymooning endlessly with his sexy seductive bride Sanyogita. Prithviraja-Vijaya & Prabandha-Chintamani attribute his defeat on the fateful day in the second battle of Tarain to his excessive enjoyment of sexual pleasures with his booty busty bride Sanyogita.

    Sanyogita was the most beautiful & sexy lady ever. After marrying her, amorous prithviraj never came out from her aromatic bedroom, enjoying carnal pleasures by continuous copulation with sensuous sanyogita. But shrewd prithviraj alerted his hindu generals to keep on increasing the size of his vast hindu army to fight against any further invasion by the Muslims.

    As elaborated by S.S.A. Rizvi in ‘A History of Sufism in India’, Vol. 1 (Munshiram Manoharlal, 1978), Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti with some Muslims reached near the Annasagar Lake at Ajmer, where a number of holy shrines of Hindus were located. Khwaja slaughtered cows & cooked beef kebab daily at the sacred place surrounded by many temples. It is further claimed in Jawahar-i-Faridi that when Prithviraj sent his soldiers to arrest Muslims for killing holy cows, Khwaja had dried milk from the big breasts of nursing Hindu women & dried semen from the heavy nuts of Hindu men by the magical heat of Islamic power for eight days.
    Khwaja had a burning desire to rape beautiful sexy Hindu Queen Sanyogita, wife of Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan and destroy his rule. There is a reference in the book, Jawahar-i- Faridi, to the fact that once Khwaja tried to rape beautiful sexy Hindu Rani Sanyogita, when she came for worship at Kamdev temple on the banks of Annasagar, after her long Suhagrath (which extended more than a fortnight) with Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan. This enraged Prithviraj & he send his soldiers to behead Khwaja. But Khwaja cunningly escaped from the clutches of Hindu soldiers.

    Khwaja along with his Muslims came daily to anna sagar, answered calls of nature & performed their ablutions. Weird Khwaja often polluted the waters of anna sagar by defecating & urinating inside the holy lake.

    Ugly Khwaja along with his filthy Muslims often raided the banks of anna sagar lake suddenly & manhandled young youthful hindu wives bathing there by slapping their swaying buttocks repeatedly & grabbed their big breasts harshly. Prithviraj advised the hindu wives not to fear about khwaja. But still the hindu wives felt panic to bathe in the banks of anna sagar. Prithviraj became tensed & to prove his might, prithviraj himself with his beautiful wife sanyogita came to the eastern banks of anna sagar lake & took an aromatic royal bath. Khwaja swam deeply from the western banks of anna sagar stealthily & suddenly reached the spot where prithviraj-sanyogita were smooching each other tightly & kissing each other passionately while bathing. To humiliate prithviraj, khwaja repeatedly slapped the beautiful swaying golden buttocks of sanyogita again & again. Enraged prithviraj tried to cut khwaja’s head with his golden sword. But weird khwaja gave a sudden hard kick to potent prithviraj’s heavy nuts. As prithviraj fell down in agony, khwaja grabbed the big milky breasts of sanyogita harshly & kissed her soft pinky lips with his beef eating mouth completely. Prithviraj-sanyogita cried for help & many hindu soldiers rushed to kill khwaja. But khwaja went deep into the lake & swam back to the western banks of anna sagar & escaped with his life. After this incident, the hindu wives lost faith in prithviraj’s bravery & avoided to bath in the banks of anna sagar due to khwaja’s atrocities.

    Prithviraj felt humiliated, increased the security of anna sagar by permanently posting 1000 guards & ordered his soldiers to kill khwaja in cold blood, then & there where ever they find him.

    As it became difficult for Khwaja to survive in Ajmer, he absconded into the forests in the outskirts of Ajmer. Khwaja wrote letters to Md.Ghori mentioning about the beauty of prithviraj’s buxom busty booty bride sanyogita & prithviraj’s never ending lust for his young youthful sexy wife. This kindled ghori’s lust for lovely sanyogita & so ghori started preparing for the second battle with prithviraj vigorously. Ugly ghori promised wicked khwaja that he will kill big fat prithviraj brutally in cold blood & rape his beautiful buxom wife sanyogita repeatedly in public.

    Prithviraj Chauhan became lusty & licentious after marrying sexy Sanyogita. But still Prithviraj was an able administrator & capable commander. He had a huge hindu army under his command. His huge mammoth army had more than one million hindu soldiers which included 3000 elephants, 3 lakhs horsemen, 2 lakhs archers & 5 lakhs foot soldiers. His army also included one lakh sexy prostitutes who cooked food & entertained the soldiers in nights. Thus in total, prithviraj had an army of more than one million hindu soldiers and one lakh sexy prostitutes under his command in the second battle of tarain 1192 CE.

    Md. Ghori was a ruthless warrior & mercilessly barbarian. He had an army of 1,20,000 muslim soldiers. Among them 50,000 were horsemen and 70,000 were infantry. When md. ghori planned to attack prithviraj for the second time, his elder brother was attacked by khwarizm shah at ghor. So md.ghori sent all his 70,000 infantry to ghor to defend their capital fort. Undaunted md.ghori took the remaining 50,000 horsemen with him and came to fight with prithviraj in the second battle of tarain. Md. Ghori also had a special team of 2000 battle hardened hardcore ruthless warriors with him. Md. Ghori himself trained those 2000 strong muslim warriors with all the skills of battle day and night for more than one year personally. In total md.ghori had 52,000 muslim soldiers under his command in the second battle of tarain 1192 CE.

    Every learned person in Afghanistan adviced md.ghori not to take such high risk when their own capital is under risk of khwarizm shah’s invasion. But md.ghori told that the divine power of Khwaja is guiding him to attack licentious fat prithviraj chauhan. Khwaja reported to md.ghori that prithviraj chauhan never came out of his golden harem for more than one year after unethically marrying his buxom bride sanyogita. As per prithviraj’s orders his troops destroyed mosques in the borders, arrested muslim converts, banned muslim merchants & beheaded islamic preachers. Md.ghori wanted to save the muslim converts in hindusthan & he needed enormous gold to stop the invasions of khwarizm shah. Analysing the situations, md.ghori decided to attack prithviraj & capture his buxom bride sanyogita.

    Pompous prithviraj unethically married beautiful buxom bride sanyogita against her father’s wish. Big fat prithviraj was so enthralled by the feminine charms of Sanyogita to the extend that he never came out from seductive sanyogita’s aromatic golden bedroom. prithviraj was honeymooning endlessly with his busty booty bride sanyogita day & night making her pregnant much to her delight. In the 14 months between the two battles, prithviraj fathered a male infant govinda-raja & again made sanyogita pregnant for the second time. prithviraj’s extended honeymoon of 14 months with sanyogita was marred by ghori’s second invasion. prithviraj could no longer hide his big proud mushtache face under the buttocks of busty sanyogita as ghori was baying for his pure hindu blood. Amorous prithviraj took his sensuous wife sanyogita along with him & went to fight ghori. Even in the battlefield, inside his royal golden tent, potent prithviraj kept on screwing deep into the honey-pot of sexy sanyogita. Ghori & his muslims attacked suddenly in early morning while prithviraj was smooching sexy sanyogita & proudly shoving his fat love-tool deep into her sweet love-tube.

    Thus began the great second battle of tarain.
    Ghori & his muslims fought with religious zeal & created havoc in the huge hindu camp by killing hundreds of hindu soldiers. But this massacre alarmed the vast hindu camp. The hindu soldiers swiftly rallied under prithviraj & repulsed this surprise attack by Ghori.

    Muhammad Ghori was in severe rage after being defeated by the KAFIR King Prithviraj Chauhan in the first battle of Tarain.

    In this second battle, Ghori divided his army & attacked Prithviraj’s huge hindu army from all sides by shooting arrows. But Prithviraj skillfully defended this attack & the hindus shot back poisonous arrows & killed many muslims.

    Muhammad Ghori could not stand up against Idolator KAFIR King Prithviraj Chauhan for the second time & this angered him even more.

    Thousands & thousands of Hindus lost their lives to the swords & axes of Muslims. Hundreds of Muslims lost their lives to the poisonous arrows of Hindus. The Hindus were killed in large numbers than the Muslims. Prithviraj’s hindu army suffered heavy loss of lives compared to minimal loss of lives in Ghori’s muslim army. But still Md.Ghori & his barbaric muslims failed to break the huge hindu defence & they could not reach the centre of Hindu army in spite of repeated attempts. The battle went on till evening & in spite of killing thousands of hindu soldiers, ghori could not achieve any decisive victory. The muslims started loosing hopes of victory as they failed to break the formidable hindu defence. The centre of the huge Hindu army remained untouched even after repeated attempts. Frustrated Ghori prayed for help & Khwaja came there for his rescue.

    Khwaja sketched a filthy plan & gave it to Md.Ghori. As per that grubby plan, gory Ghori along with ugly Aibak secretly went to the rear of the vast Hindu camp, silently killed the hindu bodyguards & crawled into the royal golden tent. Inside the golden tent, haughty Sanyogita was sitting proudly on her golden bed, believing that her fat husband Prithviraj was the incarnation of Lord & no one could defeat him. Ugly Ghori slowly crept & reached sanyogita’s golden bed, stealthily sneaked from behind, cunningly cornered & suddenly grabbed the big milky breasts of Prithviraj’s Beautiful Buxom bride Sanyogita & repeatedly slapped her beautiful swaying buttocks before she could understand or sense anything.

    Ghori proceeded to rape Sanyogita as he knew his small Muslim army could never defeat Prithviraj directly in the battle as the Hindu army was vast & huge. Hindu Rani Sanyogita was repeatedly manhandled by Muhammed Ghori who ruthlessly grabbed her big milky breasts & repeatedly crushed them with his hard muslim hands. Md.Ghori mercilessly slapped Sanyogita’s swaying golden buttocks again & again.

    Prithviraj Chauhan was dejected when he saw this happen & rushed out of his defensive position to fight Ghori. Prithviraj was fighting bravely with Ghori. But Qutub Aibak continuously manhandled buxom Sanyogita’s busty bosoms & slapped her swaying butts repeatedly. Prithviraj felt extremely humiliated on seeing this & got deviated. Using the chance, Ghori suddenly kicked hard at Prithviraj’s heavy scrotum. Prithviraj fell down in agony of pain & panic.

    Already the hindu army suffered heavy loss of lives. Still the hindu army held the ground because of its immense numbers. But unfortunately, hindu raja prithviraj was grievously injured by ghori at his private parts when he tried to rescue his beautiful queen. As their big fat hero prithviraj fell with his grievously injured testicles, the hindu army lost all its morale & took to their heels only to be chased & cut down by the muslims. Physically plump fat Prithviraj was no match for the sturdy hard Ghori. Ghori easily defeated Prithviraj. Ghori repeatedly kicked fat Prithviraj in his potent testicles & repeatedly raped voluptuous Sanyogita in front of her handsome husband. Prithviraj Chauhan faced humiliating defeat at the hands of Muhammad Ghori.

    Prithviraj begged Ghori to stop ravaging & raping his ravishing wife Sanyogita! Ghori asked Prithviraj to convert to Islam. Prithviraj refused promptly & proudly. Ghori asked Khwaja Moinuddin to do circumcision of Prithviraj big fat penis. Khwaja Chishti forcibly did circumcision of Prithviraj’s thick penis. Then Khwaja forcibly placed beef in Prithviraj’s mouth, but Prithviraj spat out that beef in disgust on Khwaja’s face.

    Angered Ghori caught Prithviraj’s heavy scrotum & crushed severely. Prithviraj’s potent testes burst out in his own sac. Then Ghori tore out Prithviraj’s thick penis & broken balls from his fat body with his bare hands. Thus Prithviraj Chauhan was CASTRATED PERSONALLY by Muhammad Ghori.

    Brave Prithviraj Chauhan refused to accept Islam even after all these tortures. Prithviraj begged Ghori to stop raping his voluptuous wife Sanyogita but ugly Ghori raped Sanyogita from front & back again & again before the eyes of prithviraj. Broken Prithviraj cussed Islam in despair & spat on Ghori. In rage Ghori gouged out Prithviraj’s eyes & placed Prithviraj’s cracked out nuts there.

    Still Prithviraj refused to accept Islam & bravely spat on Quran. Angered Ghori butchered, beheaded & killed Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita.
    When Prithviraj Chauhan’s severed head was presented to KHWAJA MOINUDDIN CHISTI, he sang, “we have conquered Hindusthan after enormous trouble. Betrayed is Prithviraj Chauhan by Muhammad Ghori’s masterly strategy of RAPE JIHAD. Rejoice, plump Prithviraj & his Hindu Idolators are disgraced. His enormous infinite wealth & mountainous tonnes of gold have been captured. HINDUS ARE NOW SOLITARY & BRITTLE LIKE EGGS. RAJA PRITHVIRAJ’S VOLUPTUOUS WIDOW RANI SANYOGITA, FAIR & FRAGRANT AS MUSK-DEER, IS NOW ASLEEP ON GHORI’S LAP IN HIS ISLAMIC HAREM!”

    Thus Muhammad Ghori defeated, castrated, tortured, butchered, beheaded & killed Prithviraj Chauhan. Md.Ghori repeatedly raped Prithviraj’s voluptuous widow Sanyogita daily & later forcibly married her.

    Khwaja predicted the victory of Muhammad Ghori in the second battle of Tarain much earlier as Prithviraj was busy honeymooning endlessly with his busty booty bride Sanyogita. In the second battle of Tarain, Muhammad Ghori crushed & castrated Prithviraj Chauhan. The huge Hindu army of Prithviraj was completely destroyed by the small Muslim army of Ghori. In this second battle, Muslims massacred more than a million Hindu men mercilessly. Ghori repeatedly raped Prithviraj’s beautiful sexy wife Sanyogita again & again in front of her handsome Hindu husband for more than a fortnight. After that Ghori butchered & killed Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita. Then Ugly Ghori forcibly married voluptuous widow Sanyogita against her wish & raped her daily.
    In the mean time, Khwaja declared that he have seized Prithviraj’s heavenly harem & captured all his charming concubines. Prithviraj married only once & his wife was young youthful Sanyogita. Apart from his beautiful sexy wife sanyogita, prithviraj had 20 charming concubines in his golden harem & they were madly in love with prithviraj. Khwaja along with Ghori’s generals repeatedly raped all those 20 widowed concubines of Prithviraj & later forcibly married them.

    The Khwaja used to force the Rajputs to marry their lovely wives to Muslims so that they would become out-caste in their own community. And the endgame of the Khwaja could as well be that perhaps some of the out-caste Rajputs might then opt to become Muslims. Khwaja himself married Prithviraj’s concubines Meenal & Sharmila forcibly. [Source: Siyar’l Auliya, cited by Rizvi on page 116 of ‘A History of Sufism in India’]

    Comment by sanyogita chauhan | August 26, 2018 | Reply

  113. Prithviraj was not an idiot to follow the old rules in the name of dharma. Prithviraj was also tricky and he proved that many times. He did some mistakes due to his excessive lust for his luscious wife sanyogita but that didn’t mean that he was an idiot. Examples:

    Prithviraj defeated bhimdev by attacking the gujarati army suddenly in night when they were sleeping. Prithviraj made friendship treaty with bhimdev cleverly as the gujarati king agreed to pay a tribute of two tonnes of gold annually.

    Prithviraj killed udal by attacking him from behind. Alha defeated prithviraj in revenge for his brother udal’s death and was about to kill him. At that time prithviraj begged at alha’s feet and told him that he was in deep love with yuvrani sanyogita. Alha left prithviraj alive because alha considered sanyogita as his sister. Even though prithviraj lost the fight, he escaped with his life wisely.

    Prithviraj attacked ghori with his poisonous arrows when idiotic ghori was doing noon namaz in the battlefield itself when the first battle of tarain was going on fiercely. Ghori fell down bleeding heavily but still he continued to chant quran loudly. Enraged prithviraj went near ghori to cut down his head. At that time ghori’s slave general aibak took his bleeding master ghori on his horse and ran away from the battlefield. Prithviraj chased them with his huge army for forty miles. But at that time, prithviraj got the message of Sanyogita’s swayamvar. So prithviraj stopped chasing ghori, took a smaller part of his huge army and went back to Kannouj to marry sanyogita as he can’t control his libido any more. Before rushing back to Kannouj, prithviraj wisely ordered his larger part of his army to recapture the bhatinda fort from ghori’s subordinate ziauddin and adviced them not to rush into ghori’s territory as it was highly hostile full of muslims.

    Prithviraj suddenly attaked Kannouj with smaller part of his army when jaichand was busy in swayamvar function of his lovely daughter sanyogita and defeated Jaichand’s army. When Jaichand’s general raichand ran away from battle, prithviraj killed him by shooting poisonous arrows on raichand’s back and broke the hopes of Kannouj army. In the swayamvar, sanyogita put her jasmine garland around the neck of prithviraj’s golden statue and chose him as her husband. Prithviraj, who was hiding behind his golden statue, came out suddenly and took sexy sanyogita in his big fat arms much to the delight of sanyogita. Prithviraj publicly pressed sanyogita swaying butts and kissed her buxom boobs in front of her father jaichand and humiliated him. Prithviraj eloped with his lover sanyogita to his ajmer fort and married her immediately without any further delay.

    After marrying his buxom bride sanyogita with great pomp and much pride, fatty prithviraj can’t control his enormous libido for his lovely wife sanyogita. The royal couple continued their coupling continuously day and night. Young sanyogita and youthful prithviraj continued their honeymoon endlessly. As a result of their long honeymoon which extended for more than 14 months, prithviraj made sanyogita pregnant twice, fathering a male child and sanyogita was carrying four months of her second pregnancy when ugly musalman ghori again came back to hindusthan, this time not only to kill prithviraj but also to rape Sanyogita.

    Ghori was having an army of 50,000 muslims which was much smaller than the huge hindu army of prithviraj which was having 20,00,000 hindus. So prithviraj was over confident to the extend that he took his willing wife sanyogita to the battlefield to fight with ugly ghori. Prithviraj-sanyogita were lusty couple and they can’t control themselves from coupling each other even for a single day as they were newly married just 14 months back.

    Prithviraj had become a softer person both in mind and body after marrying sanyogita as she influenced her husband by her softer thoughts and softest body. Sanyogita’s principles were ahimsa and love-making and she hated battles. Because even though the hindus won the first battle of tarain, thousands of hindus lost their lives to achieve this victory over muslims. And the wives of killed hindus became widows and suffered pangs of separation from their beloved husbands. Sanyogita influenced her husband to bring the reform of widow remarriage and adviced those widows to get remarried and healed their pains. Sanyogita didn’t want that pangs and pains to thousands of young hindu women again. So sanyogita requested her husband prithviraj to try his best and stop this battle with the barbaric muslims if possible. Prithviraj sent a letter to ghori asking him to go back and assured him that he will give 7 tonnes of gold as bribe if he returned. Ghori sent back a letter to Prithviraj ordering him to submit his beautiful buxom bride sanyogita and get converted to islam. Prithviraj got enraged but sanyogita pacified him. Prithviraj again wrote a letter to ghori requesting him to return and he will give him a bribe of 14 tonnes of gold if he returned. Prithviraj also warned ghori that he will kill all the muslims if anyone of them dared to even touch his sexy wife sanyogita. Ghori ordered prithviraj to submit his sexy wife sanyogita to him and nothing more needed. It was evening when prithviraj got this second reply from ghori. Enraged prithviraj ordered his 7 lakhs archers to shoot arrows suddenly on the muslims. Many muslims were wounded and ghori ran back. Ghori replied that he wanted time to discuss about such huge bribe of gold with his elder brother as he came with his muslims to hindusthan only for its wealth and not for its lovely women. Ghori called for a truce till he gets reply from his elder brother. At night, ghori moved back his camp few miles towards Afghanistan. On seeing this, the huge hindu camp rejoiced in happiness. Prithviraj-sanyogita felt extremely delighted as they avoided battle and death of thousands of youthful hindus.

    Prithviraj-sanyogita can’t control their libido any more as this is the first time since their marriage that they didn’t have Lovemaking for more than 14 hours. Fatty prithviraj took sexy sanyogita in his fat arms and kissed her lips, boobs & butts publicly. The royal couple rushed towards their royal golden tent madly with heavy lust. Seeing the hot romance of their beloved hindu emperor and empress, the hindus became erotic and started to enjoy that night with their wives, concubines and prostitutes. Prithviraj’s huge hindu army included 5,00,000 young youthful concubines and prostitutes.

    Prithviraj-sanyogita were making deep love in different positions of kamasutra again and again all night till early morning. Prithviraj was drilling deep into the honey-pot of sanyogita again and again with his big fat hindu cock. Ugly ghori and his cruel muslims attacked the huge hindu camp suddenly in early morning and created complete havoc in the vast hindu camp by killing thousands of coupling hindu soldiers and raping lovely hindu ladies. Thus began the fateful second battle of tarain.

    There were screams all over the vast hindu camp. Prithviraj could no longer hide his face under the swaying butts of sanyogita. Prithviraj had successfully drilled deep into the honey-pot of sanyogita and poured his honey inside her for more than 20 times all night. And this sudden attack created panic in the heart of luscious lovely sanyogita. So prithviraj again drilled deep into the honey-pot of sanyogita and poured out his white honey inside her, thereby pacifying her fear. More than an hour after the sudden attack by muslims, prithviraj came out of his royal golden tent and bravely addressed his soldiers. After initial setbacks, prithviraj brought his vast hindu camp under control from panic and led his huge hindu army to fight against the muslims. Prithviraj-sanyogita were sitting on the armoured big white royal elephant in the centre of the huge hindu army. Prithviraj’s sexy wife sanyogita was sitting on prithviraj’s big fat lap.

    In the previous first battle, prithviraj’s 7 lakhs archers killed most of the muslims before they neared for hand to hand sword fighting. But in this second battle, hindu archers can’t function effectively as the muslims had already started hand to hand sword fighting with the hindus. In this hand to hand sword fighting, ghori’s barbaric muslims easily killed prithviraj’s armoured hindus as the muslims were born swordsman. Also hindu archers were not mounted. And so they can’t change their position swiftly to kill the muslims who already began sword fighting with the hindus. Ghori had only 40,000 mounted archers and 10,000 cavalry swordsman. Since the muslim archers were mounted they changed their position swiftly, killed thousands of hindu vanguard infantry and created loop holes for their muslim cavalry to rush through in between and engage with huge hindu cavalry and kill the hindu commanders and generals sitting safety on their huge elephants deep inside the vast hindu army. This mounted muslim archers played an important role in this second battle by creating loop holes in the thick fray of huge hindu army through which the barbaric muslims rushed and reached the centre of huge hindu army easily and thereby killing the hindu commanders and generals in hand to hand sword fights.

    It was not easy to develop an unit of mounted archers who were capable of shooting the targets while riding on thier horses with full speed. It needed a lot of training. Ghori himself was an excellent mounted archer and he was the greatest swordsman of his times. After the defeat in the first battle, ghori never went to his wife not touched any woman except training himself in the art of warfare. Ghurids had an army of 1,20,000 muslim soldiers. Since khwarizm shah was often attacking his own ghurid kingdom, ghori can’t bring all his soldiers to hindusthan to kill prithviraj. Khwarizm shah was a great commander and it was not easy to defend him. Ghori knew that though they can defend, they can’t defeat shah as he had a well trained shia muslim army. Ghori got a secret information that shah was getting heavy gold supplies from prithviraj through portal routes from gujarat to persian. Prithviraj sent regular gold supplies to khwarizm shah using which shah raised a powerful shia army and attacked the ghurid brothers regularly from western front so that ghurids didn’t have time to turn eastwards and loot hindusthan. This proves that prithviraj was an excellent administrator. This secret of prithviraj bribing shah regularly to attack the ghurids often from western front was informed to ghori by his old chisti spy Khwaja moinuddin whom ghori sent to ajmer to spy on prithviraj-sanyogita after his defeat in first battle. Ghori’s elder brother asked ghori to fight along with him against khwarizm shah and then move eastwards to kill prithviraj. But then ghori received a painting from khwaja. It was the painting of sexy sanyogita, the beautiful buxom wife of fatty prithviraj. On seeing the painting, ghori became mad and he wanted to rape her at any cost. Ghori left 70,000 soldiers out of 1,20,000 soldiers with his elder brother to defend their capital fort against the attack of khwarizm shah and he himself with 50,000 soldiers rushed towards hindusthan to rape Sanyogita and kill prithviraj.

    Thus during the second battle of tarain, ghori had an army of 10,000 heavy armoured cavalry and 40,000 light armoured mounted archers. Prithviraj had an army of 5000 armoured elephants, 3,00,000 heavy armoured cavalry, 7,00,000 light armoured archers, 10,00,000 heavy armoured infantry and 5,00,000 charming hindu concubines and prostitutes. Thus in total ghori’s muslim army was 50,000 in numbers and prithviraj’s hindu army was 20,00,000 in numbers along with 5,00,000 lovely hindu ladies. The hindu army of prithviraj was 40–50 times bigger than the muslim army of ghori. It seems that prithviraj’s hindu army was invincible. Ghori knew well that it was not easy to defeat and destroy prithviraj’s huge hindu army of two million soldiers. But at the same time, ghori could get immense wealth, enormous gold, fertile lands and lovely ladies only after killing the hindu hero prithviraj. More over, he could stop khwarizm shah’s incursions by killing prithviraj. Ghori wanted to convert the whole hindusthan into an islamic empire. Above all, he wanted to rape sexy sanyogita again and again. It could be possible only after defeating and killing fat hindu emperor prithviraj. So to destroy prithviraj’s huge hindu army of two million soldiers and to kill prithviraj, ghori trained himself and his army vigorously for 14 months. All these 14 months ghori never kissed his wife nor went to her bedroom. He even slept in the floor along with his muslim soldiers. But here in hindusthan, all these 14 months, prithviraj never came out of Sanyogita’s golden bedroom. Prithviraj never stopped licking & sucking the luscious succulent lips of lovely Sanyogita. Prithviraj was continuously screwing deep into the honey-pot of sanyogita day & night much to her delight. Prithviraj proudly shoved his big fat love-tool again & again deep into the juicy wet love-tube of sexy Sanyogita giving her enormous sexual pleasures. Prithviraj was continuously coupling with Sanyogita taking her to extreme heights of sexual ecstasy. Prithviraj’s fat pink lips & sanyogita’s juicy pink lips never got separated from each other from the day of their Suhahrath. Prithviraj-Sanyogita repeatedly experienced excessive sexual delights with their extreme sexual intimacy. They parted away their royal lips only for eating & drinking. Ghori trained his archers day and night and developed them into lethal mounted archers. Ghori and his barbaric muslims slept just 4 hours in night. They halted their battle training only for eating beef and doing namaz. Prithviraj-sanyogita also slept just 4 hours in night. They halted their amorous coupling only for eating delicious vegetarian dishes and for answering the calls of nature which they did together.

    In the second battle, after the sudden surprise attack by muslim heavy cavalry in early morning killing thousands of coupling hindu couples, prithviraj brilliantly pacified his panic stricken hindu army by his brave speech. Prithviraj incited his hindus by telling them that it was the duty of hindus to fight against the muslims to protect their lovely ladies from ugly Islamic rapes. Thus prithviraj prepared his army into perfect battle lines and the hindu soldiers took their positions to face the muslims. The lethal mounted muslim archers came into act. Ghori divided his 40,000 archers into 4 units each 10,000 archers and ordered them to attack the huge vast hindu army from all four sides and create loop holes in the thick fray of huge hindu infantry and cavalry. Through this gaps ghori lead his barbaric cavalry and reach the centre of hindu army. In the centre, ghori and his well trained lethal muslim cavalry massacred thousands and thousands of hindu heavy cavalry. The hindu generals who spent all the 14 months in merry making with their wives like their king prithviraj became an easy prey to ghori’s barbaric generals. Ghori’s hardened generals killed prithviraj’s softened hindu commanders ruthlessly. This lethal attack combined with surprise sudden attack in early morning worked wonders for the muslims. More than a million hindu soldiers were killed in 10 hours of continuous terrorising battle by the muslims. Towards the evening, ghori and his muslim cavalry completely routed the huge hindu cavalry, killed more than 4000 hindu elephants and suddenly captured the lovely hindu ladies in the centre. Thus this broke the heart of the remaining hindu soldiers who rushed from their defensive positions to save their charming concubines from the clutches of the muslims. As the hindus rushed to protect their wives, they were mercilessly massacred by the muslims. Sensing that he had lost more than one million hindus and the muslims ruthlessly killing the remaining hindus prithviraj lost all his hopes. Ghori rushed on his black horse towards the royal white elephant of prithviraj killing his vanguards and bodygaurds. In spite of his imposing bulk, seeing ghori rushing towards him with an eye on his sexy wife sanyogita, prithviraj jumped down from his elephant along with his sexy wife sanyogita. Prithviraj took his lovely wife on his armoured royal white horse and the royal couple ran away from the battlefield. Muslims started to rape the charming concubines of slain hindu soldiers then and there in the battlefield itself. On seeing this, prithviraj-sanyogita became panic sticken fugitives. On seeing their emperor prithviraj running away from the battlefield like a timid coward with his sexy wife sanyogita, the remaining hindus lost all their hopes and took their concubines and ran away from the battlefield following and protecting their emperor prithviraj from felling into hands of muslims.

    The horses bred in hindusthan were fat and slow because of agrarian nature. The horses bred in Afghanistan were lean and fast because of nomadic mountainous nature. This was the reason that the hindus could not chase and kill the muslims in the first battle. Here, in second battle, the reverse happened. Muslim horses which were lean easily outpaced fat hindu horses. As a result, muslims chased down and killed thousands and thousands of fat hindus rushing away from the battlefield riding on their fat horses. The muslims chased down and killed the hindus like wolfs chasing down and hunting big fat bulls.

    Prithviraj was a fatty person weighing more than 100 kgs. His fat royal white horse was well protected with steel armour. prithviraj was wearing golden armour weighing 40 kgs. His buxom pregnant wife sanyogita was weighing 60 kgs. Prithviraj’s fat royal horse ran slowly as it was carrying a total weight of around 200 kgs which included golden armoured fatty prithviraj and his buxom buttery bride sanyogita. So lean ghori riding on his fast black afghan horse easily captured the royal hindu couple.

    Ghori captured prithviraj-sanyogita by chasing down and killing their fat royal horse. Ghori was alone along with the royal hindu couple and the muslims arriving few miles away. Prithviraj took his golden sword and fought with ghori. In few minutes, ghori defeated prithviraj. prithviraj lost his golden sword from his hands due to heavy blows of ghori’s iron sword. Sanyogita lost her hopes on seeing the miserable condition of her beloved fat husband prithviraj, the emperor of hindusthan. Prithviraj fell into the feet of ghori and begged pardoning from him. Ghori kicked him on his chest and ordered to submit his sexy wife sanyogita to him. Enraged prithviraj suddenly took his golden sword from ground and came to attack ghori. At that time sanyogita threw sand dust in ghori’s eyes. Using the chance, prithviraj injured ghori and was about to kill him. But ghori suddenly kicked at prithviraj loin and groin and injured his heavy hindu nuts. Prithviraj dropped his golden sword and held his heavy hindu nuts in pain. Ghori caught prithviraj’s heavy hindu nuts with his bare muslim hands and crushed them hard. Sanyogita tried to save her husband prithviraj’s heavy hindu nuts from the iron fist of gory ghori but in vain. Thus ghori crushed and completely defeated prithviraj. As prithviraj was moaning in extreme pain, he adviced sanyogita to run away. Sanyogita tried to run away but ghori pounced on her and raped her then and there in front of her husband prithviraj’s eyes again and again. Prithviraj begged ghori to stop rapping his wife sanyogita repeatedly but all in vain. As ghori finished his raping of sanyogita multiple times, the muslim army came there and arrested moaning prithviraj crawling in the floor in severe pain. Ghori took raped sanyogita on his shoulder and the muslim army rushed along with arrested prithviraj to his golden capital ajmer. Ghori stormed the golden fort of ajmer and took it by brute force killing all male populace above 5 years and raping all female populace above 7 years. Ghori entered the golden harem of prithviraj and captured all the 5000 lovely royal concubines of prithviraj. Ghori distributed prithviraj’s royal charming concubines to his muslim generals. Each charming concubine of prithviraj was fixed a price of 10,000 hindu penis to 50,000 hindu penis depending on their luscious beauty. Ghori’s generals created havoc in the huge prosperous wealthy fertile kingdom of prithviraj by chasing and cutting the penis of potent hindu men and thereby killing them.

    Ghori took prithviraj-sanyogita to their golden marital bedroom. Ghori tied the hands of prithviraj in the wall there and threw sanyogita on her golden bed. The same golden bed on which sanyogita had many long lusty loving days and nights with her handsome fatty husband prithviraj. Ghori raped sanyogita again and again on her golden bed and kicked prithviraj again and again on his heavy hindu nuts and big fat penis. After five months of daily rapes on sanyogita’s luscious fair body and daily kicks on prithviraj’s heavy hindu nuts, ghori asked prithviraj to convert to Islam and khwaja forcibly did circumcision on prithviraj’s big fat penis. Khwaja brought quran in front of prithviraj. Prithviraj bravely spat on quran and khwaja. Enraged ghori tore out prithviraj heavy hindu nuts from his big fat body, gorged out his eyes and placed prithviraj’s potent nut balls in the place of his eye balls. Ghori ordered prithviraj to tell “allahu-akbar”. Prithviraj shouted, “sanyogita, forgive me dear, i failed to protect you from this bastard ghori. I love you sanyogita”. Tears rolled down from sanyogita’s luscious cheeks and she shouted, “Maharaj, i love you and only you”. Hearing this ghori became furious and pierced his sword in prithviraj’s big fat belly. Again ghori ordered prithviraj to tell “allahu-akbar”. Prithviraj shouted, “hindusthan hammara”. Enraged ghori beheaded and killed fat handsome hindu emperor prithviraj. Sanyogita fainted on seeing this. Ghori killed prithviraj in 1192 AD. Ghori forcibly married Sanyogita against her wish and raped sanyogita again and again daily for 14 years. In 1206 AD, ghori was killed by a group of shia assassins when he was doing his night namaz. This sudden attack was planned by none other than khwarizm shah.

    Comment by sanyogita chauhan | August 26, 2018 | Reply

  114. Goes to show when you catch a Muslim, finish him.

    Comment by Gudu | January 1, 2019 | Reply

  115. Muhammad Ghori defeated & killed Prithviraj Chauhan brutally in cold blood.

    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 AD, Musalman Muhammad Ghori with just 52,000 Muslim soldiers deviously defeated haughty Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan who had a huge mammoth army of more than one million Hindu soldiers. Brute Ghori captured big fat Prithviraj along with his pregnant wife Sanyogita while they were galloping away from the battlefield. Barbaric Ghori butchered & castrated potent Prithviraj in front of his buxom bride Sanyogita. Ugly Ghori repeatedly raped beautiful Sanyogita in front of her handsome husband Prithviraj. Then gory Ghori beheaded & killed arrogant Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita. Later grotesque Ghori forcibly married Prithviraj’s voluptuous widow Sanyogita.

    Comment by sanyogita chauhan | January 25, 2019 | Reply

  116. Muhammad Ghori was in severe rage after being defeated by the KAFIR KING Prithviraj Chauhan in the first battle of Tarain 1191 CE.

    Ghori could not stand up to the Hindu Idolator Prithviraj and this angered his Ghazis even more.

    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 CE, Musalman Ghori got dejected when he saw the vast huge Hindu army of kafir King Prithviraj. Ghori pretended accepting the peace treaty of Prithviraj. Believing wily Ghori, arrogant Prithviraj and his huge Hindu army began celebrations thinking that they had won again. Kafir King Prithviraj was enjoying carnal pleasures by copulating continuously with his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita in various positions of kamasutra, inside his golden tent.

    Ugly Ghori attacked the vast Hindu camp suddenly in early morning while Kafir King Prithviraj was canoodling continuously with his charming wife Sanyogita, literally with his pants down. Ghori killed hundreds of Hindu soldiers in this surprise attack. But the Hindu camp was too vast and so alarm was raised and the huge Hindu army retaliated quickly. Ghori returned to his Muslim camp realising that he could not defeat KAFIR Prithviraj directly due to the vast numerical superiority of his Hindu army.

    Hindu Army of Prithviraj Chauhan:
    Foot Archers: 2,00,000
    Heavy Cavalry: 3,00,000
    Infantry: 5,00,000
    Elephants: 3000
    Women: 1,00,000

    Muslim Army of Muhammad Ghori:
    Mounted Archers: 40,000
    Light Cavalry: 40,000
    Heavy Cavalry: 20,000
    Infantry: 20,000

    Prithviraj’s foot archers used crossbows with metal thumb rings. Ghori’s mounted archers used composite bows with leather thumb rings.

    Prithviraj’s cavalry were clad in steel plate armour worn over padded armour because padded armour cushions a blow and makes the usage of steel plate armour more comfortable. Prithviraj’s cavalry used steel stirrups. Ghori’s cavalry were clad in leather plate armour. Ghori’s cavalry used wooden stirrups.

    Prithviraj’s cavalry had stout stallion horses which ran slow when compared to Ghori’s cavalry which had nimble gelding horses.

    The horses in Prithviraj’s cavalry were nailed with steel horseshoes whereas the horses in Ghori’s cavalry were nailed with iron horseshoes.

    Ghori’s cavalry used leather plate armour compared to Prithviraj’s cavalry which used steel plate armour. Ghori had swift cavalry compared to Prithviraj’s sluggish cavalry.

    Thus began the great second battle of Tarain 1192 CE. Ghori’s mounted archers attacked Prithviraj’s huge Hindu army from front, right & left. When the Hindu cavalry advanced to attack them, Muslim cavalry confronted them. Muslim cavalry penetrated deep into huge Hindu heavy cavalry formations by their pincer attacks & created havoc among Hindu cavalry but failed to reach Prithviraj’s Hindu centre as they were blocked by thousands of elephants & countless Hindu archers. The battle went even till evening. Ghori could not foresee any signs of victory & lost his hopes of achieving decisive victory.

    At this critical juncture, Khwaja Moinuddin gave a crooked plan to Ghori to decimate Prithviraj. As per Khwaja’s filthy plan, Ghori with his heavy cavalry took a gruelling route and attacked the mammoth Hindu army gruesomely from behind, massacring thousands of Hindu soldiers mercilessly. Ghori secretly snuck into the Hindu camp and suddenly captured Prithviraj’s beautiful buxom wife Queen Sanyogita!

    Ghori manhandled buxom Sanyogita’s busty breasts & repeatedly slapped her swaying buttocks as he knew that his small Muslim army could never defeat Prithviraj directly in this battle as his Hindu army was mammoth huge!

    Thus Hindu Queen Sanyogita was being manhandled, repeatedly slapped & raped by Musalman Ghori!

    Prithviraj Chauhan was dejected when he saw this happen, rushed out of his defensive position to attack Muhammed Ghori and got caught in Khwaja’s trap. Khwaja’s trap was to engage Prithviraj in head-to-head fight with Ghori as he knew well that Ghori will butcher Prithviraj in direct combat.

    Meanwhile, the Muslim cavalry captured the heavenly Hindu womenfolk in the Hindu camp. On seeing Hindu women being captured by Muslims, Hindu soldiers rushed to protect them from Islamic rapes resulting in disruption of various formations of vast Hindu army losing all its cohesion. Muslims attacked this huge crumbling Hindu army from all sides & killed lakhs of Hindu soldiers in cold blood.

    While Prithviraj was fighting with Ghori, Khwaja started manhandling Sanyogita’s busty breasts, slapped her swaying buttocks & humiliated her! In his anguish on seeing the humiliation of Sanyogita, Prithviraj got deviated & using his chance, Ghori suddenly kicked at Prithviraj’s potent testicles. Prithviraj fell down in agony of pain & panic. Physically big fat Prithviraj was no match for sturdy hardy Ghori. Ghori completely defeated Prithviraj. Ghori repeatedly kicked Prithviraj in his potent heavy testicles & crushed his big fat penis. Ugly Ghori repeatedly raped busty Sanyogita in front of her haughty Hindu husband Prithviraj.

    Kafir Prithviraj begged Musalman Ghori to stop the ravaging & raping of his ravishing wife Sanyogita! Ghori asked Prithviraj to convert to Islam but Prithviraj refused promptly. Ghori asked Khwaja Moinuddin to do circumcision to Prithviraj. Khwaja forcibly did circumcision of Prithviraj’s thick penis. Then Khwaja forcibly placed beef in Prithviraj’s mouth, but Prithviraj spat the beef out in disgust on the Khwaja’s face.

    Khwaja brought the Quran in front of Prithviraj & requested him to accept Islam. Kafir Prithviraj haughtily spat on the Quran.

    Angered Ghori caught Prithviraj’s testicles and crushed them severely. Prithviraj’s potent testicles burst out in his own sac. Then Ghori tore out Prithviraj’s crushed penis & broken balls from his big fat body with his bare muslim hands. Thus Prithviraj Chauhan was CASTRATED PERSONALLY by Muhammad Ghori.

    Kafir Prithviraj refused to accept Islam even after all these tortures & again haughtily spat on the Quran. In rage Ghori gouged out Prithviraj’s eyes & placed Prithviraj’s cracked out testicles there.

    But Still, Kafir Prithviraj Chauhan refused to accept Islam & bravely spat on ugly Ghori. Angered Ghori butchered, beheaded and killed Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita.

    When Prithviraj Chauhan’s severed head was presented to KHWAJA MOINUDDIN CHISTI, he sang “We have conquered Hindusthan after enormous trouble. Betrayed is Prithviraj Chauhan by Muhammad Ghori’s masterly strategy of RAPE JIHAD. Rejoice, Prithviraj and his Idolators are disgraced. His huge enormous wealth had been brought away. HINDUS ARE NOW SOLITARY & BRITTLE AS EGGS. HINDU RAJA PRITHVIRAJ’S VOLUPTUOUS WIDOW RANI SANYOGITA, FAIR & FRAGRANT AS MUSK-DEER, IS NOW ASLEEP IN ISLAMIC HAREM & SHARING BED WITH MUSALMAN GHORI!”

    Muhammad Ghori raped Prithviraj’s voluptuous widow Sanyogita again & again for many months and forcibly married her against her will & wish.

    Thus Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated, castrated, tortured, butchered, beheaded and killed by Muhammad Ghori.

    Comment by sanyogita chauhan | February 27, 2019 | Reply

  117. Prithviraj defeated Md.Ghori in the first battle of Tarain 1191 AD by using his huge hindu army. Prithviraj attacked Md.Ghori by using his poisonous arrows & barbaric Ghori fell down bleeding. But Ghori’s slave general Aibak saved his master from the clutches of Hindu army & escaped from battlefield & ran away to Afghanistan.
    After his great victory over the Muslims in first battle of Tarain, Prithviraj eloped with his luscious lover Sanyogita & married his beautiful bride with great pomp & much pride. After marrying beauteous Sanyogita, Prithviraj never came out from his golden harem & was honeymooning endlessly with Sanyogita day and night constantly. Prithviraj made Sanyogita pregnant twice in a period of 18 months of their marital life. Soon after marrying Sanyogita, Prithviraj made her pregnant & she gave birth to a male child Govinda-raja. Within few months of her delivery, Prithviraj made Sanyogita pregnant for the second time & she was carrying four months second pregnancy during the second battle of Tarain.
    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 AD, Prithviraj’s hindu army was nearly 50 times bigger than Ghori’s small Muslim army. But bastard Ghori attacked suddenly in early morning when Prithviraj was making passionate love with his lovely wife Sanyogita & enjoying carnal pleasures all night with her inside his golden tent.
    Prithviraj fought bravely with Md.Ghori but ugly Ghori cheated by attacking Prithviraj suddenly in his private parts, crushed & defeated him cruelly. Muslims killed more than one million Hindu soldiers in this fateful second battle of Tarain & Md.Ghori captured Prithviraj’s huge Hindu empire along with it’s golden capital Ajmer. Bastard Ghori repeatedly raped charming Sanyogita in front of her beloved husband Prithviraj & kept her in captivity along with her lover husband in Ajmer Fort. When Prithviraj tried to escape with his raped wife Sanyogita, barbaric Ghori butchered & brutally killed Prithviraj in front of Sanyogita at Ajmer. Later Md.Ghori forcibly married Prithviraj’s young youthful widow Sanyogita against her wish & dumped her in his Islamic harem.
    Thus Muslim barbarian Md.Ghori destroyed the golden Hindu empire of Prithviraj Chauhan & established his gory Islamic empire in holy Hindusthan.

    Comment by Rupmathi | September 12, 2019 | Reply

  118. Big fat fair & handsome Prithviraj Chauhan had 10 beautiful sensuous consorts known as Dasapsaras but only one most beautiful sexy wife Sanyogita known as Devapsara.

    Raja Prithviraj was the incarnation of Kamadev & Rani Sanyogita was the incarnation of Tilotama.

    In his life time, Prithviraj had excessive sexual enjoyment with his Ekadasapsaras including his Patrani Sanyogita (Devapsara Tilotama).

    Prithviraj constantly enjoyed carnal pleasures with his charming consorts known as Dasapsaras.

    Prithviraj continuously enjoyed sex with his young youthful beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita, the Devapsara Tilotama.

    Lovely Ichchini Kumari was the Chief-Consort of Lusty Prithviraj but not his Queen-Wife.

    Busty booty Sanyogita was the Maharani (Queen-Wife) of big fat Maharaj Prithviraj.

    Prithviraj was born on 2 June 1159 AD @ Anhilwar. At the time of his death, Prithviraj aged 34.

    Prithviraj had 10 charming lovely sexy Consorts: (their names with age in 1192 AD):
    Ichchini kumari (30)
    Meenal kumari (29)
    Indravati (28)
    Hansavati (27)
    Kamlavati (26)
    Padmavati (25)
    Chakkori (24)
    Karnataki (23)
    Shyamala (22)
    Sasivrata (21)

    Prithviraj had only one wife Sanyogita (20). Sanyogita was the most beautiful sexy woman ever lived on this earth.

    In the second battle of Tarain 1192 AD, Musalman Ghori defeated & killed Hindu Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan.

    Ghori raped all the busty booty wives of Prithviraj & dumped those Hindu widows in his Islamic Harem.

    Ghori repeatedly raped Prithviraj’s pregnant Patrani Sanyogita & forcibly married her against her wish.

    Ghori gifted Prithviraj’s voluptuous widow Meenal to Khwaja for his service of spying on Prithviraj.

    Comment by Rupmathi | October 1, 2019 | Reply

  119. Second Battle of Tarain 1192 AD:

    Prithviraj Chauhan’s Rajput army:
    Horse Soldiers: 3,00,000
    Foot Archers: 2,00,000
    Foot Soldiers: 5,00,000
    Elephants: 30,000
    Lovely Ladies: 20,000

    In total, Prithviraj’s Army had 10 lakhs Rajput Soldiers.

    All Rajput Soldiers were protected well with steel armours from head to feet.

    Muhammad Ghori’s Muslim army:
    Horse Archers: 40,000
    Horse Soldiers: 50,000
    Barbaric Warriors: 12,000
    Camels: 8000

    In total, Md.Ghori’s Army had 1 lakh Muslim Soldiers.

    Md.Ghori had no elephants & didn’t bring any Muslim women to the battlefield.

    Prithviraj’s Rajput Army was 10 times bigger than Md.Ghori’s small Muslim Army. So big fat Prithviraj became arrogant & overconfident.

    When Muhammad Ghori attacked the vast Rajput Army suddenly in early morning, lusty bulky Prithviraj Chauhan was literally with his silk pants down, copulating continuously with his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita, inside his royal golden tent in the battlefield!

    Brave Muslim Muhammad Ghori defeated haughty Hindu Prithviraj Chauhan in this second battle of Tarain by applying tough battle tactics strategically & by implementing daring battlefield manoeuvres. Pot-bellied Prithviraj along with his pregnant wife Sanyogita rode away from the battlefield but Muhammad Ghori chased them down easily & captured the royal rajput couple.

    Muhammad Ghori crushed & killed panicking Prithviraj and his pregnant wife Sanyogita fell into his Muslim hands. Muhammad Ghori treated beautiful Sanyogita with love & respect.

    Impressed by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti’s preachings, young widow Sanyogita embraced Islam with her new name Saffiyah. Later Sultan Muhammad Ghori married beautiful Saffiyah & made her his wife Saffiyah Sultana Begum.

    Comment by Pushparaj | April 3, 2022 | Reply

  120. Second Battle of Tarain 1192 AD:

    Prithviraj Chauhan’s Rajput Army:
    Heavy Armoured Foot Soldiers: 2,00,000
    Heavy Armoured Rajput Cavalry: 1,00,000
    Medium Armoured Horse Soldiers: 2,00,000
    Light Armoured Foot Archers: 1,00,000
    Light Armoured Camel Cavalry: 40,000
    Heavy Armoured War Elephants: 3000

    In addition, Prithviraj’s Army had 20,000 fair & lovely concubines & courtesans to cook & fuck.

    In total, Prithviraj’s Army had more than 6 lakhs Rajput Soldiers.

    Muhammad Ghori’s Muslim Army:
    Heavy Armoured Mamluk Cavalry: 30,000
    Medium Armoured Horse Soldiers: 40,000
    Light Armoured Mounted Archers: 40,000
    Light Armoured Camel Cavalry: 8000
    Battle Hardened War Veterans: 2000

    Md.Ghori had no elephants & didn’t bring any women to the battlefield.

    In total, Md.Ghori’s Army had more than 1 lakh Muslim Soldiers.

    Prithviraj Chauhan had immense numerical superiority over Muhammad Ghori. Moreover, Prithviraj had overwhelming logistics support as Tarain was his home ground.

    Since Prithviraj’s huge Rajput Army was much bigger than Md.Ghori’s small Muslim Army, big fat Prithviraj became arrogant & overconfident.

    Due to abundant metal ores & advanced Indian metallurgy, Prithviraj’s Rajput soldiers were equipped with high quality swords & shields and protected with advanced armours, much better than Md.Ghori’s Muslim soldiers.

    Prithviraj’s cavalry were clad in chainmail armour worn over padded gambeson which cushions the blows & makes armour usage more comfortable. Md.Ghori’s cavalry were clad in chainmail armour worn over thick leather jacket.

    The horses in Prithviraj’s cavalry were nailed with steel shoes. The horses in Md.Ghori’s cavalry were nailed with iron shoes. Prithviraj’s cavalry used steel stirrups. Md.Ghori’s cavalry used iron stirrups.

    Md.Ghori’s decision to fight against Prithviraj’s mammoth army seemed idiotic but Md.Ghori exercised hard battle tactics & planned to the roots to decimate Prithviraj’s vast numerical superiority.

    Prithviraj’s cavalry had stout stallion horses which ran slower compared to Md.Ghori’s cavalry having slender gelding horses which ran faster.

    Md.Ghori’s fast & furious cavalry had qualitative advantage over Prithviraj’s slow & sluggish cavalry.

    Prithviraj’s infantry archers used longbows with metal thumb rings. Md.Ghori’s mounted archers used composite bows with leather thumb rings. Composite bows are more tense when strung compared to longbows. Rajput longbows accelerate the arrows only at the beginning of the release, while Muslim composite bows accelerate the arrows throughout the entire motion from full draw.

    Md.Ghori’s mounted archers had better accuracy & mobility advantage over Prithviraj’s infantry archers.

    Md.Ghori’s Muslim soldiers were physically stronger than Prithviraj’s Rajput soldiers. Tall sturdy Muslim soldiers had better endurance & stamina than big fat Rajput soldiers.

    In this second battle, Md.Ghori began with the element of sudden surprise attack, to strike panic into the heart of plump Prithviraj who was copulating continuously with his charming wife Sanyogita, inside his golden tent in the battlefield of Tarain.

    When Md.Ghori attacked the vast Rajput Army suddenly in early morning, lusty Prithviraj was literally with his silk pants down, cumming continuously together with his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita, inside his luxurious tent.

    Brave Muslim Muhammad Ghori defeated bulky Rajput Prithviraj Chauhan in this second battle of Tarain by applying tough battle tactics strategically & by implementing daring battlefield manoeuvres.

    Dismounting from his huge elephant, big fat Prithviraj along with his pregnant wife Sanyogita rode away from the battlefield on his stout stallion. But sturdy Md.Ghori chased them down & captured the royal Rajput couple.

    Md.Ghori crushed & killed panicking Prithviraj and his pregnant wife Sanyogita fell into his Muslim hands. Md.Ghori treated beauteous Sanyogita with love & affection.

    As per Muslim historians, later impressed by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti’s preachings, young widow Sanyogita embraced Islam with her new name Saffiyah. Soon after her conversion, Sultan Muhammad Ghori married beautiful Saffiyah & made her his wife Saffiyah Sultana Begum.

    As per Jain historians, Md.Ghori repeatedly raped beautiful Sanyogita & forcibly kept her as his concubine in his Muslim harem. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti acted as the secret spy of Muhammad Ghori & played an important role in the downfall of Prithviraj Chauhan.

    Comment by Thamizharasi | May 13, 2022 | Reply

  121. Between the two big battles of Tarain:

    Soon after defeating Md.Ghori in the first battle of Tarain 1191 AD, Rajput Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan kidnapped the most beautiful princess Sanyogita from her Swayamvar and married her with great pomp & much pride.

    After marrying his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita, big fat Prithviraj never came out from his golden harem. Lusty Prithviraj was in complete union with his lovely bride Sanyogita continuously. Day & night, fatty Prithviraj was mating with his fertile wife Sanyogita repeatedly.

    Honeymoon of Prithviraj-Sanyogita extended endlessly with both of them enjoying unlimited carnal pleasures. Sensuous Sanyogita lost herself in the sexual ecstasy of erotic unending coitus with her chubby Chauhan hubby.

    After losing the first battle of Tarain in 1191 AD, Md.Ghori never went to his wife & didn’t touch any woman. Day & night, injured tiger Md.Ghori was practicing battle hardened exercises to defeat Prithviraj’s huge army.

    Muhammad Ghori trained himself constantly with swords, shields, lances, javelins, axes & maces, both mounted & unmounted. Md.Ghori began each day by running 8 kms in iron armour.

    MD.Ghori trained his Muslim Soldiers in various battle exercises like side horse vaulting, two-man horse vaulting, hammer swinging, wall climbing, wood splitting & somersaults in iron armour.

    Md.Ghori gave special training to his Muslim Soldiers, particularly ‘tuning up’ them in mounted archery which was essential to keep the relationship between horse and rider intact.

    While Md.Ghori was busy in practicing difficult battle manoeuvres, big bull Prithviraj was busy pounding his big booty Queen Sanyogita. Potent Prithviraj was copulating continuously with his charming consort Sanyogita as they both mastered the art of Kamasutra. Plump Prithviraj along with his seductive wife Sanyogita orgasmed together many times in various Kamasutra positions daily.

    Bulky Prithviraj made busty Sanyogita pregnant twice in a period of 20 months of their marital life, fathering a male child & fertile Sanyogita was carrying four months second pregnancy when Md.Ghori came back for the second battle of Tarain in 1192 AD.

    In short, between the battles of Tarain,

    Muhammad Ghori became a martial arts master by training himself rigorously in horse riding, wrestling, fencing & archery.

    Potent Prithviraj became a marital arts master by training himself vigorously in various Kamasutra positions along with his sexy wife Sanyogita.

    If anyone wants to know about the detailed history of Battles of Tarain, kindly contact my instagram account: samyuktha1192

    Comment by Thamizharasi | May 19, 2022 | Reply

  122. Second Battle of Tarain 1192 AD:

    Prithviraj Chauhan’s Rajput Army:
    Heavy Armoured Foot Soldiers: 2,00,000
    Heavy Armoured Rajput Cavalry: 1,00,000
    Medium Armoured Horse Soldiers: 2,00,000
    Light Armoured Foot Archers: 1,00,000
    Light Armoured Camel Cavalry: 40,000
    Heavy Armoured War Elephants: 3000

    In addition, Prithviraj’s Army had 20,000 fair & lovely concubines & courtesans to cook & fuck.

    In total, Prithviraj’s Army had more than 6 lakhs Rajput Soldiers.

    Muhammad Ghori’s Muslim Army:
    Heavy Armoured Mamluk Cavalry: 30,000
    Medium Armoured Horse Soldiers: 40,000
    Light Armoured Mounted Archers: 40,000
    Light Armoured Camel Cavalry: 8000
    Battle Hardened War Veterans: 2000

    Md.Ghori had no elephants & didn’t bring any women to the battlefield.

    In total, Md.Ghori’s Army had more than 1 lakh Muslim Soldiers.

    Prithviraj Chauhan had immense numerical superiority over Muhammad Ghori. Moreover, Prithviraj had overwhelming logistics support as Tarain was his home ground.

    Since Prithviraj’s huge Rajput Army was much bigger than Md.Ghori’s small Muslim Army, big fat Prithviraj became arrogant & overconfident.

    Due to abundant metal ores & advanced Indian metallurgy, Prithviraj’s Rajput soldiers were equipped with high quality swords & shields and protected with advanced armours, much better than Md.Ghori’s Muslim soldiers.

    Prithviraj’s cavalry were clad in chainmail armour worn over padded gambeson which cushions the blows & makes armour usage more comfortable. Md.Ghori’s cavalry were clad in chainmail armour worn over thick leather jacket.

    The horses in Prithviraj’s cavalry were nailed with steel shoes. The horses in Md.Ghori’s cavalry were nailed with iron shoes. Prithviraj’s cavalry used steel stirrups. Md.Ghori’s cavalry used iron stirrups.

    Md.Ghori’s decision to fight against Prithviraj’s mammoth army seemed idiotic but Md.Ghori exercised hard battle tactics & planned to the roots to decimate Prithviraj’s vast numerical superiority.

    Prithviraj’s cavalry had stout stallion horses which ran slower compared to Md.Ghori’s cavalry having slender gelding horses which ran faster.

    Md.Ghori’s fast & furious cavalry had qualitative advantage over Prithviraj’s slow & sluggish cavalry.

    Prithviraj’s infantry archers used longbows with metal thumb rings. Md.Ghori’s mounted archers used composite bows with leather thumb rings. Composite bows are more tense when strung compared to longbows. Rajput longbows accelerate the arrows only at the beginning of the release, while Muslim composite bows accelerate the arrows throughout the entire motion from full draw.

    Md.Ghori’s mounted archers had better accuracy & mobility advantage over Prithviraj’s infantry archers.

    Md.Ghori’s Muslim soldiers were physically stronger than Prithviraj’s Rajput soldiers. Tall sturdy Muslim soldiers had better endurance & stamina than big fat Rajput soldiers.

    In this second battle, Md.Ghori began with the element of sudden surprise attack, to strike panic into the heart of plump Prithviraj who was canoodling with his charming wife Sanyogita inside his golden tent at Tarain.

    When Md.Ghori attacked the vast Rajput Army suddenly in early morning, lusty Prithviraj was literally with his silk pants down, copulating continuously with his beautiful buxom bride Sanyogita, inside his luxurious tent in the battlefield.

    Brave Muslim Muhammad Ghori defeated bulky Rajput Prithviraj Chauhan in this second battle of Tarain by applying tough battle tactics strategically & by implementing daring battlefield manoeuvres.

    Dismounting from his huge elephant, big fat Prithviraj along with his pregnant wife Sanyogita rode away from the battlefield on his stout stallion. But sturdy Md.Ghori chased them down & captured the royal Rajput couple. In the fight, tiger Md.Ghori crushed & killed big bull Prithviraj and his pregnant wife Sanyogita fell into the Muslim hands of Md.Ghori.

    Brave Md.Ghori treated beauteous Sanyogita with love & affection. Later impressed by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti’s preachings, young widow Sanyogita embraced Islam with her new name Saffiyah. Soon after her conversion, Sultan Muhammad Ghori married beautiful Saffiyah & made her his wife Saffiyah Sultana Begum.

    Comment by Thamizharasi | May 19, 2022 | Reply

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